Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 679: Ending Hive World

Endin Hive World.

Hux and his teammates hid in an abandoned settlement on the border of Hive Arethosa and Hive Thistec. It was damp, smelly, shabby and unbearably infested with rodents.

But there was nothing they could do.

In the two months since they arrived in the Warhammer 40K universe, the communication equipment they obtained has been filled with inexplicable sonic boom interference. The sonic boom sounds like a roar in an unknown language, and it will occupy the communication frequency band from time to time. The residents of the hive city were rumoring that it was the so-called "beast"--the rumor came from the Planetary Governor's Mansion.

The sonic boom interferes with communications, preventing the reincarnators from contacting each other. In a place like the hive world, losing contact, getting lost, and being scattered is a very scary thing, so they can't stay too far away and can only gather in this hive.

"When will this damn acid rain stop?"

A reincarnator looked up at the shack covered with rainproof cloth and was still dripping with raindrops, and complained:

"I'm really fed up with this fucking place. It's so perverted. Who would set up this kind of planet? I really want to give it a fucking biohazard and purify it completely."

The teammate lying next to him lazily echoed:

"Don't tell me, I want to do this too. Anyway, it is said that the human empire has two million worlds. One more world is not too much and one is not less. If I really want to make you unhappy, just release all the biochemical viruses. I'm tired. , destroy it.”

"Don't make such a joke."

A tall figure of 2.5 meters said:

"Don't forget Mr. Melville's instructions. We can't make too much noise and don't attract that person's attention. This world of reincarnation is his lair. Let's develop quietly and slowly. Be patient and don't rush."

"You're too cautious, Hux."

His teammates sneered after hearing this and said:

"Do you know what the concept of two million worlds is? Don't say he is just a Chapter Master of Space Marines, he is the Emperor himself, and he can't control so many planets. You imagine him too much That’s great, relax.”

Hux was silent and didn't speak.

The huge and broad back is hidden in the shadows.

Although the transformation technology of his superhuman body comes from the current universe, strictly speaking, he is only a seventeen-year-old reincarnation newcomer. He didn't have much social experience before entering the world of reincarnation, and he hadn't experienced many reincarnation worlds. His experience was not as sophisticated as that of his teammates. The club selected him simply because he met the gender and age requirements for reconstructive surgery.

Therefore, Hux rarely refutes his teammates' words. He also knew that although he was theoretically the strongest person on the team, in the eyes of some teammates, he was just a lucky boy who survived the reconstructive surgery. At certain times in the world of reincarnation, experience and resourcefulness are far more important than one's own strength - Hux also agrees with this.

This rogue style of overturning the table if they disagree has even formed a certain path dependence on creating a biological crisis... Yes, they are perfect human beings.

As for why perfect humans appear here, it is related to a secret plan of the leader of the society, Monroe Melville. When the executives of Perfect Humanity reflected on the reasons why they were repeatedly at a disadvantage in the fight with Qingshan, they came to a conclusion: the key lies in a certain damn mutant reincarnation.

Several reincarnations ago, Qingshan accidentally entered the Resident Evil movie universe, which was used as a testing ground and petri dish for cultivating insects by perfect humans, and turned it upside down.

According to the post-mortem evaluation and analysis of perfect humans, Qingshan Khan actually did not cause much damage at the time. He destroyed several observation bases left on the surface and destroyed some experimental data, but these were all insignificant. What's really terrible is that he took away a very important community asset:

Imprisoned mutant Huxley.

Huxley's X gene is the same as Darwin's. It is super adaptable. Any virus injected into his body will automatically produce corresponding antibodies. This made the table-turning means that perfect humans are best at and have even formed a path dependence on - Resident Evil - suddenly lost its effect, which was vividly demonstrated in subsequent conflicts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Monroe reflected afterwards: Since Aoyama can come to my Resident Evil movie universe to cause destruction, why can't we come to his Warhammer 40K universe to cause destruction? Especially after his most satisfying mass-produced work, the Talos-type Tyrant, was completely blown away by a brand-new alien space warrior in a head-on confrontation, Munro became more determined in this idea:

I'm also going to the Warhammer 40K universe.

I want to do Space Marines too.

