Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 127: Life-Saving Treasure

Jiu Meng left quickly, and Wang Cheng also went directly to the inner palace of the City Lord of Chaos City after Jiu Meng left. The Lord of Chaos City had previously said that Wang Cheng would come to see him before leaving Chaos City.

He will leave tomorrow, so Wang Cheng will naturally not forget this matter.


Wang Cheng entered the inner palace and soon came to the desolate world called "Chaos Ruins".

"Teacher!" Wang Cheng saluted the Lord of Chaos City in the distance.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Chaos City Lord asked.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded.


The Lord of Chaos City did not speak. He slowly turned around. Wang Cheng looked at the Lord of Chaos City. In his eyes, the Lord of Chaos City at this time was like the incarnation of the laws of the universe, vast and unfathomable.

"You once had a senior brother named 'Coty'! He had passed through the original Tongtian Mountain at the Universe level, Territory Lord level, and Realm Lord level, and was hailed by others as a peerless genius that only appears once in tens of millions of eras... ..." The Lord of Chaos City spoke slowly, and what he was talking about was the matter of "Cotti".

Although Wang Cheng knew about this, he still listened carefully at this time.

"If your senior brother is a genius who only appeared in tens of millions of epochs, then you... you are an unprecedented genius!" The Lord of Chaos City continued:

"You should know what this means!"

"This means that I may be assassinated countless times more ferociously than Brother Cody!" Wang Cheng said.

"A true strong man needs to go through countless experiences to become a man, and you are no exception!" The Lord of Chaos City said: "You have been living in Chaos City, and I can protect your safety, but no matter how high your realm is, you are still very weak. It’s difficult to become a truly strong person, so you need to leave here and experience real hardships!”

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"The aliens don't know your true talent now, so you may not be as good as your senior brother Cody in their eyes, but this matter may not always be hidden in the future!" Chaos City Lord said:

"So I'll give you a few life-saving things!"

"Life-saving thing?" Wang Cheng was slightly curious. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City waved his hand, and in an instant, a golden token flew towards Wang Cheng.

"If you encounter an assassination by a foreign race and you have no other way to escape! Just crush this token and I will arrive immediately!" Chaos City Lord said:

"Of course, it's limited to assassinations of foreign races!"

"Teacher, what you mean is... you won't care about me in ordinary crises?" Wang Cheng asked.

"That's a test for you. You have to get through it on your own!"

The Lord of Chaos City didn't say much, but Wang Cheng understood that the Lord of Chaos City was hiding the fact that he could "reverse time and space" and resurrect the dead.

After all, Wang Cheng is only at the cosmic level at the moment and has not experienced many things. The Lord of Chaos City should be worried that Wang Cheng will slack off after knowing about the reversal of time and space, and will not get the experience that the cosmic level deserves!

In fact, if Wang Cheng is really dead, then the Lord of Chaos City will probably reverse time and space and resurrect him!

"It seems that if my clone can survive, it's better to try not to die!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

The essence of reversing time and space is to reverse time and space, so that people who died in the past can return to the present. However, Wang Cheng is just a clone... Although his clone has a soul and a body, it is regarded as a new life. That's not a bad idea, but can this thing really come back when the Chaos City Lord reverses time and space?

It would be okay if the clone was annihilated together with the soul after death. If the soul of the clone had returned to the original body, wouldn't it mean that the Lord of Chaos City reversed time and space and resurrected a lonely person?


At this time, the Lord of Chaos City naturally did not know what Wang Cheng was thinking. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand again. The next moment, a palace about the size of a palm with countless dense patterns on its surface appeared in front of Wang Cheng. before.

"This is the Demon King's Palace. It is indestructible. It can resist most divine attacks and soul attacks, and it is extremely fast! Once you encounter a crisis, hide in it!" The Chaos City Lord said slowly.

"Demon Emperor's Palace?" Wang Cheng was slightly startled when he heard the name.

Wang Cheng had previously captured the Demon Emperor's Armor and the Demon Emperor's Pearl by chance, and now the Lord of Chaos City had taken out the "Demon Emperor's Palace". The names of these three seemed to be closely related.

"Weren't those two treasures caught from the teacher before?" Wang Cheng felt a little bitter in his heart. If this is the case, then the Lord of Chaos City has really become his big sufferer.

The Cosmic Chaos Monument, the Demon Emperor's Pearl, the Demon Emperor's Armor...the three most precious treasures on Wang Cheng's body, all came from the Lord of Chaos City?

Wang Cheng's heart was extremely complicated, and the Lord of Chaos City continued to say:

"Although your realm is sufficient, you are only at the cosmic level after all. With the strength of your force, you cannot activate this treasure! So I made some modifications in it. By consuming a large amount of cosmic crystals, you can control it in a short time. ....."

The Lord of Chaos City finished speaking quickly, and Wang Cheng also saluted and thanked him directly, but then he asked: "Teacher, can I ask about the origin of the Demon Emperor's Palace?"

"This is one of the treasure sets used by a strong foreigner a long time ago. The strong foreigner was hunted down because of public outrage, and his treasures were also scattered everywhere. This Demon Emperor's Palace was created by me unintentionally. What I got..." Chaos City Lord said simply, and then he ordered:

"The value of this treasure is far beyond your imagination, you must use it with caution!"

"Disciple understands!"

Wang Cheng nodded, feeling relieved at this time.

According to the Chaos City Lord, this Demon Emperor's Palace is just one of the suits he got accidentally. In other words, the Demon Emperor Armor and the Demon Emperor Pearl were not obtained from the Chaos City Lord by the chance capture system. This is natural. Wang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the Lord of Chaos City is one of his own now. If he catches one of his own by chance, Wang Cheng always feels like he has suffered a big loss!

Fortunately, everything was just Wang Cheng's own imagination. His Demon Emperor Pearl and Demon Emperor Armor did not come from the Lord of Chaos City.

"However, I got the Demon Emperor Pearl and Demon Emperor Armor through chance, and now the teacher gave me this Demon Emperor Palace...the treasure set left by the strong alien, it is obviously destined to me! "This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

. . .

Wang Cheng quickly said goodbye to the Lord of Chaos City and left the Chaos Ruins.

The next day, the geniuses of this genius battle gathered together, waiting to leave the initial universe.

The geniuses from the apocalyptic secret realm were the first to leave. Jiu Meng stood at the door of the spaceship and waved to Wang Cheng. He said something silently at the same time, and then turned around and walked in without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth and the Secret Realm of Taichu also left one after another.

Finally, there were Wang Cheng and Bo Lan, the two people from the original secret realm. However, they left together on the boat of Lord Darkness...

PS: I’m in a bit of a hurry today, so I’ll do two updates first, and I’ll make up for the fourth update tomorrow...

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