Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 682 Three Axe

Above the world of Endin Hive.

The star hunters, the White Scars of the Fifth Legion, who were once scattered all over the galaxy and now reunited, are still hunting the Ork Battle Moon.

It may not be accurate to say "continue". The thrilling and dangerous space naval battle just now was just a prelude, and everything is for the subsequent boarding. To be more precise, until this moment, until the first Space Marine's magnetic boots stepped on the surface of the Battle Moon...

The hunt has just begun.

After losing nearly one-fifth of the warships, the Legion fleet successfully approached the boarding distance of the Battle Moon, and used torpedoes to cover the landing site with two rounds of firepower before boarding. Everything was going according to the plan made by Qingshan Khan, and even the losses were smaller than he expected - it was originally estimated that at least one-third of the warships would be lost before they could successfully approach the boarding distance of the Battle Moon.

Once they entered a sufficient distance, the various hunting fleets launched boarding towards the uneven huge satellite surface in front of them, which blocked the view of all the portholes like a wall. Since the target is so large, the Space Marines can board almost any way they want, without having to consider whether they can hit it.

Thunderhawk gunboats, shark assault boats and fist assault boats poured out of the hangar, battle barges rolled across the hull, and the drop pod launch port aimed at the surface of the moon and spit out one drop pod after another. Among them, the fierce Siren Assault Claw drop pod launched by the battleship Rectification was particularly eye-catching. More radical regiments directly launched teleportation boarding, and the Space Marines disappeared on the teleportation deck one after another.

What weapon did the Fifth Legion want to rely on to kill the battle moon above the Endin hive world?

Laser? Cannonball? Torpedo?

No, the Legion fleet has only now launched their most deadly weapon at the battle moon.

Space Marines in the cabin!


The Iron Pagoda Regiment formed the Fourth Hunting Group Fleet.

The boarding of the Iron Pagoda warriors was divided into three batches.

The first batch was the fastest and most powerful Siren Assault Claw airborne pods, which drew a neat arc in the void and arrived at the surface of the battle moon first, like a barbed steel caltrop, with its claws deeply embedded in the ground.

A dense green tide of orcs still emerged from the ruins that had been bombed twice by torpedoes, and they rushed towards these super-large airborne pods without waiting for the hatch to open. The storm launchers and melt cutters on the airborne pods fired at the same time, the fire columns cut crosswise, and the missiles flew around. For a moment, the entire landing site was submerged in explosions and flames, and charred and broken limbs and twisted gun parts were thrown everywhere.

Wait until the missiles fired into the air and the melt went out.

The hatch of the airborne pod was about to fall.

The armed Space Marines came out one after another.

"Build a landing site and arrange a teleportation beacon!"

The leading sergeant waved forward and shouted.

The technical sergeants were busy in an orderly manner.


The second batch, teleportation boarding.

The transport deck of the battleship Suzheng.

Fu Qinghai calmly stood on the transport block surrounded by humming machinery and waited. He was surrounded by the personal guards of the commander and the veterans of the first company. They were wearing Iron Pagoda Terminator armor. The giant armor with broad shoulders and hunched backs completely wrapped their bodies. They silently watched the hundreds of technical experts and ordinary crew members who were busy preparing to allow the Space Marines to pass through the subspace channel smoothly.

The hull was still shaking violently, accompanied by the sound of alarm bells, and the lighting tubes burst into sparks and then dimmed. After a loud bang, a section of the iron platform fell from the tangled pillars and pipes on the ceiling. But the crew continued to work calmly. With the order to replace the power line, the damage control team members and special servitors wearing RIG protective suits began to clean up the wreckage, and order was soon restored on the ship.

Breaking through the gravity storm of the battle moon.

The battleship Suzheng also paid a price.

At this time, there were still some areas of the battle barge that were still on fire and had not been extinguished. The lost port engine was still floating in the wreckage in the distance, but these problems did not affect Qingshan Khan and his soldiers from continuing to board.

The machine on the transmission deck was activated, and the noise was getting louder and louder. The charged light balls on the coil pillars "crackled" and emitted a light that stung the eyes to provide energy for tearing the veil between the real space and the immaterial world.