Therefore, Perfect Humanity used various methods to send teams of high-level players to quietly enter the Warhammer 40K universe to try to hunt down lone Chaos Space Marines, or directly purchase the gene seeds obtained by other players. After many setbacks and huge financial, manpower and material resources, they finally obtained nine. Gene seeds.

Because he did not understand the process of Space Marine transformation surgery, consulted a large amount of Warhammer 40K universe setting information, and wasted eight seeds, perfect humans finally cultivated a batch of qualified organs and successfully implanted a carefully selected one. The first perfect human Space Marine was created in the body of a young male member of a low-level society:

Alajak Hux.

"You know what, Hux?"

Hex still remembered that when the operation was successful, Boss Monroe said to him meaningfully:

"I don't believe in God, but your appearance is indeed quite destined. The Space Marine born from our only experiment that was lucky enough to succeed used the gene seed that was most suitable for our perfect human beings."

After the transformation operation was successful, the crazy Monroe, regardless of the opposition of Moira Robinson and others, insisted on conducting a virus infection experiment on this Space Marine.

However, the magical thing is that no matter whether it is T virus, C virus, G virus, Abyss virus, Progenitor virus, or Veronica virus, after being injected into the body, this Space Marine did not gain additional enhancement, nor did it turn him into a mutant zombie monster. The virus was neither killed by the Space Marine immune system nor changed his gene sequence, but entered a wonderful coexistence state like a latent period.

Monroe had a guess about this:

Perhaps it was because the gene seed of this Space Marine came from the legion that was once evaluated as having the strongest resistance to attack, recovery, adaptability, toughness and endurance:

The Fourteenth Legion, Death Guard.

At this time, in the dilapidated shack, the clouds above were as thick as lead, and the corrosive acid rain was still dripping down, gathering into water along the tent and flowing into the gap.

Hux sat cross-legged under the shack, staring at the colorful water in front of him. He could see the outline of the hive city in the distance, a huge city covered with mist, standing in the polluted sea. The island base of the hive city was buried in a cocktail of chemicals, which was what Endin called the ocean.

The pungent smell evaporated in the humid air, and Hux's teammates would cough from time to time or spit out a mouthful of yellow phlegm to relieve the discomfort in the throat and lungs. Hux breathed the toxic and polluted air here calmly, but did not feel any discomfort.

"Cough... Bah, you are worthy of being a Death Guard."

A teammate said sarcastically after coughing up phlegm.

Hux sat on the ground silently and ignored him.

He was looking at the option in the attribute panel:

[World Anchor X1]

Hex remembered what Monroe had told him:

"I'll give you this World Anchor. I want you to take root there. Don't rush to achieve anything during one or two major events in the plot line. Hide yourself and develop slowly. Qingshan Khan was just a newcomer in the reincarnation, but he could become the head of the Astartes in the Warhammer 40 universe alone. You have the support of the entire society behind you, and I believe you can do it too. Don't let me down, Alayak."

Hex clenched his fist silently.

As a Space Marine, he currently doesn't even have a set of power armor. He is indeed not qualified to show his strength in this cruel reincarnation world, and can only lie dormant for the time being.

"I guess this major event in the plot line has something to do with this so-called 'beast'."

A reincarnation said while lying on the ground.

"You don't even need to say that. There are rumors everywhere in the nest city. Anyone can see it, 100%."

A person next to him spat with disdain.

At this time, another teammate was trying to debug the communication equipment nearby. The noise in the headset never disappeared. No matter which channel was switched, it was still so noisy, and this noise seemed to be getting stronger, with a tendency to develop into a sonic boom. The teammate smashed the equipment twice in annoyance.

"Boom... Boom!"

The ground under everyone's buttocks suddenly shook.

All the reincarnations stood up nervously in an instant.

"What the hell did you do?"

Someone looked at the player who smashed the equipment.

"I just... hammered it twice."

The man spread his hands with an innocent look.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ground under his feet shook more violently.

The shack was about to fall apart in the shaking.

The reincarnations grabbed the objects around them

"Look, what is that!"

A member of the club pointed to the sky and shouted.

All the perfect humans looked up together.

At this time, the clouds dissipated, and a new moon was slowly rising over the hive world Ending. A black and unimaginable thing was hanging ugly above the planet.

