As expected, Wang Cheng was no match for the gatekeeper on the fifteenth floor. He was defeated not long after he entered.

"Finally failed, I thought he wouldn't fail!" Outside the Universe Tongtian Bridge, Baffin, who had been watching Wang Cheng break through, felt inexplicably relieved.

At the same time, he felt a little excited in his heart. After all, he had witnessed the birth of this miracle with his own eyes!

A newcomer who just joined the Virtual Universe Company and entered the universe bridge for the first time, but he passed the entire fourteenth floor of the bridge one after another!

You know, if you can cross the fifteenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge, that is the level of immortality!

This is not a miracle. What is a miracle?


"Lord Guardian, how many levels has Wang Cheng passed through?" The next genius after Wang Cheng who was about to enter the Universe Tongtian Bridge asked curiously.

"This is not something you should be concerned about!" Baffin said lightly: "Okay, let's go for it!"


What Tian Tian wanted to say that day, but Baffin ignored him and turned around to go somewhere else.


. . .

Wang Cheng left the Tongtianqiao plane and returned to his manor on Yuxiang Mountain.

At this time, Wang Cheng's auxiliary intelligence told him that he had received an email stating that he had nearly 20 million more points in his account at Virtual Universe Company.

There is no doubt that this is Wang Cheng's points reward for successfully passing the fourteenth-story Tongtian Bridge.

"Am I suddenly rich?" Wang Cheng thought in his mind.

Although Wang Cheng previously gained 100 million points from entering the Universe Tongtian Mountain, all of those 100 million points had been invested in cheat books, and he felt nothing at all.

But these 20 million points are different. He can use these points at will. Buying treasures, buying cheats, buying auxiliary items... it's all up to him alone.

"However, I don't lack anything for the time being. The only thing I lack now is actually time, but time cannot be bought with points!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and then he shook his head.

In fact, not to mention points, even chance points, Wang Cheng feels that they don't have much effect on him at the moment!

From the Genius War to now, Wang Cheng's accumulated opportunity points are close to 3,000. This is not a small number. Moreover, Wang Cheng has experimented on Earth before. If he is willing, his clone can completely perform chance points. Grab.

In other words, Wang Cheng can now seize opportunities in the initial universe!

However, Wang Cheng has no such thoughts now, and he may not have such thoughts in the future.

Treasures, secrets, secret realms, what can be captured by chance is uncertain. If you capture the latter two in the initial universe, it will be fine. It will not attract anyone's attention quietly, and no one will lose anything. !

But what if the thing you grab is a treasure?

The initial universe is completely the core of the human race. If he grabs treasures here, they will definitely come from the core of the human race. Wang Cheng has joined the Virtual Universe Company, allowing him to grab treasures from the core of the human race unscrupulously. He You definitely can’t pass the test in your heart.

This is like a big thief. He usually does things like robbing the rich and giving to the poor, but if he is asked to attack the national treasury, he probably won't be able to do it!

In addition, if a treasure suddenly disappears out of thin air in the initial universe, it will definitely attract the attention of the Chaos City Lord. Although it is unlikely that the Chaos City Lord will suspect Wang Cheng, it is not impossible!

After all, Wang Cheng and his group of geniuses had just arrived in the original universe, and then mysterious disappearances of treasures occurred. It was natural to suspect their group of geniuses, and Wang Cheng, as the most eye-catching existence among this group of geniuses, It's natural to receive more attention.

Wang Cheng is not that unreasonable to take such a risk for some treasures that are likely to be of no use to him!

Finally, and the most critical reason...

Wang Cheng really has no shortage of resources at the moment. Virtual Universe Company's training of geniuses is definitely the best in the entire universe. After joining here, Wang Cheng really feels that he only needs to practice with peace of mind!

"There will be no shortage of opportunity points. When I go to some secret areas controlled by the Virtual Universe Company, to the territories of foreign races, and to places where treasures gather, I will have plenty of opportunities to seize opportunities!"

Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and at the same time he also understood that treasures are just foreign objects after all, and what he really wants to do is to strengthen himself.

If there is no strength, then any treasure is fake!

"Practice, practice!" Wang Cheng quickly logged out of the virtual universe. He came to the rooftop of the small building he had chosen before and sat down cross-legged.

Wang Cheng felt the two laws of time and space. At the same time, the insights he gained from the Cosmic Chaos Monument not long ago also poured out like flowing water...

It has to be said that compared to the guidance of law understanding, the Cosmic Chaos Monument in this Chaos City is indeed much more powerful than the Cosmic Chaos Monument that Wang Cheng has been watching before.

According to Wang Cheng's guess, the reason why this situation occurs is either because the environment in the initial universe is special and can have a special connection with the Chaos Monument, making it have a stronger guiding effect on those who watch it, or because Wang Cheng Before, I was only looking at the Chaos Monument with my consciousness, and did not personally experience the aura and other factors emitted by it, so the effect was quite different!

However, Wang Cheng still does not dare to take out the Cosmic Chaos Monument now. Therefore, what is the reason for this incident can only be reserved for future verification!

"However, the two Chaos Monuments are exactly the same after all. When used together, the effect will definitely be quite terrifying!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and then he was completely immersed in the understanding of many laws.

. . .

The fact that Wang Cheng broke through the fourteenth floor of Tongtian Bridge in one breath did not cause much trouble, because the news was blocked and only a few senior officials knew about it.

And these senior officials have long known what kind of strength Wang Cheng has. They were not that surprised that Wang Cheng broke through the fourteenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. They should have been surprised when they discovered Wang Cheng!

"In the thirty years since the beginning of the universe, how much progress can you make? Have you passed the fifteenth floor or...the sixteenth floor?" Lord Darkness was in his mansion, his eyes looking through the distance. From a distance, he saw Wang Cheng who was practicing on the rooftop of a small building.

From the 14th floor to the 15th and 16th floors of Tongtian Bridge, it seems that there is only one or two floors of difference, but the gap in Tongtian Bridge becomes more and more terrifying the further you go!

In the eyes of Lord Ming An, Wang Cheng's ability to pass through the fifteenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge during his thirty years in Chaos City is already remarkable. As for the sixteenth floor... this is just a beautiful expectation. That's all, if Wang Cheng can do it, it will naturally be a surprise, but if he can't, that's a matter of course!

However, what Lord Ming An doesn't know is that it has been less than twenty years since Wang Cheng really started practicing. He has been in the original universe for thirty years, but it has been a full hundred years in the original universe!

And Wang Cheng's true self and a bunch of other clones are all within the original universe!

In a hundred years, Wang Cheng now has far more cultivation resources than before... Therefore, his real goal should be to start at the sixteenth floor of Tongtian Bridge, and the seventeenth floor is considered qualified.

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