Suddenly, there was a loud "boom", and dazzling white flashes filled the transmission deck. The steam of coolant and containment agent sprayed out from the thick pipes and filled the empty deck.

"Transmission successful."

The cold mechanical voice confirmed.


When Fu Qinghai was projected into the transmission space, a buzzing sound with electricity replaced all his senses, and his body spread, leaving only a tingling feeling.

When his consciousness was briefly separated from reality, his thoughts did not stop - the familiar and cold voice in his heart was still constantly reminding him that the assimilation points were being earned. The notification sounds were so frequent that they were like text message bombardment, so Fu Qinghai was trying to find a way to completely block out the sounds.

But unfortunately, he couldn't do it.

Unlike other kills caused by the White Scar sub-group, it is counted as an indirect "assist" by Fu Qinghai, and only a part of the assimilation points are awarded. The Iron Buddha Chapter has already been assimilated by Fu Qinghai using assimilation points. Except for a few reincarnation teammates, the entire Chapter can be regarded as his personal equipment and items. The point reward for kills caused by the warband is straightforward and uncompromised. It only belongs to Fu Qinghai.

Fu Qinghai's strategic goal was to break through the obstacles and get within gang-hopping distance as quickly as possible, rather than destroy as many orc warships as possible. Even so, in the space naval battle just now, he still gained a full 40,000 assimilation points.

Regardless of the tonnage (many of which were captured low-quality modified human merchant ships), destroying an orc warship on average can yield 7,000 assimilation points.

Fu Qinghai didn't know exactly how many orc crew members there were in an orc warship, how many of them were orc boys, and how many were Orc subspecies such as Grots, Snivells, Squirks, etc., but what he gained from destroying an orc warship was The number of assimilation points has exceeded the sum of the number of assimilation points that can be obtained from many major events in the entire plot line of the reincarnation world!

So does the destruction of an Orc warship have any impact on the entire plot line "Beast Wars" in the Warhammer 40K universe? The impact cannot be said to be none at all, it can only be said to be minimal, and it cannot change the direction of the plot at all.

It’s no wonder that so many reincarnation societies know that the Warhammer 40K universe is full of dangers and the mortality rate of reincarnations is very high, but they still keep trying to get in and get a piece of the pie. The conclusion in the Samsara Forum is correct. The intensity and scale of war in the Warhammer 40K universe are so large that even a local conflict in a marginal war can obtain a large number of assimilation points.

The premise is that you can survive.

A sudden stab of pain interrupted his musings.

Fu Qinghai's body left the subspace, and his armor and body rearranged into a solid form. He raised his gun and strode forward into a crude room littered with rickety machines and orcs.

The greenskins quickly recovered from the surprise of the Space Marines suddenly appearing among them, decisively put down the machine repair work they were doing, turned around and fired with ferocious roars. Their bullets were bounced back by Fu Qinghai's Blue Shell armor, without any effect. Fu Qinghai raised the bolt gun with one hand and penetrated them one by one.

The orcs turned into several tattered and bloody bags and fell down.

Radiating plasma organs fill the space.

The Grots fled the room screaming and crying. The changes in the airflow behind Fu Qinghai showed other successful teleportations. He glanced at the logo in the field of view of the goggles, triangulated his position, and successfully combined it with the micro auspicious device in the Terminator armor of the first company. Together.

White lights flashed one after another in the empty room.

Several Iron Buddha Terminators appeared behind him.

"Transmission successful, goal achieved."

The adjutant of the first company spoke.

"Other companies, answer received."

"I'm Lin Yu, Khan."

A voice came from inside his helmet. The senior officers of the battle group began to speak, and the company logo and vital signs they led flashed on Fu Qinghai's eyepiece display.

"Number 56 is here."

"Tristan is in position."

"Camille is in position."

"Sartfaran is in position."

"Kalamanda is in position."

Usually after a Space Marine successfully teleports to join a gang, they have to count the number of people to confirm which unlucky teammates have been integrated into the building, resulting in non-combat attrition. The tactical regulations of the Iron Buddha are that unless there are special circumstances, a teleportation beacon must be placed before teleportation. With the exception of one Space Marine per ship and one company on the home world, all the warriors of the entire Chapter were now on the surface of the Battle Moon.