Its bumpy surface made it look like a deformed face: two eyes, one big and one small, and a curved valley like a nose. This shape was quite funny and weird. Below was a huge, gleaming metal chin, which matched the huge size of the moon. Hux had seen this kind of metal device in the data before. The Orks usually used it to replace the torn chin.

"Puchi... No."

One of the reincarnations couldn't help laughing:

"Why does this thing look so funny."

Unlike the panicked residents in the nest, as reincarnations who traveled through the multiverse, they were well-informed and would not be easily frightened by the strange phenomena in the sky. Instead, they looked at the artificial celestial body that was not so serious and laughed.

Different eyes, crooked nose, wide chin.

It was funny and didn't look like a war machine.

As they watched, the metal chin on the moon was slowly moving down, like opening a mouth, revealing the dark launch silo inside. It turned out that the metal chin was equivalent to a hatch, used to cover the wellhead.

Then, the smiles of the reincarnations disappeared.

Meteorites were spit out from the wellhead one after another.

The tiny meteorites visible to the naked eye, when they fell on the top of the head, turned into huge fireballs that covered the sky and sun, with rumbling wind and whistling. At that moment, the reincarnations seemed to see the sky collapse, and the funny artificial moon brought a doomsday disaster scene.

"Fuck, run, run, run!"

At this moment, the reincarnations were no different from the residents of the hive.

Hux looked at the countless red meteorites falling from the sky, and the sky was like a dusty thatched roof, and the air was trembling because of the vibrating sound waves. Hux struggled to keep his body balanced in the vibration. He had clearly felt that the gravity on the surface was disordered and an earthquake was coming.

Then how far will the tsunami be?

Aresosa Hive and Tistech Hive are the two largest hive cities in the Endin Hive World. The high seawalls can prevent the huge tidal waves from causing damage. However, in the face of disordered and uncontrollable gravity, these facilities that have been continuously reinforced for thousands of years are as fragile as tofu dregs. The trembling seabed and the gushing geothermal heat raised boundless and surging waves, overturning the Aresussa Hive long before the meteorite landed.

The Reincarnators were desperately running towards the heights, but they could not catch up with the speed of the rising sea level. Because they were too small, they could not tell whether it was the city that was sinking or the sea level that was rising. The floating bridge and sheds were crushed and entangled with weeds. The walls of the hive were submerged so that only the top of the head was exposed. As soon as everyone was swept into the water, they were rushed back to the shore by the rushing water.

"Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!"

The sound of falling into the water continued behind him.

Looking back at the splashing water, Hux suddenly realized that the things in the water were not all the washed away cornerstones, but the fucking armored airdrop pods! Hux watched the asteroids and garbage pods with engines and their violent alien passengers crash directly into the waves. An overwhelming invasion came, and the uninvited aliens fell into the hive ocean, and the green monsters instantly covered the entire sea surface.

The spires and walls of the hive were crumbling, and the reincarnators looked around but didn't know where to escape. Because of the gravity storm, the tide became extremely unstable. The tidal water that had just rushed up the wall of the hive retreated at a faster speed, retreating to a place lower than the previous sea level, and even exposed a large shallow beach in the stream.

On the shallow beach, there were hundreds of big Ork orcs who rushed out of the sea. Their skin was wet and their eyes were bloodshot, with water droplets hanging on their tense muscles, and their eyes were filled with irrational alien anger. They climbed ashore and swarmed, climbing up the shaking towers and protruding outer walls.

They scrambled to use their claws, arms and teeth, like ants, to climb up, like a fountain made of green flesh and blood, gushing up along the walls of the hive. Looking around, there were more green-skinned thugs and orc leaders wearing armor made of pistons and shields. After they climbed up, they fired at the crowd and roared.


Hex and his teammates were desperately running towards the hive city at this moment. Fortunately, the main attack direction of the orc landing troops on the surface was the two hive cities, and they didn't pay much attention to this suburban settlement. However, in order not to be submerged by the tsunami raised by the battle moon, everyone had to run to a higher place, and they could only enter the hive city.

This is another collision with the orc army.

The reincarnations followed a collapsed tall wall and climbed into the hive city to avoid the rising sewage sea outside. Just now, everyone was first swallowed by the ebb tide and then rushed back and vomited out by the surge tide. At this time, they were all wet, and the sea water composed of chemicals made their skin itchy, but they didn't bother to scratch it with their hands. Hux didn't feel anything.

