Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 168 Difficulties and Personal Arrivals

While Hou Heiyan was thinking, soon, seven or eight figures came to the hall one after another.


Seven or eight figures all knelt down.

"I have called you here because I have a task to give you. Next, there is a tough battle to be fought. You must be prepared to die at any time!" Hei Nihou said indifferently.

"It is our honor to die for our master!" Seven or eight people said respectfully at the same time.

"Yes!" Hei Yanhou nodded with satisfaction. She then looked at one of the figures and said at the same time:

"No. 1, you go to the Borna star field. There is an ice starfish there. You go and destroy everything on that planet!"

"Yes!" The figure nodded without hesitation.

"No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, you go to the Poison Nine Galaxy and find a way to interfere with the investigation team to collect evidence!" Hei Nihou said again.


Several other figures nodded at the same time.

"No. 5, you go to Dongsheng Star Territory..."


Hei Yanhou continued to give orders, and this time the order was different from the past. She had some scruples before, but this time she completed the task regardless of the cost or consequences!

. . .

Time continued to pass little by little, and the struggle between Wang Cheng and Hei Nihou caused undercurrents to surge in many places in the Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

Hei Yanhou is not a fool. She will not let Wang Cheng get evidence against her. She has been using various resources of her own to interfere with Wang Cheng. Recently, this interference has begun to turn into more secretive means. place, but it became bloody and violent, with countless deaths and injuries for a time.

"Hei Yanhou is really a little crazy!"

On the Qiongyu Star, Wang Cheng looked at the messages sent back by Samir. He touched his chin and pondered.

The Virtual Universe Company gave Wang Cheng this task, and naturally it would not be easy for Wang Cheng to complete it. They asked Wang Cheng to investigate the Big Three, but the resources given to Wang Cheng in the early stage were only assisted by the Intelligence Department of the Virtual Universe Company.

Without outside support, Wang Cheng naturally had no choice but to let his guards collect evidence.

And Wang Cheng told Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou that this matter was just a personal grudge between him and Hei Nihou, so in fact, even if there was outside help, Wang Cheng could not move lightly, and Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou were not fools. , after they realize something is wrong, they will definitely take action immediately!


Fortunately, Shamir is an immortal and has good strength. Under her leadership, the evidence collection team has made good progress in the early stage.

But now, the Black Lord is starting to go crazy, and Shamir's progress has been greatly delayed. Even Shamir has a hunch that the Black Lord may kill her at any time, so she has many worries for a while.

Wang Cheng felt that Shamir was thinking too much. No matter how crazy Hei Nihou was, he could not be this crazy. Shamir was an immortal who came from the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company, and was Wang Cheng's guard captain. If she died, then It's definitely not a trivial matter. If Hei Yanhou dares to do that, Virtual Universe Company can't just sit back and watch.

Wang Cheng believes that Hei Yanhou will not fail to understand this truth. There is a difference between a madman and a fool!

However, although Wang Cheng felt that Samir was overthinking, if his subordinates were panicking, it would definitely affect their work. As the "boss", he naturally had to find a way to solve it.

. . .

"Why don't you let Mingyu go?" Sea Shark King also knew about this situation, so he suggested.

Marquis Mingyu is only nominally Wang Cheng's bodyguard, so it's not impossible for her to leave!

"Those aliens are probably staring at me. If Marquis Mingyu leaves, they will probably guess that there are other strong people around me!" Wang Cheng shook his head and said:

"Well, I'll go there myself!"

"Are you going in person?" Sea Shark King was confused.

"I have a way to greatly improve my foundation in a short period of time, even to the point where I am close to the peak of the world master!" Wang Cheng said with a smile:

"When the time comes, with my understanding of the law, I will be able to exert my strength to the point where I can barely be crowned king!"

"What? Significantly improve the physical foundation, and reach close to the peak of the world lord?" Sea Shark King looked at Wang Cheng in astonishment, and he immediately asked:

"Are there any serious sequelae?"

"No problem in a short time!" Wang Cheng smiled.

"You actually have this kind of ability, and you can display the power of becoming a king at the domain lord level. That's what a 'monster' like you can do..." Sea Shark King was slightly amazed.

"Thanks to the adventures I had when I broke into those secret realms before, otherwise I wouldn't have the ability!" Wang Cheng didn't care that Sea Shark King said he was a monster. The two of them became familiar with each other, and this kind of title was very common.

As for what Wang Cheng said, it is actually correct. He was not so abnormal in the first stage of "Colossus Transformation" alone, but coupled with the increase in "Dragon Transformation" obtained on the Dragon God Star, his basic ability In a short period of time, it reached a level close to becoming a king.

Of course, although his strength is close to that of the feudal princes, Wang Cheng estimates that he can't do anything to most of the feudal princes who are immortal.

The reason is very simple. Fenghou Immortal has an immortal body and can burn his divine body. In a real fight, Wang Cheng's foundation improved through special methods cannot last long, so of course it will be difficult for him to do anything to defeat Fenghou Immortal.

However, there's nothing you can do about it, so it's okay to scare them.

The situation that Shamir was facing now was that she felt it was very dangerous, so it was no problem for Wang Cheng to go there in person and provide her with support.


"Are you going to go there under another identity and pretend to be a strong man?" Sea Shark King thought very quickly. After knowing Wang Cheng's ability, he instantly figured out Wang Cheng's plan.

Wang Cheng definitely cannot show his true body. Firstly, it is difficult to expose his true realm. Secondly, many alien races are staring at him. His true identity will only cause trouble. Therefore, disguising his identity is the only option. .

"This is not difficult for me!" Wang Cheng smiled slightly.

The secret technique of dragon transformation can greatly change his appearance and breath. Even Samir, who has been following him for a long time, can never see any flaws!

"In this case, it's feasible!" Sea Shark King nodded slightly.

Let Mingyu stay on the Qiongyu Star to attract attention, while Wang Cheng quietly left to support the front. No matter how hard the aliens tried, they probably couldn't have imagined this situation!

. . .

After deciding on the plan and making some arrangements, Wang Cheng and Sea Shark King teleported directly and left Qiong Yuxing quietly.

After that, they took the spaceship and headed straight to the planet where Shamir was currently.

After half a month of traveling, the two arrived at their destination. The Sea Shark King was hiding in the dark as usual, while Wang Cheng used the Dragon Transformation Secret Technique to transform into a dragon, and at the same time put on a set of black armor.


The spaceship hatch opened and Wang Cheng stepped out.

At this time, Shamir and other guards responsible for collecting evidence were waiting outside to greet him.

"Sir, are you the reinforcement that His Highness mentioned?" Samir looked at the figure in black armor with a dragon tail behind him and asked with some confusion.

According to what Wang Cheng said to her, the person who came was extremely powerful, and there was no need to worry at all even if Hei Yanhou came in person... But the person in front of her, although giving her a faint sense of danger, his aura was... It’s really not that strong!

"You can call me 'Dragon'!" Wang Cheng said calmly: "You can just investigate, if you have any trouble, I will solve it!"

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Dragon!" Samir nodded slightly. Although she was confused, seeing how confident the strong man named "Dragon" in front of her was, she couldn't help but believe it.

Moreover, Samir also knew Wang Cheng's personality, and she knew that Wang Cheng would definitely not cheat her on this matter!

PS: Let’s do the third update today. I will definitely pay back the three updates I owed yesterday, so don’t rush!

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