Already going all out and going out in full force.

Just because of the limited space, they were separated in different rooms and could not see each other for the time being.

"There is no need to gather, seize the time, and advance to the depths of the moon as planned. The main target is the generator or repeater that provides energy for the green skin gravity weapons to ensure that they no longer fire. Our battleships in space are very dangerous now!"

Fu Qinghai gave the order directly.

If the gravity weapons of the Battle Moon resume operation in a short period of time, the White Scar Legion fleet that risked their lives to rush into the distance of the jump gang will face a gravity storm at close range, so the jump gang troops must speed up.

"Understood, Khan!"

The soldiers under his command responded with a bang.

Fu Qinghai walked at the front, followed closely by the others, leading a hundred Terminators to move forward among the ruins of the moon. The sounds of the battles of other teams crackled in his ears. The impact on the satellite's surface shook the battle moon, and explosions were heard nearby from time to time. It may have been an attack by Space Marines from another Chapter that triggered the explosion of the ammunition depot, or it may have been the aftermath of two previous torpedo bombardments.

The staff of the Su Zheng divided the surface area of ​​the battle moon into multiple numbered grids in advance, and the gang jumping troops of each hunting group were assigned to different grid areas. A large amount of battlefield data and verbal reports allowed Fu Qinghai to understand the overall battle situation in a timely manner. With so much information, I am afraid that only the advanced modified brains of brand-new alien space warriors can process it at the same time.

"Targets in area 42-64 have been destroyed."

"08-37 area target is burning."

"The Fifth Company of the Seventh Hunting Group has found and destroyed the Ork relay and is preparing to enter the secondary objective."

"Area 19-13, report heavy firepower, we need heavy weapons support from the Dreadnoughts!"

The fart spirits ran out screaming, and were then trampled into a pulp by the heavy iron boots of the Iron Pagoda Terminators. The twisted and broken corridor was choked by thick smoke, and the Space Marines switched to other eyepiece visual modes to observe the surrounding environment.

The First Company surrounded Fu Qinghai and strode forward in the corridor carved out of gray rock. The simple deck under their feet was bent by the weight of the armor. Teams of orcs rushed out from the side, raising their weapons and roaring loudly. Their large-caliber bullets bounced back on the deck of the Terminator, splashing bursts of hot sparks and knocking them down. It was impossible to slow down the Iron Pagoda Terminator's forward speed for a second.

Whenever the First Company passed a stinking, filthy fart hole or a narrow fork in the road that was filled with filth, an experienced Terminator veteran would extend the nozzle of his heavy flamethrower and spray a screaming stream of promethium into it.

Then the stench disappeared.

Fu Qinghai withdrew his approving gaze.

They gradually approached the target, and the corridor began to widen and turned into a huge cave. The ground was irregularly paved with rough-cut steel plates, and the crooked arches were covered with the inner walls of the cave like maggot holes on a corpse. In the center, a four- or five-story-high machine was humming and making crackling noises, with three rotating glass balls on top, as big as light tanks, and a special energy twisting inside.

"It seems that this is our target."

Fu Qinghai looked up and observed the machine:

"Thermal bomb, blow it up."


As soon as the voice fell, thousands of Orks rushed into the cave from the entrance in the distance, with twisted greenskin war cries in their throats, and the desire for killing in their scarlet eyes, rushing towards the Space Marines along the staircase corridors along the walls.

Fu Qinghai has fought against orcs. He has experienced many small battles with orcs, including the Blood Axe Clan and the Snake Bite Clan. However, compared with the huge monsters under the command of the beasts, those orcs are simply dwarfs among dwarves. The orc tribes faced before, even the largest Tyrannical Orcs, and even the War Boss himself, would be lost in the savage shadow of the beast invasion army.

In this clan, the smallest greenskin is a mountain of meat, with jagged teeth and jaws, and is a full shoulder taller than the orcs faced in the past.

