Earth, Jiangnan Base City, Yangzhou City, Mingyue Community.

Wang Cheng was wearing loose casual clothes, standing in the small courtyard in front of his villa, talking to a young man in white clothes and black hair.

Suddenly, a sound of urging came from a distance.

"Brother Wang, my dad is urging me, I'll go over first!" The black-haired boy scratched his head and said apologetically.

"Okay, let's talk later. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"I won't be polite!" The black-haired boy waved his hand, and then ran away quickly.


Looking at the black-haired boy who quickly ran to the door of another villa not far away, Wang Cheng sighed slightly.

It has been three months since he traveled to this world full of warriors and monsters. From the beginning, Wang Cheng identified this as the world of "Swallowing Starry Sky" through some familiar names. Now he met Luo Feng himself. There is no need to doubt everything.

That's right, the person who was chatting with Wang Cheng just now was none other than the future Lord of the Galaxy, the savior of mankind in the universe, the strongest man in the universe sea... Luo City Lord Luo Feng himself.

However, Luo Feng is still very immature now. He has just passed the quasi-martial arts examination. Because of his extraordinary talent, he joined the extreme martial arts gym in advance, and then moved his family to Mingyue Community.

He also became a neighbor with Wang Cheng.

Well, the villa of Wang Cheng's family is No. 198, and the villa of Luo Feng's family is No. 199. The two families are less than thirty meters apart. When Wang Cheng turns his head in his small courtyard, he can immediately see the people in the small courtyard in front of Luo Feng's villa. After all, the two are naturally neighbors!

"enmm, although I know a lot of secrets, the body I traveled through is really rubbish. I have been a warrior for three years before I became a high-level warrior. On my own, I will most likely be a warrior-level warrior by the time I die. Anyone who wants to become a god of war will You have to burn incense..." Wang Cheng thought, and soon he determined his future route.

He must have a good relationship with Luo Feng. When Luo Feng rises in the future, even if he can help him a little, it will be countless times better than his own blind efforts!

There is no way, the talent is rubbish and the strength cannot be improved. It is useless no matter how many secrets Wang Cheng knows, he can't get it at all, and he has no ability to use it even if he gets it!

The only thing Wang Cheng can do now is to make good use of this neighbor's relationship.

. . .

Without staying where he was, Wang Cheng quickly returned to the villa lobby and made a phone call.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, what are you going to cook today?"

"I want to do it myself today, please send me some processed materials!" Wang Cheng said lightly, and then said: "I will pay for it!"

"Yes, of course!" The voice on the other end of the phone immediately agreed without any hesitation.

"Well, it's better to deliver it to the door of Mingyue Community, and someone will pick it up!" After Wang Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"I haven't done it for a long time. I wonder if my skills have deteriorated?" Wang Cheng walked into the kitchen humming a tune, and then started washing and scrubbing.

To establish a relationship with Luo Feng, Wang Cheng didn't just think about it.

Luo Feng's family is moving today. It's a joyful move. What a good reason?

Invite Luo Feng's family over, and he will personally cook a table of dishes. Doesn't this friendship come immediately?

Wang Cheng was busy all afternoon, and then he went out to Luo Feng's villa.

"Brother Wang, do you want to treat me?" Luo Feng seemed a little unresponsive.

"Haha, Luo Feng, isn't it because you just moved here and I have nothing to do alone, so why don't we have fun together?" Wang Cheng laughed, and then he looked at Luo Feng's father:

"Uncle Luo, come and try my craftsmanship?"

"Is this too much trouble for you?" Luo Hongguo also didn't react, but he was an "old Jianghu" after all, and he could see that Wang Cheng was not being polite, but was really inviting them.

"No trouble, I've already prepared everything that needs to be prepared, and I'm just waiting for you!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Brother Wang, this..."

"You're welcome, come on!" Wang Cheng interrupted, grabbed Luo Feng's hand and walked out.

"Uncle Luo, just go there by yourselves later, I won't call you!" Wang Cheng had already pulled Luo Feng out of the house as soon as he turned around to speak.

After all, Luo Feng has just become a warrior. In a competition of strength, he is far from the opponent of Wang Cheng, a senior warrior!

Luo Feng was pulled out of the house in a daze. Not long after, Luo Hongguo came to the house with Luo Feng's mother and Luo Feng's younger brother.

However, they still had a hastily prepared gift in their hands, so Wang Cheng was naturally not polite and accepted it directly!

Wang Cheng's craftsmanship is not very good, but it is not bad either. In addition, both parties have a sincere intention to make friends, so it is natural that the guest and the host will enjoy the meal.

In fact, although Wang Cheng knows that Luo Feng will achieve extraordinary things in the future, Luo Feng's family does not know. Therefore, in the eyes of Luo Hongguo and others, it is definitely beneficial and harmless to have a good relationship with Wang Cheng, a senior warrior. things.

