Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 685: Cleaning the battlefield in a licking manner

"Master, are you okay?"

A crisp and sweet sound rang in my ears.

Before the reminder sound in the back of his mind finished, Fu Qinghai suddenly woke up from the trance and dullness caused by the conveyor belt. He immediately turned to face the surrounding mortal crew and shouted an order:

"Medical deck ready!"

Without the Chapter Master's orders, servants from the surrounding Chapters had already swarmed up. Some were driving ground support vehicles, and some were commanding engineering servitors. They began to race against time to drag the Terminator lying on the teleportation block. Without the assistance of these engineering vehicles, mortals would not be able to move at all. An iron pagoda terminator weighing several tons. The Space Marine automatic medical platform in the medical deck is also ready, and any head left can be saved.

"Where is Tristan?"

Fu Qinghai then issued the second order:

"Wherever he is, tell him to come here immediately!"

"Okay, Master."

The mechanical girl simply turned around and went to deliver the order.

"Contact the Storm Lords Chapter's battle barge."

Fu Qinghai said as he walked off the teleportation block:

"Ask them how Targujin Khan is doing."

"Understood, Khan."

A Chapter servant turned and left in a hurry.

Soon, a communications officer trotted over, followed Fu Qinghai's footsteps, and reported in a low voice:

"Khan, a response came from the battle barge Stormfury. Targujin Khan successfully teleported back to the teleportation deck of the battle barge, but... there was only one headless corpse."


Fu Qinghai raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows and said:

"Ask them to hand over the body to us, and say that we have a way to resurrect Targukin, provided that we can find his head on the battlefield... As for Tristan, let him get out of the battle immediately and come with me Establish a call."

A communication servo skull floated next to him. After the blue light in the eye sockets flashed briefly for a few times, the metal skull opened its jaws, and a long and slender voice sounded from the sound generator:

"Khan, what are your orders?"

The Word Bearer Paladin's voice was filled with noisy electrical interference, showing the instability of the signal. From time to time there was the blast of main gun fire and the scream of energy weapons.

"How much Holy Light energy do you have left?"

Fu Qinghai asked straight to the point:

"Is it enough to cast a resurrection spell?"

"It's no problem if it's just once."

Tristan replied cautiously.

"Very well, leave the work at hand to others, and immediately leave the battle and go to the core of the satellite with me. By the way, tell the three chapter leaders commanding on the front line: The gate has been blown up, the beast is dead, and the orcs are not Any more support will arrive, speed up the attack, and destroy all remaining orcs!"

Fu Qinghai said firmly.

"Understood, Khan!"

Tristan replied, beating his chest excitedly.

When he heard this order, he knew:

The Chapter Master's plan succeeded.

The key to the Orks being able to resist the Space Marines and even launch a counterattack is the gate that can continuously transport reinforcements. Once the gate is destroyed, no matter how many orcs are left deep in the satellite, they will not be able to avoid the fate of being wiped out. Defeat is only a matter of time. What's more, the beast was accidentally killed in the explosion at the gate. The orcs lost their command center and source of courage, and they were on the verge of defeat and completely retreated.

Yes, unexpected.

Fu Qinghai concluded silently in his heart.

It was an accident that he could kill the beast.

After analysis and objective evaluation, all the space warriors who participated in this rear-circuit raid together did not have the conditions and abilities to kill the beast. Fu Qinghai's final blow did not cause fatal damage to the beast and truly killed the beast. What was happening was the gravity disorder caused by the explosion of the gate. Fu Qinghai could clearly see it at the last moment when the transmission was completed——

The beast's chest was squeezed by an invisible force and almost turned into a thin piece of paper. The Blue Fang Chainsword happened to be inserted into its chest at that time. True Adamantium Alloy has no other properties, it is just pure hard, so hard that even the gravitational disorder cannot deform it at all, so it accidentally completes the last fatal blow to the beast.

But the world of reincarnation still attributed most of the credit for killing the beast to Fu Qinghai.

