Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 666 Intelligence Officer and Fortune Teller

at the same time.

Hazy Star Territory, Marquez King Star District, Kuitun.

The warp storm dissipated.

The news spread throughout the entire star region instantly.

This is inevitable and uncontrollable. The subspace storm came so suddenly, and many merchant fleets from other parts of the empire were stranded at the Phaeton Airport. These merchant fleets also had their own navigators, but they may not observe the subspace as frequently as the Iron Buddha Chapter.

This was an unexpected surprise for all the merchant fleets stranded in Phaeton. Some of them originally planned to settle in the Phaeton Forging World. At this time, they were eager to get in touch with the outside world and their former hometowns to confirm what year and month it was now.

The results may break them.

From 081.M31 to 544.M32.

More than a thousand years have passed.

The sea has changed, the stars have changed, things have changed and people have changed.

But for Qingshan Khan, the dissipation of the storm was not unexpected. To be more precise, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Ever since he entered the Royal Palace of Terra and saw the rotting corpse on the throne, he knew that the storm would one day dissipate. The battle group under his command is like a giant beast dormant at the border of the empire, silently sharpening its fangs and claws, waiting for the day it can break out of its cage.

Today, the cage that bound the beast was opened.

The Four Gods of Chaos can no longer trap this battle group.

Fu Qinghai immediately convened a group meeting.

Su Zhenghao, conference room.

Fu Qinghai looked around at his subordinates.

Everyone is gearing up to fight.

"Don't be anxious, calm down, everyone."

Fu Qinghai raised his palm and pressed it down.

"I know you all can't wait to get into a battle, but before we can officially participate in this major plot event, we have to pick up two people. These two people are crucial to our battle group."

Everyone looked at the Chapter Leader silently.

Waiting for his order.

"The chapter fleet is ready to send a strike cruiser to the Kronos Expansion to pick up our intelligence officer, and at the same time send a strike cruiser to Fenris to pick up our fortune teller... Set off immediately!"

Fu Qinghai issued the first order.

"Understood, Khan."

The Space Marines responded with a bang.


Calixis Sector, Sintila Hive World.

A sector that has disappeared for more than a thousand years has returned to the Empire's sight, and it is also accompanied by an Astartes warband that has disappeared for more than a thousand years. This matter is extraordinary and will naturally arouse the concern of the relevant departments. Attention - the Star Torch Court that observes the stars, the Tribunal that investigates evil...

The first person to notice this incident was naturally the neighbor of the Marquez King Sector, the Calixis Sector. The capital of the Calixis sector, the Hive World of Cintila, is located in the Inquisition Triangular Palace in the north of the hive. The inquisitors working here received the relevant news immediately.

"Sir, vermilion level documents!"

An acolyte came hurriedly.

Holding a pile of parchment scrolls in his hands.

"Marquez King is back?"

The judge looked at the documents in his hand and said doubtfully.

The judge turned to look at his acolyte:

"Who else knows this news?"

"Now the entire Triangular Palace knows about it, and I believe that soon, the entire Sintila will also know about it."

The acolyte lowered his head and said honestly.

" can't hide this kind of news."

The inquisitor held his chin and pondered.

After all, it is a star sector. This kind of news cannot be blocked. The key is what impact this star sector returning to the real universe will have on the Calixis sector. I heard that there was an Asta there. The special operations group is stationed...

"What is the attitude of the other inquisitors?"

The judge turned around and asked what he thought of.

"As far as I know, they are also waiting and watching. They want to wait until things become clear before taking a stance on this incident."

The acolyte replied softly.

"I understand, please step back first."

The judge waved his hand and ordered:

"Notify me as soon as there is any new news."

"Okay, my lord."

The acolyte bowed and left the room.

After his men left, the young inquisitor slowly sat down at his desk. He opened the drawer under the table and groped around in the drawer. His fingers touched a bump in the corner of the drawer. He dug hard with his nails. Suddenly, a metal object flipped over and fell from the top of the drawer.

The Inquisitor caught the metal object firmly, took out the drawer and put it in front of his eyes for a closer look. This is a round metal badge the size of a brooch. There are signs of wear on the edges and surface. It seems to be very old. The black and gold pattern relief outlines a coiled nine-headed sea snake.

"A thousand years."

The Inquisitor rubbed the surface of the badge and muttered:

"Sir, are you finally coming back?"

Calixis Sector, Kronos Expansion.

A dim and sickly orange halo spread across the universe.

This area is very close to the Screaming Vortex, and even though thousands of years have passed, almost no one has visited it. There are ribbon-like celestial fragments between the stars, and "ribbons" composed of large and small meteorites spread among the planets.

There is a broken merchant ship hidden in the meteorite belt.

