After the first round of fighting ended, the Intelligent System of Virtual Universe Company soon announced the list of twenty people vying for the qualifications to enter the Secret Realm of Taichu.

As expected, Jiu Meng was not among them.

In this battle, Wang Cheng's opponent was a quite famous person.

Phantom, Calais!


The battle soon started. Wang Cheng once again came to the ring with a calm expression. His opponent, the Phantom Demon Calais, had already come to the other side. His whole body was covered in a black robe, leaving only a pair of eyes staring straight at him. With Wang Cheng.

The reason why Calexi is famous is that his main method is illusion, and it is extremely brilliant illusion!

Illusions are hard to guard against. Once he cannot stop his illusions, no matter how powerful his other methods are, he can only let them be his prey. Therefore, many masters are very afraid of Calais!

Of course, this does not include Wang Cheng!

"Unexpectedly, I bumped into you. I'm unlucky!" A hoarse voice came from the black robe, and Jialai Xixuanji said again:

"However, as long as you fall under my illusion, you will still die..."


Wang Cheng smiled and didn't say anything. He raised his hand to signal.


The strange syllables of the carrier suddenly sounded in Wang Cheng's ears, and at the same time, a spiritual power quietly invaded Wang Cheng's mind.

But the next moment, a divine sword shining with endless light suddenly appeared from the void in Wang Cheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

The long sword swept across, and countless rays of light instantly broke through these mental powers.

In an instant, Calaisi's face turned pale in the distance, and at the same time he immediately stopped continuing to perform illusions.

"I surrender!"

After saying another sentence, Jialaisi flew off the ring very simply.

Originally, Jialexi had no confidence in defeating Wang Cheng. No matter how powerful the illusion was, it was not omnipotent.

People with extremely high law perception usually have strong willpower, and their protection of the sea of ​​soul consciousness is much better than ordinary people. From this point alone, Jialexi knew that there was a high probability that he could not do anything to Wang Cheng.

Now in the fight, Wang Cheng directly used an extremely powerful soul defense secret technique, which directly made Jialexi despair!

"I feel that the soul defense secret technique is very advanced! Even if Wang Cheng has a high understanding of the law, he is also good at such a powerful soul defense secret technique... What a bully!" Jia Laixi felt helpless under the ring. thinking.


the other side--

When Wang Cheng saw Calaisi giving up, he didn't care and soon left as well.

Wang Cheng's battle with Calais was indeed a bit bullying. His secret soul defense technique was called "Sword of the Soul" and was given to him by Jiang Mingyue a few years ago. In other words, this secret technique came from a billion Lord Thrall from Virtual Universe Company years ago.

According to Wang Cheng's guess, this Thrall Realm Lord is probably an original secret realm master.

The level of the soul defense secret technique used by such a realm lord can be imagined!

This secret technique is indeed quite difficult to learn. With Wang Cheng’s understanding and state of mind, it took him a long time to learn it. However, hard work always pays off. With the powerful secret technique and Wang Cheng’s extremely high understanding of the law, his current soul defense is indeed Horrible.

Not to mention Jialexi, even if another domain master used the soul secret technique to attack Wang Cheng's stellar ninth-level clone, he would not frown.

Of course, it has to be a relatively ordinary Territory Lord. If it is a genius Territory Lord, that is another matter!

. . .

Each group competition ended quickly, and the top ten candidates were determined one by one.

The ten people are Wang Cheng, Bo Lan, Rong Jun, Long Yun, Luo Feng, Qian Shui, Jiang Mo...

Among the ten people, Wang Cheng, Luo Feng, and Rong Jun are all from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom. It can be said that this time, the Qianwu Universe Kingdom has really shined!

Of course, the more generous and glorious one is actually the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. The Ganwu Universe Country is a high-level universe country after all. The foundation is there. It’s not surprising that geniuses occasionally break out!

But what about the Black Dragon Mountain Universe Country?

In the past, it was an ordinary medium-sized cosmic country, but now two geniuses suddenly appeared and ranked among the top ten in the genius battle of the entire human race... Not to mention that people in other places couldn't believe it. Even the Black Dragon Mountain Empire’s own people couldn’t help but doubt this result!

After the news reached the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, countless people were stunned!


Of course, no matter what others think, the battle of geniuses must continue!

The top ten are all qualified to enter the Taichu Secret Realm, and after the top ten are determined, the next step is naturally the competition between the first and second place.

The first and second place can get the qualification to enter the original secret realm, so there is a natural need to compete!

However, among the few people who entered the top ten at this time, the smell of gunpowder has almost disappeared.

The reason is very simple. From third place to tenth place, the rewards are exactly the same. There is no need to compete for them. But first, second place...

One is Wang Cheng and the other is Bo Lan. Everyone else has watched the previous battle between the two, and their previous achievements in crossing the Bridge of Trials are also there!

As long as they are not stupid, they know that they have little hope.


Virtual Universe Company is not pedantic. They can also clearly see things that many geniuses know. Therefore, the next competition rules given by Virtual Universe Company are no longer traditional arena competitions.

"Next, we will tentatively appoint Wang Cheng and Bo Lan as members of the original secret realm. There are eight of you left. You can choose one of the two to challenge. As long as you can win, you can replace both of them!"

Lord Darkness appeared, and after he explained the rules clearly, he waved his hand to cancel the remaining arenas, leaving only the last two arenas in the venue.

Wang Cheng and Bo Lan flew onto the two stages respectively.


"You can only choose one?" The eight people in the audience looked at each other, and they quickly made a decision.

When choosing between Wang Cheng and Bo Lan, wise people will choose Bo Lan.

After all, the results of the previous Bridge of Trials are there. Wang Cheng passed 49 levels, while Bo Lan only had 42 levels. Even though it is only a small seven levels, the difficulty of the Bridge of Trials becomes more and more exaggerated as it goes on. The strength gap between the representatives of these seven levels is absolutely huge!

But unfortunately, among the remaining eight people who entered the top ten, there were quite a few unwise people, and four of them chose Wang Cheng.

"So many people chose me?" Wang Cheng stood on the ring. He looked at the four people who came to him and asked a little strangely.

"Brother Wang, I just want to test how much the gap between us has narrowed compared to before!" Luo Feng explained with a smile.

"Wang Cheng, I said before that if I meet you in a genius battle, I will defeat you, and I will fulfill my promise!" Rong Jun said with a fighting spirit on his face.

"I saw that both of them chose you, so I chose you!"

The third person who spoke was a young man in silver. Wang Cheng knew him. He was Prince Wuka of Manka Star, and he was considered a relatively famous one.

However, Uka’s reason is really a bit casual!

"If you want to challenge, you must challenge the strong!" The fourth man seemed like a barbarian. He finished speaking word by word and stopped talking.

Wang Cheng also knows this man. His name is Long Yun. He looks barbaric, but in fact he is deep-minded and doesn't seem to have much courage... Of course, this has nothing to do with Wang Cheng. Since this man chooses to challenge him, then he Naturally, I won’t hold back later.

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