After entering the city, the reincarnations found desperately that the buildings were full of green beasts. Hux could see their blood, their fangs, and their desire to destroy. They crushed everything around them, like a river turning, and the herd walked towards them along the road, with hundreds of orcs making thunderous footsteps.

"Da da da da da da!"

The orcs raised their guns of varying lengths and fired.

The reincarnations fought back with their own magical powers.

The right arm of a player suddenly mutated and swelled, and the metallic bone claws broke through the flesh and burst out, turning into a giant arm of the same style as the tyrant, and then swung the giant arm and swept away three orc boys, and grabbed another orc's huge head with a "snap" sound and pressed it into the palm of his hand to crush it. The bullet shot on this giant arm and made a dull sound like leather.

Another player was hit by an orc's bullet, and his body did not bleed, but revealed several black holes. Then his body collapsed in an instant, turning into a black particle whirlwind composed of Kadu worms, surrounding and sweeping an orc boy, devouring the orc completely in a few seconds, leaving only a skeleton, and then shattered to the ground.

Several orcs picked up flamethrowers.

Several streams of promethium flames shot crosswise.

The black whirlwind quickly reorganized into a human form, then ran away screaming, and many black particles behind him burned and fell in the flames, and his body became smaller.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

Hux looked up at the sky.

Above them, Planetary Defense Force Valkyrie transports and Thunderbolt heavy fighters circled over the hive, engaging the enemy. Then something huge penetrated the city's outer shell, turning the plane that had the misfortune to hit it into a fireball, a pile of falling wreckage.

The orcs' airdrop pods continued to fall.

The amphibious landing craft smashed through the hive city's dike further on the chemical coast, spray rising from its bow. Dazzling red lasers kept lighting up inside the crenellations of the embankment fortress, shooting at the greenskins who jumped out of the cabin. The red laser easily penetrated the green muscle, and the orcs in the front row fell one after another, but it failed to stop them. Lured by panic and screams, the orcs scaled the fortress and began to slaughter, cutting off human limbs and bodies.

The laser weapon fire was fully activated, and a flashing halo formed in the inner circle of the hive. The Planetary Defense Force soldiers held their ground for the time being, and the batteries were too hot to touch. The patchwork armor and strong muscles of the orcs were penetrated by the dense curtain of red light, leaving wrinkled corpses everywhere, scorching and smoking. But they didn't care. They stepped on the corpses of their own kind, pulling each other with their claws, and still roared excitedly.

Hux already understood when he saw this scene.

It's only a matter of time before the hive world falls.


At this time, in the subspace.

The White Scars fleet is sailing.

In the conference room of the battleship Suzheng.

The Chapter Masters are conducting tactical deductions regarding the battle moon that may appear over the Hive World of Endin. They gathered around the strategy table and kept gesticulating and arguing. They looked at the imaginary battle moon in the holographic projection and came up with various tactical ideas. Some people tended to join gangs to land, some people preferred naval gunfire, some people proposed using extermination weapons... Everyone brainstormed and eliminated many unreliable plans.

Fu Qinghai sat at the front seat alone.

The two rows of chapter leaders in front of them were having a heated debate.

His eyes lost focus and became empty.

"Endin, Endin's nest world..."

Fu Qinghai murmured to himself in a low voice:

"Why does this name sound so familiar?"

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered.

An entry that I had glanced at in my previous life.

A short introduction to tofu cubes on LEX:

There are three types of extermination weapons commonly used by the human empire: Modalis atmospheric missiles, bipolar cyclone torpedoes, and virus bombs. Among them, the virus bomb manufacturing technology has been lost. On the world of Endin Hive, there is still a virus bomb left over from the expedition. During the Beast Wars, the Orcs invaded Endin. The Planetary Governor detonated the virus bomb to kill the Orcs together, but the humans killed far exceeded the Orcs.

It turns out to be this "Endin Hive World"!

"Endean must not fall!"

Fu Qinghai slapped the table and stood up.

All Chapter Masters stopped arguing.

Turning around to look at Qingshan Khan who suddenly stood up.

"The Hive World of Endin must not be occupied by orcs."

Fu Qinghai put his hands on the table and looked at everyone.

With a serious face and sharp eyes, he said word by word:

"We must ensure that the hive remains intact."

"Include this requirement in the battle plan."


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