The more burly beasts strode through these thugs and lunatics: fangs like white pillars, visible brutality wriggling under green skin, and every heavy step accompanied by a violent tremor of the ground beneath their feet, as if the green gods had given these green giants life. They carried huge weapons that could smash through buildings with one blow, and guns that swept through infantry formations and overturned light tanks in the same bloody way.

Facing these extraordinary orc armies.

Fu Qinghai put away his pulse bolter instead.

Facing the green tide of orcs, he slowly drew out a sword and a knife.

"Save some ammunition and use melee weapons."

The Iron Pagoda Warmaster ordered calmly.

"Clang! Zi hum..."

The Terminators drew out their power horses in unison.

The swords and halberds shone like sails and stood upright like a forest.

The arcs of the rupture force field jumped between the blades.

Fu Qinghai took a deep breath to adjust his breathing.

"Follow me...charge!"

After saying this, Fu Qinghai jumped up and raised the Blue Fang in one hand in the air, slashing at the war boss who was rushing in front. Amid the dazzling and hot sparks, the indestructible Blue Fang Chainsaw Sword easily sawed through the giant gold pincers that the orc boss raised to block, and cut smoothly down along his thick blue helmet, and the humanoid green beast was cut in half.

The corpse was separated to both sides along a blood line.

The green-skinned boys behind them were exposed.

They stared blankly at the Space Marine exposed in the middle of the boss's corpse, landed steadily on one knee, the cloak behind them fluttered and fell, and then slowly raised their heads to look at each other.

He was not wearing a helmet, and his eyes were so cold that you could feel the murderous intent in his eyes from a distance, like a sharp sword piercing your heart.

The orcs were actually a little trembling.

One hit, kill in seconds, the biggest war boss.

What the hell, this shrimp can is so scary!

"Kill, ah, ah, ah, bang!"

The Iron Pagoda Terminator and the orcs collided fiercely.

A bloody and fierce fight officially kicked off.

The First Company led by Fu Qinghai has already gone deep into the underground of the battle moon, but the progress of other regiments is not so smooth. The Destroyer Regiment and the Berserker Regiment are a little unlucky. The place they chose to board is near the orcs' hangars. These giant hangars built on craters and craters also lead to the underground. There is an open and flat terrain here, but there are not many shelters for the Space Marines to use.

And there are a large number of war machines arranged here.

The bouncing killing cans driven by the fart spirit are enough to compete with ordinary Space Marines and even tactical dreadnoughts. There are also larger Gogo and Maogo. Although these small orc Titan units are slow in action, they have thick armor and full firepower. A Titan is almost full of various long guns and short cannons. Once the firepower is fully opened, the Space Marines can't resist at all and are suppressed and can't raise their heads at all.

"Boom boom boom bang bang bang boom boom!"

"Da da da da da da da!"

"Swish-bang!" "Swish-bang!"

The modified ion cannon spewed blue plasma, piercing through the obstructing buildings; the flames of the scorching slag flamethrower swept over the top of the bunker, almost melting the Space Marines below; the twin guns "bang bang bang bang" shot non-stop, scattering rubble and slag; and the homemade rockets were also "swoosh swoosh" flying all over the sky.

The Space Marines were bombarded by the curved projectile firepower of the greenskin defenders and looked for shelter facilities everywhere. These greenskin war machine tracks turned and clicked while projecting firepower and advancing forward, and waving the Gogo Claw and Maogo Claw for close combat, step by step compressing the space for the Space Marines to move.

"Dreadnoughts, we need Dreadnoughts!"

A company commander yelled into the communication channel.

"Dreadnoughts have landed, but they are not enough in number and quality to compete with these things!"

Another company commander answered helplessly.

Dreadnoughts are not cheap and common war equipment, and these are the White Scars, who naturally don't like bulky things like dreadnoughts. Each regiment has an average of only four to five dreadnoughts, which is not enough to deal with such a large number of King Kong clusters. The sound of tracks is getting closer and closer, and the two regiments are suppressed in a small area.

Surrounded by huge tower-like monsters.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz--"

At this time, the roar of engines sounded in the sky.

