Many geniuses who entered Chaos City were given a chance to comprehend the Chaos Monument, so on the other side, after Wang Cheng chose the Chaos Monument, he was then arranged to comprehend the Universe Chaos Monument.

To comprehend the Chaos Monument in Chaos City is not to comprehend it whenever you want, nor for as long as you want.

In fact, not only do you need to queue up to comprehend the Chaos Monument, but each person can only continue to comprehend for seven days at a time. Once the time is up, you must leave!

More than 1,000 geniuses each chose the Chaos Monument. Some were lucky, and the Chaos Monument they chose had a free space, so they could enter the enlightenment immediately, while others were unlucky and could only go after others had completed their enlightenment.

Wang Cheng is one of the lucky ones. At this time, there was no one at the Cosmic Chaos Monument, so he was naturally arranged to go there immediately!


At this time, Wang Cheng continued to advance along a huge corridor that was more than a hundred meters high. Beside him, there were tall bronze doors. Each bronze door had the name of the corresponding Chaos Monument on it.

"Mother Ancestor", "Dragon Walk", "Giant Axe"...

What concerned Wang Cheng the most was an old man standing in front of each door, and the appearance and breath of these old men were all exactly the same!

Wang Cheng knew that this was a cosmic sage with a special "clone technique". His clone technique was similar to Wang Cheng's "clone technique" to a certain extent.

For example, both can create a large number of clones!

Of course, Wang Cheng can create at most 10,081 clones, which will definitely crush this old man in terms of number.

However, judging from the fact that the old man can use fifty-two clones to guard fifty-two Chaos Monuments, his clones should all be extremely powerful.

Unlike Wang Cheng, his clone is just splitting his own soul and strength...

Of course, in terms of magic, Wang Cheng's clone technique is still miraculous.

You know, Wang Cheng has created a large number of clones. These clones can maintain consciousness of each other while their memories are connected. This is simply incredible!

It is precisely because of this kind of clone technique that Wang Cheng can have many clones assist in his practice at the same time. Otherwise, it would be okay if there were few clones, but if there were too many clones, he would have gone crazy!


Of course, all comparisons were made in Wang Cheng's mind. He had little knowledge of the old man's clone skills. Everything was basically based on Wang Cheng's own guesses. It was hard to say who was better and who was worse.

Just as Wang Cheng was guessing, the messenger who was leading the way soon stopped.

"Wang Cheng, Bolan, Gumir..." The receptionist said several names in one breath, and he continued: "This is the location of the Cosmic Chaos Monument!"


Several people nodded one after another. The conspicuous word "universe" was on the bronze door, and they could see it quite clearly.

"Sir Candli, these people are sorry for your trouble!" the receptionist said to the old man guarding under the bronze door.

"Got it!" The old man nodded lightly. He looked at Wang Cheng and others and said directly: "Little guys, I will open this door later and you can go in immediately. Remember, you only have seven days!"


Everyone nodded. At this time, a bald young man among the crowd asked: "Senior, we just came here, and now we have a chance to enter here for free. So what do we need to do in the future to continue to come here to enlightenment?"

"When you go back and choose a place to live, and then apply to enter the 'Tongtian Bridge' in the virtual universe, you will know the rest by then!" The old man was obviously unwilling to say more. After saying this, he continued directly He waved his hand and opened the door behind him.

"go in!"

The old man said something, and the geniuses flew into it without hesitation.

"Wang Cheng, you and I both choose the Cosmic Chaos Monument, and I will surpass you!" Bo Lan glanced at Wang Cheng, and then, without hesitation, he entered directly.

"Why bother?"

Wang Cheng shook his head slightly, and then he flew directly into the bronze gate.

Of course Wang Cheng knew that Bolan's choice of this "Cosmic Chaos Monument" actually delayed his talent, but Wang Cheng had no intention of persuading Bolan.

Firstly, there is no need, and secondly, Bolan probably won’t listen to Wang Cheng’s advice. After all, Bolan has already mustered up all his strength to compete with Wang Cheng!


Everyone entered one after another, and at this time, the old man Candli who was guarding outside also showed a look of interest on his face.

"I heard that two geniuses appeared in this genius competition, one Wang Cheng and the other Bo Lan. Both of them chose the Cosmic Chaos Monument... Interesting!" Candry thought in his heart, and at the same time, he did not Forgetting to wave his hand, he closed the newly opened bronze door.

. . .

On the other side, Wang Cheng also observed his surroundings after entering the secret room behind the bronze door.

The secret room is huge, and inside the secret room, there are many chaotic air currents. In the center of the secret room, there is a huge stone tablet that is a hundred meters high.

The pattern on the stone tablet was extremely familiar to Wang Cheng.

There are seven pictures in total. The first picture is two thin lines, one purple and one blue. The second picture is three purple and three blue six thin lines entangled with each other.

The third picture shows sixteen thin lines of eight purple and eight blue.

In the fourth picture, countless blue and purple thin lines form a planet.

The fifth picture is also composed of countless blue and purple thin lines, but the pattern has turned into a larger star.

In the sixth picture, countless rotating blue and purple thin lines form a huge vortex that looks like a black hole!

In the seventh picture, the vortex has collapsed to the extreme, becoming a black spot that seems both infinitely large and infinitely small...


In fact, Wang Cheng could roughly tell the truth from the first four pictures, and the last three pictures. Even though he had seen them for many years, he could only vaguely describe them.

"However, there seems to be an inexplicable aura on the Cosmic Chaos Monument in this Chaos City..." Wang Cheng stared at the fourth picture of the planet, and gradually, his mind fell deeply into in.

At the same time, the distant Wang Cheng's true self also probed his consciousness into the space provided by the opportunity capture system, and once again looked at the Cosmic Chaos Monument that he had seen countless times.


Seven days passed by in a blink of an eye.

The bronze door rumbled open, and a sound like thunder suddenly sounded in the hearts of everyone in the secret room.

“Everyone, come out~~”

“Everyone, come out~~”


The echoing sound made everyone reluctantly stand up and then walked out of the bronze door.

It wasn't until he left the secret room that all the sounds finally dissipated.

"Soul-inducing, this is it!" Wang Cheng was speechless. At this time, he looked at the closed bronze door, feeling a little reluctant in his heart.

Yes, just reluctant to give up!

Wang Cheng found that the effect of his understanding of the Cosmic Chaos Monument here was much better than that of his understanding in the space connected to his consciousness. In other words, the two were not on the same level at all!

Although Wang Cheng doesn't know the reason for this, it is indeed a fact!

"We must get more opportunities to come here!" At this time, Wang Cheng was secretly glad that he had chosen the Cosmic Chaos Monument instead of others, otherwise, he would have lost money!


A moment later, Wang Cheng left the City Lord's Mansion. Just when he was about to find a place to stay, suddenly, a voice sounded in his heart.

"Wang Cheng, come to me!"

PS: Third update, please support!

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