. . .

Banquet room——

"Xiao Wang, why are you the only one in your family? Where is your family?" Luo Feng's mother Gong Xinlan asked.

"I have been alone since I was a child. My parents died in a monster attack!" Wang Cheng said.

"Ah?!" A trace of apology appeared on Gong Xinlan's face.

During the dinner, Luo Feng and his son unconsciously became quiet.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it's been so many years!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "Aunt Gong, why don't you tell us about your family?"

"Our family?"

Mentioning this, Gong Xinlan couldn't help but show a hint of pride on her face.


Wang Cheng listened quietly. It was one thing to read it from a book, but it was another thing to hear it with one's own ears.

Luo Feng's family of four used to live in a low-rent house with an area of ​​just over 30 square meters. It was only because of Luo Feng that they were able to live in the luxurious villa now.

For an eighteen-year-old Luo Feng to be able to achieve this, in addition to his talent, his usual persistence and hard work are also extremely amazing.

It’s no wonder that Luo Feng’s achievements are astonishing. He has shown this extraordinary trait since he was a child.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but not many people can do it!

Luo Feng's success cannot be described by a simple "cheating"!

Because they had moved during the day, Luo Feng's family was already very tired except for Luo Feng, so Wang Cheng didn't keep them much longer. After seeing that they had almost eaten, he took the initiative to let them go back to rest.

"Luo Feng, it's fate that we can become neighbors!" Wang Cheng stood at the door of his house. He patted Luo Feng on the shoulder and continued:

"If you have something to do, don't lose face, just come to me!"

"Brother Wang, I won't be polite!" Luo Feng grinned.

After sending Luo Feng's family away, Wang Cheng stretched himself and returned to the villa with a contented look on his face.

After getting along for a while, Wang Cheng also truly admired Luo Feng. After all, who doesn't like a hard-working and humble young man?


Humming a little tune, he simply tidied up. Then, Wang Cheng took out his newly purchased game console and relaxed for a while.

"Although the earth in this world is dangerous outside the base city, it is safe inside the base city. Even the game industry has recovered quite well!" Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart.

enmm, it must be said that Wang Cheng is not satisfied with the fact that he traveled to this extremely dangerous world and his talent is still poor...

Of course he was extremely satisfied!

Before time travel, Wang Cheng was just an ordinary person in society, living an ordinary life every day.

But now... his identity is that of a respected and enviable warrior. He has tens of millions in savings. He lives in a villa, eats delicious food from high-end hotels every day, and uses a special high-end game console when playing games. , use a dedicated video room to watch movies...

This is simply a dreamlike day, how can Wang Cheng be dissatisfied?

"The only disadvantage is that as a warrior, you have to go out of the city to fight. How can I, a person who has never seen blood before, endure this?" Wang Cheng muttered in his heart, but he soon stopped thinking about it.

The earth in the world of "Swallowing the Stars" can be said to be quite dangerous. Not to mention a bunch of indigenous monsters, there is also the golden-horned giant beast that almost destroyed the world, and then there are people from the Nuolan Mountain clan who almost destroyed the earth. Lifted.

In this case, without any strength, Wang Cheng would not feel safe even if he made friends with Luo Feng.

Moreover, becoming stronger can increase your lifespan. You can live for a thousand years at the planet level, and you can live forever without external interference if you become immortal!

Immortality can be said to be everyone's dream. How could Wang Cheng not want to become stronger?

To forge, you have to be strong yourself. If you want to become stronger, you can't rely on others. Therefore, although Wang Cheng feels a little repulsive, he has to admit that when the time comes, he still has to go out and fight hard.

Now Wang Cheng is in a team called "Flame Squad". In a battle more than three months ago, one of the main combatants of the Lie Flame Squad was seriously injured and has been recuperating during this period.

This is why Wang Cheng was able to stay at home for three months!

Otherwise, if Wang Cheng still wants to join the Lieyan Team, he will have to follow them when the team takes action!

After playing games for a while to relax, Wang Cheng came to the practice room in the villa without hesitation.

The villas in Mingyue Community are all prepared by the extreme martial arts gym for martial artists, so each villa is naturally equipped with a fully functional training room.

Wang Cheng came to the practice room at this time, naturally preparing to train himself. Although he is lazy, he is not stupid!

When a warrior leaves the city, he has to work hard. Under such circumstances, how dare Wang Cheng slack off?

In the past three months since time travel, Wang Cheng has not been diligent, but he has made sure to exercise every day and maintain his condition. He can still do it!

However, not long after Wang Cheng stepped into the practice room, a strange information suddenly poured into his mind, followed by a light blue screen that appeared in front of his body... ..

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