The Space Marines looked up and saw a large group of human fighters breaking through the shallow atmosphere of the battle moon and diving down at high speed. The two groups of aircraft were painted yellow and white and black and gold, respectively, and they looked familiar.

"Iron Pagoda, and the Sun Eagle!"

Someone shouted the names of the two regiments in surprise:

"They are here to support us!"

The third echelon of the Iron Pagoda Regiment!

The Iron Pagoda Regiment was divided into three batches for boarding.

In the first batch, the vanguard took the fastest Siren Assault Claw airborne capsule, quickly arrived at the surface to arrange the transmission beacon, and drove a wedge into the enemy position.

In the second batch, the main force used the transmission deck to transmit a large number of surface support to the vanguard, consolidate the frontline position and continue to expand the offensive area to break through the surroundings.

In the third batch, after the fighters completed the escort mission for the Shark Assault Boat and the Fist Assault Boat, they also joined the battlefield to provide air fire support for the ground forces.

These three axes hit hard.

The Ork orcs were dizzy.

The fighter gunboat drew an arc and quickly passed over the head of the Space Marines and flew towards the Go Mao Kong cluster. These green-skinned Titan units raised the guns on their arm-mounted weapons and turned to shoot into the sky. However, as the saying goes, "air defense and air defense are nine out of ten air defenses." Using ground weapons to deal with air force units is inherently disadvantageous in pitch angle and rotation speed. The Go Mao Kong cluster was not prepared in a hurry and did not shoot down a few fighters at all.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fighters and gunboats dropped a large number of bombs, and mushroom clouds rose in the marching formation of the Go Mao Kong group, blowing the Go Mao Kong to the ground and the killing cans to pieces.

"Haha, damn, well done!"

"Blow up these shoddy junk!"

The Space Marines on the ground cheered excitedly.

They responded enthusiastically to the timely support of friendly forces.

The Solar Eagles are the only White Scars sub-group stationed in the Solar Star Region. Their history is not as long as that of the Second Founding period, but this group is known for its expertise in air combat and is equipped with a large number of Storm Claws and Storm Crows. Like the Iron Pagoda, they like to form several separate air force formations to fight.

However, Storm Claws and Storm Crows are small gunboats with slightly inferior firepower and ammunition carrying capacity. The Iron Pagoda is equipped with older and more advanced air superiority fighters and large gunboats: Sword Tail-class interceptors, Thunder Hawk gunboats and Flame Raptor gunboats. This sentence sounds a bit contradictory, but in the Warhammer 40K universe, "ancient" and "advanced" are sometimes synonymous.

The missiles mounted under the wings of the Thunderhawk gunship are a weapon for accurately killing the cockpit of the Orc Titan. Skilled pilots use the moment of vertical dive and low-altitude hovering to use the turbolaser cannon or battle cannon on the back of the gunship to attack the Goblin King Kong, and one shell penetrates a Goblin King Kong. The tall and bloated green-skinned machine has black smoke bursting out of the hole in the chest.

The Flame Raptor gunship is even more famous as a bomb truck. After throwing the bomb in the belly, the Hellstrike missiles under the wings, the quadruple Avenger bolters on both sides of the fuselage, and the twin cannon spherical turrets under the nose, all-round firepower without dead angles, and the entire sky of the Orcs is covered with dense rain of bullets. Now they are suppressed and can't raise their heads.

Only the Swordtail-class interceptors were specialized air superiority fighters, good at dogfighting but not good at ground bombing. Their small-caliber laser cannons and missile nests were not enough to penetrate the thick multi-layered armor of the Gomao Kongs. They seemed to be able to hover in the air as two large gunship wingmen to share the anti-aircraft firepower.

However, there were too many Gomao Kongs. Compared with tanks on the ground, the ammunition load of fighters in the sky was a big problem. Even if these gunships used up all their ammunition, they only destroyed half of the Gomao Kongs. The remaining Gomao Kongs still rumbled over the smoking wreckage in front of them, unwaveringly surrounding the Space Marines.

