Infinite Movie System

Chapter 445: Xiaoyun Ancient Coin!

"Okay, here we are!"

A moment later, on the second floor, the two arrived at the door of the guest room. Li Feng opened the door and said slowly.

"Brother Li Feng, rest early, and we will see you at the Immortal Ascension Conference tomorrow!"

Seeing this, Hai Yunfan also pushed away from his room, and after the two greeted each other, they entered their own rooms.

But before leaving, Li Feng could clearly see the excitement in Hai Yunfan's eyes, obviously the other party still wanted to know how Wang Lu got the admission paper.

Sure enough, not long after Li Feng entered the room, Hai Yunfan's room opened again, the door closed, and footsteps slowly walked towards the upper room on the third floor.

"Nie Yuan..."

Shaking his head, Li Feng couldn't help laughing.

Thinking of the CP that netizens gave to the duo in the original book, he is also a little speechless. Is it really impossible to disassemble it?


"Why haven't you come out yet??"

Outside Rujia Inn, the sky had already darkened slightly, but there were still some spectators on the street.

Although many people have left, there are still many people scattered here and there, and the whole street is even faintly blocked.

"Maybe it won't come out, after all, it's been so long!"

Someone said incredulously.

But the moment his voice fell, he was strongly opposed by a man.

"Impossible! The proprietress has already said just now that there is only one admission certificate, and it is absolutely impossible for them to live in. Let's wait, they will be thrown out soon!"

The man who spoke was a rough-looking man. His face was not ugly, and there was a faint hint of toughness, but compared to Li Feng, it was quite different.

Just now, his childhood sweetheart from the same village was also nearby, but he was captured by Li Feng's appearance just after Li Feng appeared.

There is no love without reason in the world, and there is no hate without reason, and this is the case with men now.

Jealousy drove him crazy, and when he heard his childhood sweetheart calling someone else's husband, he felt as if he was going crazy.

So he can't wait for Li Feng to be embarrassed, can't wait for Li Feng to be embarrassed in front of everyone,

Especially in front of his childhood sweetheart.

"Yeah, it's absolutely impossible. Just now the proprietress said that the house is full, and now that the admission certificate has been found by others, it is absolutely impossible for them to live in!"

A man next to him also started talking.

"Who said it's impossible? Let's go, they've already moved in!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and a man who went to inquire about the news said loudly.

As his voice fell, the originally silent street erupted into an uproar again.

"Did you live in? Really lived in, how is it possible?"

"That's right, the proprietress said that the hotel is full? How could they have moved in? I want to complain!"

"Yes! We want to complain! Complain!"

Shouting sounded, at first it was just a few scattered voices, but soon they merged into a torrent, the sound was so loud that it resounded through the entire street.


"Are you sure you don't want to take care of it?"

In Rujia Inn, there was a sound of gnashing of teeth on the third floor, revealing a faint trace of patience.

"No, don't worry about it, a bunch of idiots, there's nothing to worry about!"

At this time, another voice sounded, it was the voice of the woman in pink, the proprietress.

"Hiss...we've known each other for so long, will you give it to me?"

"Ah, don't ask people such embarrassing things..."

"Aren't you just angry with your father? As long as you give me the ancient coins, I guarantee that he will be obedient, and he won't even dare to say a word... ah!"

"Based on the way you have been in the Spirit Sword Sect for so many years, do you think I will trust you?"

The voices of the two are enchanting. If you just listen to the voices, you will definitely have people thinking about it. However, Li Feng, who has read the original work, can't help but laugh.

"Pull the leg hair, hehe, is this my future master?"

With a chuckle, Li Feng shook his head speechlessly in the room.

That's right, what the two of them were doing was plucking the hair on their legs. One of them had sticky paper on his leg, and the two were "tearing each other".

Although it was just a simple matter, the voices of the two were extremely provocative and made people dream about it.

However, compared to their voices, what attracted Li Feng's attention more was the ancient coins in their conversation.

The full name of this ancient coin is Xiaoyun Ancient Coin, and it is a token left by Master Xiaoyun, the founder of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Those who hold Xiaoyun's ancient coins can make any request to the Spirit Sword Sect, which is what Wang Wu has always wanted.

"Do you want to be one step ahead of Wang Lu and complete the mission to take away Xiaoyun's ancient coins?"

Frowning slightly, Li Feng muttered to himself.

According to the original book, the old Xiaoyun coin would definitely be handed over to Wang Lu by the proprietress after Wang Lu completed the task, but if he took away the ancient Xiaoyun coin, the ending would be completely different.

One is that Wang Lu cannot join the Spirit Sword Sect because he does not have ancient coins, and the other is that he will successfully attract Wang Wu's attention, which will be extremely unfavorable for him to hide in the future.

But if he can't get ancient coins, it's not easy for him to worship Wang Wu as his teacher.

Because this Spirit Sword Sect is really too poor, even a few ordinary disciples are stuttering, let alone the true disciples of the elders.

"Forget it, don't want to!"

I thought about it, but I couldn't think of an answer.

In the end, Li Feng simply stopped thinking about it, sat on the bed with his knees crossed, and slowly entered into the practice.


boom! boom!

On the third floor, there was a knock on the door, and Hai Yunfan stood in front of the door of the upper room without hesitation.

This is also the door he decided to knock on after hesitating for a long time. After all, how to obtain the admission certificate must be someone else's secret.

It's really a bit abrupt for me to want to pry into other people's secrets hastily.

“Just skip the room service!”

At this time, a voice sounded in the room, which made Hai Yunfan slightly startled.

But there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so Hai Yunfan bit the bullet and said:

"In Xiahai Yunfan, people from Yuntai also came to participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference. I just learned about Xiongtai's residence. May I ask if you are Wang Lu?"

"What's up?"

The door opened, and a head poked out. Wang Lu sized Hai Yunfan up and said slowly.

"excuse me!"

Seeing Wang Lu open the door, Hai Yunfan bowed politely first, then said:

"I'm just curious, how did Brother Wang obtain the admission certificate before? I hope you can enlighten me!"

"Oh~ I want you to take care of it!"

Hearing this, Wang Lu first showed a look of sudden realization, then his voice turned cold, and he closed the door without hesitation.

" that really the case?"

Seeing this, Hai Yunfan was slightly taken aback, then shook his head with a wry smile.

Although he was ready to be rejected when he knocked on the door, but when the fact happened in front of his eyes, he was still a little disappointed.

After all, how the other party obtained the admission certificate was what he wanted to know most.

There was a look of disappointment in his eyes, and just as he was about to leave, the door quietly opened a gap, and a voice slowly came out of the room.

"If you are willing to be my servant for a day, I will tell you, how about it?"


Hearing this, Hai Yunfan was overjoyed, and quickly agreed.

As his words fell, an arm in the room directly pulled him in.

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