Wang Cheng and Lord Ming An entered the inner palace of the city lord's palace, and not long after, they walked out.

"Junior Brother Wang Cheng, just call me Second Senior Brother from now on. If you have any questions you don't understand, feel free to ask me!" Lord Ming An smiled and said to Wang Cheng.

"It's...Second Senior Brother!" Wang Cheng said somewhat unaccustomedly.

"You still have five years in Chaos City, practice well!" Lord Darkness patted Wang Cheng on the shoulder, and then he disappeared directly in front of Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng watched Lord Ming An disappear. At this time, he was still in a daze.

Suddenly he became the master of the Chaos City Lord, and his seniority suddenly rose. Even Lord Darkness became his senior brother, and the Sea Shark King...enmmmm

"However, even though I have become the master of Chaos City Lord, I am still too weak!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

Just now, after Wang Cheng bowed down without hesitation, the Lord of Chaos City didn't say much and only told Wang Cheng three things.

First, before Wang Cheng became the Realm Lord, the Chaos City Lord would only declare to the outside world that Wang Cheng was his registered disciple... for no other reason than to protect Wang Cheng!

What is the identity of the Lord of Chaos City? Generally speaking, it is impossible for him to accept a universe-level disciple. If his direct disciple is a universe-level disciple, it is even more impossible!

Second, there must be a reason why Wang Cheng was suddenly accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Chaos City, so next, the fact that Wang Cheng has broken through the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain will no longer be concealed.

Wang Cheng has been practicing in Chaos City for twenty-five years. Although it is still unbelievable for him to break through the original Tongtian Mountain now, he is still stronger than before.

What's more, the cosmic-level original Tongtian Mountain only requires the level of Tongtian Bridge's twelfth floor, and Wang Cheng's real level is already the level of Tongtian Bridge's seventeenth floor. Don't look at the gap of only five floors, but in fact, The distance is much greater than the gap from the first level to the twelfth level.

Just claiming that Wang Cheng has broken through the original Tongtian Mountain is already a great protection for him!

Third, Wang Cheng still has five years left in Chaos City. In addition to waiting for Wang Cheng to leave the initial universe in five years, Wang Cheng will have to meet the Lord of Chaos City during these five years and after he leaves the initial universe. There is no need to come to the city lord's palace, just go directly to the palace of the Chaos City Lord on Thunder Island in the virtual universe to meet him!


After saying these three things, the Lord of Chaos City said no more. He directly asked Wang Cheng and Lord Darkness to leave. This is why Wang Cheng was still in a daze at the moment.

Everything happened too fast!

. . .

Wang Cheng returned to the rooftop of his small building. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City had announced the news to the outside world. Soon, a hurricane blew up from top to bottom in the Virtual Universe Company.

The Lord of Chaos City has accepted a disciple again. Although he is only a registered disciple, he is only a cosmic-level disciple!

If you become a registered disciple at the cosmic level, is it not a certainty that you will become a direct disciple in the future?

"I have only joined Virtual Universe Company for twenty-five years, and I have already passed through the universe-level primitive Tongtian Mountain... No wonder!" When this news came out, many people suddenly realized it.

Those who can break through the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain are geniuses who have been rare for countless years. They have only joined the Virtual Universe Company for 25 years and made it through. It does not seem surprising that this talent was noticed by the Lord of Chaos City and accepted as a disciple. .....


When the hurricane started blowing, Wang Cheng, who had returned to his small building, also began to receive various emails frequently, from people he knew and didn't know, but anyway, there were a lot of people coming to congratulate him!

"Am I now famous?" Wang Cheng touched his chin.

Although he performed well in the talent competition before, because most of the information was blocked, he is not particularly famous, and is not even as famous as Bo Lan and Rong Jun this time.

Bo Lan is famous for his stubbornness. He is obviously not suitable for the path of simultaneous progress of time and space, but he insists on persisting.

Rong Jun became famous because he had a master of the universe as his teacher. Most of the other geniuses in the same class did not have a master. Even if they had a master, they would be able to win the title of king. However, Rong Jun was recruited by a high-ranking master. The leader of the Universe Kingdom values ​​​​him and accepts disciples. It’s strange that he is not famous!

But now...the two of them can only be called younger brothers in front of Wang Cheng.

Whether he was accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Chaos City or he had broken through the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, it was enough to make him famous.

"Geniuses are not strong men. I will continue to practice!"

Wang Cheng is very sober at this time. No matter how famous he is, he still needs strength to support him. The most important thing he should do at this moment is nothing but cultivation!


And when the news about Wang Cheng was spread, it didn't take long for the geniuses in Chaos City to hear about it one after another.

Many geniuses have no specific concept of the Lord of Chaos City, and the level of Lord of the Universe is beyond their reach, but one thing is clear to them, the Lord of Chaos City is definitely a figure above the Lord of the Universe!

So, for a time, many geniuses tried to go to the original Tongtian Mountain, and the can imagine!

Even Bo Lan, the strongest, fell to the ground at the foot of the mountain without any suspense. The others were basically killed instantly upon meeting...

. . .

Three days later, the virtual universe, Yuxiang Mountain, was on a vast grassland in the public area.

Wang Cheng, Luo Feng and others gathered here for the rare occasion.

"Wang Cheng, how did you get through the original Tongtian?" Uka's eyes were full of desire for knowledge.

"Drink this cup and I'll tell you!" Wang Cheng motioned to the wine glass in Uka's hand.

"It's agreed!" Uka's eyes lit up, and he drank down the wine glass in his hand without hesitation. At the same time, he also stared at Wang Cheng with an expectant look on his face.

"It's very simple, rely on strength to succeed!" Wang Cheng did not disappoint Wuka's expectations and directly gave the answer.

"I knew..." Uka was helpless. He didn't feel much disappointment. How could such a thing that almost alarmed the entire Virtual Universe Company be tricky?

"Brother Wang, let me raise a toast!" Luo Feng also raised his glass at this time and drank the wine in his hand.

Luo Feng is not a person willing to admit defeat. He has always worked hard with Wang Cheng as his goal. In the past twenty years in Chaos City, he thought that his progress had been incredible. However, when he went to the original Tongtian Mountain, he was killed by a bull at the foot of the mountain. A man was struck with an axe, and he didn't even have the ability to resist!

"Haha, Luo Feng, you have to keep working hard. I'm waiting for the day you catch up with me!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

In fact, Wang Cheng had already discovered that Luo Feng had been treating him as a target. Moreover, Luo Feng was different from Bo Lan. Bo Lan seemed to regard Wang Cheng as his obsession, while Luo Feng regarded Wang Cheng as his A big mountain that he has been trying to climb!

Wang Cheng is not afraid of hitting Luo Feng. He knows that Luo Feng is the kind of person who becomes more courageous the more he is frustrated. If he is put under pressure, he will progress faster.

"Brother Wang, just wait!" Luo Feng also smiled.


PS: Third update, please support!

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