The Space Marines of the Solar Eagle found a safe place to land all the gunboats, jumped out of the cockpit and picked up their weapons to fight side by side with the Space Marines of the Destroyer and the Berserker, and deal with the remaining Orcs.

Something surprising happened.

After using up all the onboard ammunition, the fighters and gunboats of the Iron Pagoda Regiment still rushed towards the remaining Orcs with a resolute momentum. The Space Marines on the ground looked at the tail flames of the fighters and gunboats in surprise, and even thought that they were going to launch a suicide attack on the Orcs, and they were shocked.

"Why are they so crazy!?"

The Berserker's Chapter Leader widened his eyes.

Something even more unexpected happened.


The Sword Tail-class interceptor that rushed to the front suddenly folded its wings and retracted its nose in mid-air. The fuselage began to compress and deform rapidly and then stretched again. As it fell, it turned into a knight mecha with a strange shape and landed with a bang.

This strange knight mech, which looked like a broadsword attendant, did not hesitate for a moment after landing. It quickly rotated the waist axis of the fuselage, and at the same time, the reaper chainsaw sword in the left hand and the twin-mounted hot melt gun in the right hand were spinning, directly cutting and sawing off the short and thick neck joint of a Gogo Kong facing it.

This Gogo Kong seemed to be shocked by this strange change. The sensors and detectors on the head fell off before it reacted. It lost its vision and began to fire blindly.

The other Mao Ge Kong had its back to the knight mech, and before it could turn around, it was stabbed into the square exhaust grille behind it by the twin-mounted hot melt gun with the gun barrel. The hot melt flames burst out, and it was a hyena-like anal attack!

Mao Ge Kong suddenly stopped moving forward and stopped turning. The giant iron tower-like fuselage began to tremble. Some screw parts burst out from the gaps in the armor and billowing black smoke came out. The exhaust grille that was stabbed was flickering with fire. Then there was a muffled "puff" sound... Its engine imploded.

All the arm-mounted weapons on both sides of the Maoge Kong slowly drooped weakly, and the exhaust grille below the back slowly flowed black viscous oil mixed with green blood and flesh.

This series of changes happened in one or two seconds. The Jianwei-class interceptor transformed, landed, and then turned around to seriously injure a Gaoge Kong and destroyed a Maoge Kong. The whole action was so coherent and smooth without a pause. A pleasing mechanical assassin.

"Your Majesty, can you still do this?"

The Destroyer Chapter Leader stood there blankly.

He even forgot to continue commanding the battle.

However, the battle was not over yet.

The fastest Jianwei-class interceptors transformed into light knight mechas and fell into the Maoge Kong cluster, using their agile maneuverability to roll and dodge to cause damage. The slower-flying Flame Raptor gunships transformed into larger heavy knight mechas and landed together.

Although the shape is different, they use the same weapons and equipment as the Lancer Knights: the left arm is horizontally held in front of the body to support the ion shield glove, and the right hand is tucked at the side to hold up the peak impact spear. Then they slightly bend their waists, lean over and lower their left shoulder, and step out their long legs to launch a rapid charge towards the group of Gogo King Kong!

The ion shield temporarily withstood the firepower of the orcs.

"Bang——" A loud noise exploded in the thin air.

The heavy knight mecha sideways hit the Gogo King Kong.

The left hand ion shield glove wrapped in inertia impact, knocking the front row of Gogo King Kong to sway back and forth and stand unsteadily. The right hand peak impact spear found the right angle and stabbed upwards diagonally, and the spear head pierced through the gap between the armor and deeply immersed.

This Gogo King Kong froze instantly.

It fell backwards like a golden mountain falling down.

It crashed into the ground on the surface of the moon.

"Wow... can it be like this!?"

The Berserker War Captain was completely stunned.

The Thunderhawk gunship, following closely behind the Flame Raptor gunship, also changed into a tough knight mecha and landed on the ground. They used the Torpedo Harpoon Launcher and the Conversion Beam Cannon, and cooperated with the Lancer Knights in the front row who were charging with shield-mounted guns, followed behind to use the conversion beam to shoot the Green Titan, and then suddenly shot the Torpedo Harpoon under cover.

"Swoosh-dang!" "Swoosh-dang!"