【You killed a beast! 】

[Reward assimilation points... 17734 points! 】

In fact, there is no problem with this calculation. After all, Fu Qinghai and his men placed the melta bombs and micro-nuclear bombs that destroyed the gate. They just did not expect that the chain reaction caused by the explosion would kill the beast. Luck was not on the side of the Orcs, which was an unplanned result.

Chapter leader Fu Qinghai and hermit commander Tristan each drove a jet motorcycle and led the fifth company's hussars to take a detour and return to the huge cave deep in the satellite.

At the moment before the teleportation, Fu Qinghai only saw the scene where the green fire circle exploded and swept across the beast. However, after arriving in the cave again, he discovered that the damage and chain reaction caused by the collapse of the door were greater than he had imagined.

The entire cave can be said to be a mess, with black smoke, flames, and sparks of machine debris scattered everywhere, and three metal corners buried in a hill of twisted green corpses. Under the influence of gravity disturbance, these corpses showed various bizarre and various ways of death. Some of the Orcs who survived by chance also lost their desire to resist and wanted to escape but didn't know where to escape.

"Kill them."

Fu Qinghai waved his hand casually, then jumped off the jet bike and walked towards the top step by step on the pile of greenskin corpses. He stopped in front of the largest corpse. The beast's face was gray and hideous, frozen in the last second before death. Its chest was like an empty can flattened by a hydraulic press, and the Blue Fang Chainsaw Sword was still inserted there.

Fu Qinghai raised his hand to hold the hilt and tried to pull it out, but found that the saw teeth were firmly stuck in the dense armor and flesh and bones that were pressed into a pancake. So he rubbed the slider on the hilt with his thumb, and the chainsaw sword suddenly rotated, and the hook saw teeth turned into a blurred edge, and then it was successfully pulled out.

"Khan, found it!"

Suddenly, a surprised shout came from his men beside him.

Fu Qinghai turned his head and saw a Space Marine standing not far from the beast's body, holding the head of a Space Marine wearing a helmet high in his hand. Under the helmet, there were still broken flesh, spine joints and white trachea wrapped in scarlet blood, which showed how violently the head was pulled off from the shoulders.

Talgujin Khan's head.

The shape of the helmet was intact without any dents.

The brain should be intact.

No need to perform resurrection, the medical platform is enough.

Fu Qinghai breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ordered:

"You send his head back to the medical deck first."

"Yes, Khan!"

The two Space Marines turned around and left in a hurry.

"Crack, crack, boom, boom..."

At this time, the armored clusters of the seven regiments also eliminated the remaining orc troops in the main passage, and various tanks and knight mechas rumbled into the cave.

Looking at Qingshan Khan standing on the top of the tall pile of corpses with a chainsaw sword in his hand, stepping on a super giant orc corpse comparable to the size of a knight mecha, the Space Marines of the seven regiments were shocked and reverent when they saw this scene.

The three commanders of the Berserker, Destroyer and Plunderer got out of a Damocles-type Rhino command vehicle, took off their helmets and held them at their sides, came to the foot of the corpse mountain, looked up at Fu Qinghai and saluted, and said respectfully:

"The mission is accomplished, Commander Qingshan."

Fu Qinghai nodded and walked down the corpse mountain with his sword.

"Congratulations on conquering a battle moon."

The commander of the Destroyer then praised:

"And hunted the largest orc!"

"Thank you, but it's not me, it's us."

Fu Qinghai nodded to thank him and corrected him.

"You should saw off its head and take it back to decorate your flagship. This is the most gorgeous decoration."

The commander of the Plunderer reminded and suggested.

"I will."

Fu Qinghai nodded in agreement.

The White Scars have always had a "barbaric tradition" of using parts of the enemy's body as trophies and decorations. There is a huge orc head in Ogedei's weapon room, but it is far inferior to the giant head of the beast.

Fu Qinghai was not the only one who killed the beast. He was also thinking about how to distribute the parts of the beast's body: I ​​take the head, and the remaining limbs and weapons can be distributed to Mandulatu, Targukin and Jeb.

