While Wang Cheng was looking around, Jiu Meng's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Wang Cheng, this way!"

"Huh?" Wang Cheng turned his head and saw Jiu Meng waving to him not far away. Beside Jiu Meng, there was an ape-man woman.

Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he walked over directly.

"You guys chat, let's go over there and have a look!" The ape-man woman said with a smile, and then left very consciously.

"You've made quite a good friend!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"She did it on purpose. Is there anything else we can do here?" Jiu Meng said speechlessly, and then she continued:

"Stop talking about this, why are you here so late? Bo Lan, who studied the Cosmic Chaos Monument with you, has already completed the Tongtian Bridge and left!"

"Something delayed me!" Wang Cheng shook his head, and then asked: "What about you? Have you finished your adventure?"

"I'm still in line, but I guess I can't get through!" Jiu Meng said helplessly: "So many people are trying to get through the overpass, but in the end only Bo Lan succeeded, and he got through two floors at once!"

"Not bad!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Of course, you must be stronger than him. I think you can at least get through the fifth floor!" Jiu Meng said with a smile.


Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing, fifth floor? His goal is at least the fourteenth floor, or even the fifteenth floor!

Of course, the goal is the goal, and it is not certain whether you can get through it. After all, if you get through the fifteenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge, your realm will be comparable to that of ordinary feudal lords and immortals!


"Do you know the rewards of this Tongtian Bridge? Every time we pass a level of Tongtian Bridge, we will get a new opportunity to understand the Chaos Monument. Moreover, there are also points rewards. In our universe, we have passed the first level. 100 points are awarded for each level of the Sky Bridge, 200 for the second level, 400 for the third level, and so on, but here, the points reward is ten times..."

"I feel more and more pressure now. I originally thought that joining the core team of Virtual Universe Company would have a bright and smooth road from now on, but now, I feel more and more that I am too inconspicuous. Among the geniuses in our class, I am now ranked If you don’t get the number, let alone the talents you have accumulated in the past..."

"Do you know the three treasures of Chaos City? I will go out of the city to hunt Chaos Beasts later. Do you want to come with me?"


Jiu Meng kept talking to Wang Cheng, from the rules of the Tongtianqiao plane to the pressure in her heart now, and then invited Wang Cheng to hunt Chaos Beasts outside the city.

Wang Cheng knew the points rules, and Wang Cheng could understand Jiu Meng's pressure and enlighten her a little, but the Chaos Beast... Wang Cheng naturally rejected Jiu Meng!

In addition to their own benefits, the Chaos Beasts outside the city also play a role in training the geniuses here. If Wang Cheng and Jiu Meng are together, that will not be a good thing for her!


The two chatted for a long time, and finally, Jiu Meng, who had been waiting in line for a long time, went to cross the overpass.

Jiu Meng chose the Ice Peak Chaos Monument, so she naturally wanted to break through the Ice Peak Tongtian Bridge. The result was as expected. Not long after Jiu Meng entered, she came out.

"It's really difficult. I think I've made enough progress in the past three years, but I'm no match for you!" Jiu Meng said with an ugly expression.

"Don't worry, this Chaos City is a treasure land for cultivation. If you keep your mind down and practice, you will be able to get through sooner or later!" Wang Cheng comforted.

"I will!" Jiu Meng nodded slightly, and immediately asked: "What about you, is it your turn?"

"Almost!" Wang Cheng asked his auxiliary intelligence, and then Wang Cheng knew that there was only one person left in front of him.

"I'll go there first!" Wang Cheng said to Jiu Meng.

"I'm waiting for your good news!" Jiu Meng didn't say much, she waved to Wang Cheng.


A moment later, Wang Cheng arrived near the port of the Universe Tongtian Bridge. At this time, a figure wearing a black robe and a noseless face walked towards him.

"Are you Wang Cheng?" The man smiled.

"It's me!" Wang Cheng nodded. If he guessed correctly, this person should be the guardian of the Tongtian Bridge plane, Baffin.

"The senior management has informed me that all the videos of you breaking through the overpass will be kept confidential, as well as the specific number of floors you broke through!" Baffin whispered:

"The senior management asked me to tell you so that you can feel free to enter next time!"

"I understand!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. In fact, he had already seen this in the training plan of Lord Darkness, otherwise he would not have come here directly now!

After all, if the video of him breaking through the overpass cannot be kept secret, wouldn't all the previous steps he took to hide himself be in vain?


Wang Cheng didn't wait too long. The last genius who went to the Tongtian Bridge walked out of it dejectedly. It could be seen that he was hit hard.

Wang Cheng did not hesitate, he passed directly through the port and quickly entered the Universe Tongtian Bridge.

At this time, Baffin, who was not far away, saw Wang Cheng flying into the port, and a trace of curiosity appeared on his face.

"The higher-ups ordered me to seal all videos of Wang Cheng's breakthrough, and also asked me to tell him to break through with confidence... What's so magical about this guy?" Of course Baffin has heard of Wang Cheng, who is a genius in this competition. The first one is a being much more evil than Bolan.

But even so, Baffin didn't understand why the higher-ups would give such an order!

At this time, Baffin was thinking in his heart, and at the same time, he directly watched everything in the Universe Tongtian Bridge through his authority.

As the guardian of the Tongtianqiao plane, Baffin naturally has the authority to watch the situation inside each Tongtianqiao. The top management prohibits him from spreading Wang Cheng's results to outsiders, but they do not prohibit him from watching!

In fact, Wang Cheng's results also need to be reported to the senior management by Baffin, so he naturally has to have permission to watch!


the other side--

After Wang Cheng entered Tongtian Bridge, he kept moving forward. Soon, Wang Cheng came to the end of the first floor of Tongtian Bridge.

There is a cloud and mist ahead, and the way forward is completely blocked by this cloud and mist.

"Choose your opponent. You can choose a warrior, a mentalist controller, or a mentalist illusionist. Choose any opponent and defeat him by passing the first level of the Tongtian Bar!" A voice suddenly came from the clouds in front of him. out.

"Warrior!" Wang Cheng made his choice without hesitation.

The next moment, a large ball of black liquid flew out of the cloud and quickly condensed into shape in mid-air.

Soon, a figure with a silver mask on his face appeared in front of Wang Cheng!

"The battle can begin. Defeat me and you can enter..." The silver-faced figure said lightly, but before he could finish his words, a cold hand had already inserted into his chest. And ended his life directly.

"level one!"

Wang Cheng said lightly.

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