The harpoon was nailed to the wide armored shell of the Go Mao Kong, and the strong current passed through the fork tip along the chain. The power servo system and energy transmission pipeline of the Go Mao Kong fell into temporary paralysis and stopped in place. These knights took this opportunity to immediately pass the Lancer Knights and rushed forward. Several knights rotated the fuselage backwards together and pulled the harpoon with force.

"Crunch, crunch" tightening sound was heard.

The Go Mao Kong was pulled to the ground like this.

All the arm-mounted weapons were pointed at the sky in vain.

Before the Berserkers, Destroyers and Solar Eagles could rush to the front of the Gorilla Cluster, most of the green war machines had been almost killed by the three types of Iron Pagodas in the tacit and exquisite tactics.

However, the matter was not over yet.

Several Thunderhawk gunboats transformed into the Tough Knights, and began to transform again in front of a group of Space Marines.


The mecha suspected to be the Tough Knights turned into a super-heavy armored personnel carrier again, the largest in the Space Marine armor sequence... the Mastodon super-heavy tank!

"What kind of heretical forbidden technology is this!"

The Berserker Chapter Leader held his head with both hands and went completely crazy.

A blurry cover flashed around the tank.

They even put up a fucking void shield!

Original and authentic Mastodon tank guaranteed to be replaced!

The only armored vehicle that can be equipped with a void shield.

These Mastodon super-heavy tanks use three-transformer transformation gears, so they have three different transformation forms. However, the outlook of the technical sergeants of other battle groups almost collapsed.


A circular hatch was opened on the top of a Mastodon super-heavy tank, and the front hatch was also slowly opening. An Iron Buddha tank driver leaned out half his body, turned to the Berserker Chapter Leader behind the tank, waved and shouted:

"Come in quickly and I'll take you in!"

The two chapter leaders looked at each other and hesitated for a moment.

They unanimously decided to lead the team into the tank.

The Mastodon tank is also the armored personnel carrier with the most powerful carrying capacity of Space Marines. One armored vehicle can transport forty Space Marines. The Mastodon tank carried some Space Marines over the ruins and wreckage of the Gorgon, passed the other Knight mechas, came to the front, and began to drive towards the Ork hangar.

There are many fixed defense facilities inside the hangar. The sentry guns and close-in defense guns at the door fired out bullets like rain chains, hitting the void shield and leaving only a few spreading ripples. Although the weapons carried by the Mastodon tank have no ammunition, the void shield is enough to absorb all damage in front, covering other knight mechas and space warriors behind them as they rush into the hangar - a very standard infant-tank collaborative combat process.

There are also a large number of Orc fighters parked in these towering and huge hangars, which are even a little crowded. Most of them are fighters in Orc warships. Because the Ork warships were destroyed in large numbers, the green-skinned fighter pilots who had used up all their ammunition and ran out of fuel finally found that there was no parking platform, so they had no choice but to flee in panic back to the hangar on the battle moon, where they concentrated on replenishing fuel and ammunition. , and emergency rest and repairs.

Then he was shut down and beaten.

The mastodon tank opened its hatch, and a large group of space warriors swarmed out of it, rushing towards the greenskin fighters that were still rushing to replenish fuel and mount missiles. Seeing these space warriors, Fart Demon Ground dropped the oil pipeline and the trolley without saying a word, spread his legs and turned around to run away. The orc pilots wanted to resist but had no weapons to fight with them, so they fell to death one after another.

Only some of the greenskin fighters tore off the fuel pipelines and swerved away from other Ork fighters blocking the way on the runway. With only half fuel, they stumbled out of the hangar door and flew into the distance amid strafing fire from the Space Marines.

At this point, the Orc hangar completely fell.

"The progress of our three hunting groups has lagged behind!"

The Destroyer Chapter Leader turned around and said seriously.

"Da da da da... yes, serious lag."

The Berserker Chapter Master agreed as he fired.

Several company commanders of the Sun Eagle also followed.

"Clear this place quickly and then go underground."

The Destroyer Chapter Master ran and shouted:

“We can’t be the ones holding us back!”


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