After the other two commanders were teleported back to their respective flagships, they were seriously injured and unconscious, and activated the suspended death state of Sassan's meninges. Mandulatu's two hearts and lungs were crushed, and Jeb Khan's half body was torn apart.

However, for the Space Marine automatic medical platform, these horrific and fatal injuries are actually not a big deal. At present, all seriously injured Space Marines are receiving treatment on the medical decks of the battleships and cruisers of the Iron Pagoda Regiment.

"Clean up the battlefield, eliminate the remaining orcs, and purify the Ork spores. This is the first battle moon we captured. It has great reference value and must be disassembled and studied carefully."

Fu Qinghai immediately gave the order.

His mind was very clear, and he did not indulge in the illusory satisfaction of making achievements and winning honors. This is only the first battle moon. How far is this? The original book does not say how many battle moons appeared during the entire Beast War. It has been confirmed that there will be no less than six, and possibly more. The Legion has only achieved a phased victory.

After the battle with the Orks, the battlefield must be purified. This is common sense in the Warhammer 40K universe, otherwise mushrooms may grow in the corners after the light is exposed.

Here it should be reminded that not all places where the Orks pass will have new Orks. The reproduction and spread ability of the Orks is not as exaggerated as rumored.

First of all, Ork spores grow and develop through photosynthesis, which means that light is needed. In places without stars or underground spaces where stars cannot shine, Ork spores cannot reproduce. Secondly, even if this place has a star, but the surface resources are scarce, lacking water or organic matter, then at most some small Ork subspecies, such as Squigg Snot, will be born in the mushrooms, and normal Orks cannot be born.

Iron Pagoda is professional in cleaning the battlefield.

The technical sergeant began to command the warband servants and the servitor slaves to drag and clean up the greenskin corpses, and dismantle the Ork machines buried in the corpses for research. Generally speaking, the Ork orcs' technological creations are secondary processing and reuse of fragments of other races' technological creations, and have little research value. But at the level of the battle moon, Ork technology shows a unique value that other races do not have.

Planetary-level gravity weapons.

Extremely large-scale electromagnetic interference.

Planetary teleportation technology that ignores the galaxy's gravity field.

Permanent teleportation facilities with efficiency comparable to the Webway Gate.

These are technologies that other races have not mastered.

The Orks are the best annotation of the phrase "quantitative change leads to qualitative change" in the Warhammer 40K universe. Once the number reaches a certain scale, the size, combat power, and technology will increase exponentially. God knows what kind of magical code the Old Saints have written in the gene chain of the Orks.

All the technical sergeants of the entire war group, as well as the technical priests who went on the expedition with the ship, have now entered the interior of the battle moon and started to study the various technological facilities in the battle moon. The war group servants commanded the mechanical servants to start carrying the orc corpses. These massive green-skinned corpses will be put into the grooves of the water of life to make new water of life.

That's right, the current Iron Pagoda War Group does not even let go of the corpses. After the high voltage of the water of life is energized, other life substances in the water will be converted into water of life, whether animals, plants, bacteria or fungi. These life substances are not rare in a habitable planet, but once the fleet leaves the port and sails into space, everything becomes a resource.

Including corpses.

"The Iron Broom Regiment is really worthy of its reputation."

The leader of the Plunderer Regiment was so choked up.

He felt that the other party was the real "plunderer".

His own regiment was just a name.

"I have also heard of their legends. It is hard to imagine what kind of fear their enemies will have when facing them. Just think about it, if you lose the battle, you won't even leave your corpse. Their utilization rate of spoils is even higher than that of the Death Skull Clan among the Orcs - at least the Death Skull Clan is not interested in the corpses of the enemy. This is really terrible."

The leader of the Destroyer Regiment shook his head and sighed.

"Perhaps this is why the Iron Pagoda is so powerful."

The leader of the Berserker Regiment said with deep approval.


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