This shabby merchant ship has been floating here quietly for a thousand years, almost merging with the broken celestial bodies around it. Fortunately, the vacuum is a good preservation environment. Although the merchant ship has decayed, it has not completely disintegrated.

A strike cruiser stopped in front of the merchant ship.

Fu Qinghai sat in the captain's seat and tapped his fingers.

The commander personally welcomed the return of the intelligence officer.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

Fu Qinghai rested his hand on his chin in boredom.

He thought: It's about time to come back...

As if responding to his thoughts.

A cold reminder suddenly sounded in his mind:

[Welcome to the main world of reincarnation, Warhammer 40K universe-SSS level]

[Automatically load skills: High Gothic proficiency, Low Gothic proficiency]

[Automatically continue the camp selection for you-Emperor camp plot line]

"Huh, as expected, it's finally here."

Fu Qinghai stood up from his seat.

At this time, the shabby merchant ship in front of the cruiser had its ridge broken into several sections and the side of the ship was full of holes. A flash of white light suddenly flashed, and a figure wearing iron-gray unpainted power armor appeared on the cabin deck.

The tall figure knelt quietly on the deck.

After a moment, he raised his head.

The cold and scarlet light of the eyepiece lit up.

Fu Qinghai curled his lips and smiled:

"Welcome home, No. 56."

The voice in the communication channel was slightly electric noise.


The junction of the Hazy Star Region and the Solar Star Region.

Fenris Death World, Wolf Fang Castle.

The Space Wolves' Chapter Fortress Monastery is always shrouded in a piece of ice and snow that never melts all year round. This ancient interstellar fortress has a huge and complex interior space.

Several Chapter servants walked back and forth in the passage, cleaning day after day with cleaning tools. A Chapter servant passed by a room and looked up. There was an old metal seal on the door of the room. According to rumors in the fortress, this room has been sealed for thousands of years and has never been opened.

Although they were somewhat curious about what was locked in this room, no one dared to break the ban of the Astartes and open the seal to find out.

The warband servant lowered his head and continued to clean.

He was so focused that he didn't notice.

There seemed to be a flash of white light in the gap of the door.

"Gurgle... click."

The sound of the pulley rolling and unlocking.

The warband servant looked up in surprise.

"Click, click, click..."

This mysterious room that had been sealed for more than a thousand years began to open from the inside out without anyone touching it? Is this thing resurrected?

The warband servant was so scared that he froze in place.


The door was pulled inward, and dust rose outward.

A blindfolded woman stood behind the door.

It was not a rotting corpse, a white skeleton, or some other mutant creature as imagined. This woman was dressed simply and cleanly, with fair skin and rosy lips. There was a circle of black cloth covering her eyes. She turned her head to "look" at the standing warband servant.

"Um, I, you, I..."

The Chapter Servant was a little confused.

"Excuse me, is Captain Saroyan Skarson here?"

The blindfolded woman asked calmly.

"Are you looking for Chapter Captain Saroyan Skarson?"

The Chapter Servant came back to his senses and confirmed in surprise.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

The sound of armor colliding sounded at the corner of the corridor.

A team of Space Wolves Space Marines strode over.

"Ms. Blindsight, please follow me."

The leading Wolf Warrior said.

The blindfolded woman went over without saying a word.

"Isn't Saroyan Skarson in the Fang Castle?"

The woman asked as she quickly followed the Space Marines.

"Chapter Captain Skarson is out hunting, ma'am."

The Space Wolves Space Marine said expressionlessly.

"Where are we going now?"

The blindfolded woman asked again.

"The spaceport of Fenris, ma'am. The strike cruiser of the Iron Pagoda Chapter is waiting for you there."

The Space Wolves Space Marine said.

The Fiery Horse cruiser, bridge.

Blindsight followed two Space Marines here and looked up at the tall figure on the steps of the bridge. She was a little disappointed. It was not the person she expected. The other person's shiny bald head reflected in the light.

The bald Space Marine turned around:

"Are you the Blindsight?"

Blindsight nodded.

She didn't know this bald Space Marine. His entire chin was replaced by a dark golden prosthesis, giving people a cold and hard feeling, and his facial expression was also elusive. But Blindsight vaguely sensed a hint of unfriendliness in his tone, although she didn't understand why.

"I see a hint of surprise on your face."

The bald Space Marine was also looking at her:

"You didn't seem to expect it to be me."

Blindsight pursed his lips slightly when he heard this.

She knew what the other person was going to say next.

"Why, didn't you predict it this time?"

As expected, the bald Space Marine raised the corners of his mouth and said. A trace of contempt appeared on his face:

"I thought that the legendary 'prophet', everything that happens in the future is under your control."


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