Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 166 Meeting Jiang Mingyue

After solving the "Hong" problem, Wang Cheng still lives in the Qiongyu Star. Of course, on the surface, he is practicing peacefully here, but in fact, Wang Cheng has begun to preside over the three giants of Qianwu Universe Kingdom. Something happened.

There is no set deadline for Virtual Universe Company's mission, but Wang Cheng is not prepared to delay it. This kind of thing will naturally end early and happily!

This matter... the Big Three are not clean, that's for sure. However, although everyone knows the matter, but if you want to formally arrest them, you must first find evidence that they are not clean.

Moreover, there must be a lot of evidence.

After all, ordinary things were not enough for the three feudal lords to be punished.

Fortunately, some of the things the Big Three have done are too big and easy to catch. In addition, Wang Cheng has the support of the intelligence department of Virtual Universe Company, so the progress of this matter is pretty good so far.

. . .

The second year after Wang Cheng arrived at Qiongyu Planet, in the virtual universe, in a luxurious manor on Ganwu Continent——

Wang Cheng, led by a guard, arrived outside a villa with an earthly architectural style.

"Brother Cheng!"

A slightly joyful voice came out, and the next moment, Jiang Mingyue, dressed in black casual clothes, walked out.

"Mingyue, long time no see!" Wang Cheng greeted with a smile.


After a while, the two came to the room, and Jiang Mingyue poured Wang Cheng a glass of wine that was dotted like stars.

"Seven Stars Exquisite Drunk, every time I drink it, it leaves people with endless aftertaste!" Wang Cheng took a sip and praised it at the same time.

"Brother Cheng, as long as you like it!" Jiang Mingyue smiled and then said:

"The Seven Stars Exquisite Drunk in this virtual universe actually imitates the taste of 'Bichen Wine' in reality. I didn't have the chance before. Now, Brother Cheng, if you return to Qianwu Universe Country, I will take you there to try it!"

"You suddenly said you wanted to see me, and you really knew I was back!"

Wang Cheng put down his glass of wine and returned to Qianwu Universe Country as the special supervisory envoy. Jiang Mingyue didn't know about it before. After all, although the appointment of the new special supervisory envoy caused quite a stir, it was not on the same level as what Jiang Mingyue usually came into contact with. She couldn't It’s not surprising to know.

And Wang Cheng never took the initiative to tell Jiang Mingyue about this!

"Yes, although you didn't tell Brother Cheng, I know!" Jiang Mingyue nodded slightly, and Wang Cheng heard a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone. She was obviously blaming Wang Cheng for not telling her that he was back.

"Of course there is a reason why I don't tell you!" Wang Cheng sipped the wine calmly.

"More than two hundred years!" Jiang Mingyue said seriously.

"You and I are both Territory Lords now, with a lifespan of millions of years. In the future, we will become Realm Lords, immortals, and have even more lifespans. Why are we in such a hurry to meet?" Wang Cheng continued:

"Besides, wouldn't it be nice for us to meet in the virtual universe?"

"That's different!" Jiang Mingyue shook her head, and she continued: "But, Brother Cheng, there must be a reason why you don't want to see me, right?"

"That's true!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. It seemed that Jiang Mingyue was quite calm.

"Can you tell me?" Jiang Mingyue asked.

"There is nothing bad to say. Although I appear to be very beautiful on the surface, there are many people who want to kill me, and most of them are not easy to deal with. If you meet me, you will get into trouble!" Wang Cheng said directly:

"Not many people know about your relationship with me, even in the Virtual Universe Company, so it's best for us to meet in the Virtual Universe. This can also be considered as a protection for you!"

"That's it!" Jiang Mingyue nodded, and at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had guessed that Wang Cheng had deliberately avoided seeing her for some reason, now that Wang Cheng said it himself, she still felt inexplicably relaxed. Quite a few.

At this time, Jiang Mingyue seemed to have thought of something, and she suddenly asked: "The person who wants to kill Brother Cheng... is Hei Yanhou?"

"Oh?" Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Mingyue with some surprise. She actually knew about this?

Seeing Wang Cheng's surprised look, Jiang Mingyue smiled and said directly:

"Brother Cheng, isn't it strange how I knew you came to Ganwu Universe Kingdom? In fact, I am now in the army of Qianwu Universe Kingdom and hold an important position, so I heard some rumors... Not long ago , I asked someone out of curiosity, and then I found out about the existence of Brother Cheng, the 'Special Envoy of Supervision'!"

"That's right!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, which is not surprising.

In the past year, Wang Cheng did not attack the three giants at the same time, and he was not stupid. Attacking the three giants at the same time would definitely cause a joint rebound from the three of them. Although Wang Cheng is not afraid, he does not want to cause any setbacks!

Of course, the best way to deal with this matter is to find a reason to kill one of them first, and then find a way to control the remaining two!

Among the three giants, Wang Cheng first focused on investigating the dark man in charge of the "Military Department".

The reason is very simple. In the distribution of Virtual Universe Company in Qianwu Universe Country, the "Military Department" and "Business Department" are completely owned by Virtual Universe Company. Although the two are separate, they are inextricably linked to each other. Check one of them. , must involve another family, that is to say, if you want to deal with these two families, then there is a high probability that they will have to deal with it together!

The "Military Department" is different. Compared with the other two departments, the Military Department is completely independent, because the army of the Military Department is not the army of Virtual Universe Company. To be precise, it is the army of Ganwu Universe Country!

However, the huge and terrifying army is not completely controlled by the Qianwu Universe Country itself. Both the Virtual Universe Company and the Giant Ax Arena have considerable rights in it.

And Hei Yanhou is the person who holds this right in the Ganwu Universe Kingdom of the Virtual Universe Company.

Of course, Wang Cheng was the first to choose to investigate the "Black Annihilation", and he also wanted to gnaw off this difficult bone first. After all, although Wang Cheng has extremely high power in the Virtual Universe Company, he has no power in the Qianwu Universe Country. The influence of the Giant Ax Arena is much smaller.

If Black Annihilation is investigated at the end, then the other party is fully prepared. She can still easily muddy the waters by taking advantage of the many complicated relationships in the military. The investigation will then be countless times more difficult than it is now.


"Brother Cheng, Hei Yanhou has deep-rooted influence in Qianwu Universe Country, and she is also extremely powerful. Although you are the supervisory envoy, there is no need to fight with her, right?" Jiang Mingyue asked with some confusion.

"Hei Yanhou is not qualified to fight with me yet. What I am really worried about is not Black Yanhou, but the aliens lurking in the human territory!" Wang Cheng said calmly:

"In order to kill me, the foreign race will definitely pay a huge price and will not miss any opportunity!"


A hint of surprise flashed in Jiang Mingyue's eyes.

The inheritance and treasures left behind by "Lord Thrall" accounted for at least 70% of the reason why she has achieved what she has today, and Lord Thrall died because of a plot by a foreign race!

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