Through some things, Wang Cheng quickly understood the whole situation.

At the same time, Jiang Mingyue, who was stared at by Wang Cheng, fell into endless tension. She didn't know that Wang Cheng came out of the ring on the tip of her gun. She thought that Wang Cheng suddenly appeared because he was too fast. She even failed to see it clearly.

This speed, coupled with the fact that Wang Cheng casually smashed the head of the armored insect king into pieces just now, made Jiang Mingyue instantly judge that Wang Cheng was probably an existence that surpassed the God of War!

Originally, Jiang Mingyue asked herself whether to steal or rob. Although she would be a little in awe when she saw such a strong man, she would not be too nervous.

After all, an existence beyond the God of War would never attack someone of his own kind!

But it's different now. She just got lucky and picked up that incredible ring not long ago. She hasn't warmed up to it yet. If the other party discovers the specialness of this ring and wants to snatch it by force, then she How can I keep this ring?

"To kill that thief, this ring is the key. Don't find out, don't find out..." Jiang Mingyue kept thinking in her heart, but unfortunately, it backfired.


"What's your name?" Wang Cheng asked with a smile.

"Jiang Yueming!"

Jiang Mingyue said something, her voice was a little hoarse, it should be a disguised voice.

"Jiang Yueming? What a name!" Wang Cheng praised, and then said:

"However, Miss Jiang Yueming, the last time I saw you, I remembered that you were just a high-level warrior. I didn't expect that you would be fighting with lord-level monsters in the blink of an eye. You have improved so fast!"

"I didn't take the initiative to fight it. It suddenly came out of the soil on its own. I had no choice but to fight it!" Jiang Mingyue explained calmly. Regardless of whether Wang Chengxin believed it or not, she believed half of it herself.

But unfortunately, Jiang Mingyue didn't know at all. Wang Cheng had already understood all the cause and effect of the matter.

"So, I saved your life?" Wang Cheng pointed at the Iron Scarab King whose head had been shattered on one side.

"I don't know what to call you, senior. If I, Jiang Yueming, have the opportunity in the future, I will try my best to thank you, senior!" Jiang Mingyue said very sincerely. At this time, her heart was already beating loudly.

Because Wang Cheng had already set his sights on the tip of the gun in her hand.

Jiang Mingyue resisted not hiding the tip of the spear, because that would be too obvious!

"You don't need to wait until later to thank me, you can do it now!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "I think your spear tip is good, why not give it to me!"


Jiang Mingyue understood in an instant that Wang Cheng was 100% aware of the abnormality in the tip of her spear, and what he just said was just teasing her!

"What, you can't bear to leave?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Yes, I can't bear to part with it. Senior has been so kind to me. I will repay it in other ways later!" Jiang Mingyue said in a deep voice. She knew that Wang Cheng was still teasing her, but she also knew that it would not be a problem for her to fall out now. Benefits.

"What if I have to?" Wang Cheng released a trace of aura. Although it was just a trace of aura, a star-level aura was enough to make a high-level general feel scared.

"Give it to me?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"No!" Jiang Mingyue did not retreat. She clenched her teeth and resisted the fear from the bottom of her heart.

"Huh? Pretty stubborn?" Wang Cheng looked calm and released an even more terrifying aura again. This was almost substantial oppression. Although Jiang Mingyue tried her best to resist, she still couldn't help but take half a step back.

However, despite retreating, Jiang Mingyue still had no intention of giving in.

"Very strong willed!" Wang Cheng raised his eyebrows. He was a star with thirty times the genetic level. Even though he had just created three thousand planet-level clones, his aura was much scarier than that of a normal star. Got it!

Even if only one-tenth of this kind of aura is released, it is enough to make planet-level people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts. It is normal for apprentice-level people to collapse on the ground.

Like the man in front of me, not only is he still standing, but he can also refuse his request. His will is indeed quite impressive!

Although will is the advantage of humans on Earth, in fact not all humans on Earth have a strong will!

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be many rice worms left!

"Senior, I respect you for being powerful, and I respect you for fighting for us humans, but this is not the reason for you to take things by force!" Jiang Mingyue said with difficulty, but Wang Cheng suddenly laughed, and then he Put away the breath on your body.

"You are right. Being powerful is not a reason for taking things by force, but you are not right at all. I have never fought for mankind!" Wang Cheng said lightly, and then he stretched out his hand and instantly He took away the spear that Jiang Mingyue was protecting.

Wang Cheng took off the ring from the tip of the spear, and then returned the spear to Jiang Mingyue.

"You clearly said you wouldn't snatch it!" Jiang Mingyue looked at the empty tip of the gun with some difficulty.

"This ring belongs to me, so how can I say it's a robbery? It's you who picked up someone else's stuff and wants to keep it as your own. Isn't it appropriate?" Wang Cheng asked lightly.

"Is this ring yours?" Jiang Mingyue asked in disbelief.

"If I guess correctly, you picked up this ring in a residential building, and it was on the tenth floor!" Wang Cheng asked with a smile, "Is that right?"

"This..." Jiang Mingyue was speechless for a moment. She had indeed discovered the ring accidentally when she entered a residential building to rest. That place seemed to be on the tenth floor!

"It's yours, of course, it's yours, it's not yours, it's useless if you take it! As compensation for you, the body of the Iron Scarab King will be given to you, so you can take care of yourself!" Wang Cheng smiled, Then, he flew up and disappeared in front of Jiang Mingyue in an instant.


Wang Cheng flew away, and Jiang Mingyue couldn't help but sit down on the ground with some dejection. Although there was the body of the priceless Iron Scarab King not far away, Jiang Mingyue could not muster the slightest strength to dissect the body at this time.

"The existence that surpasses the God of War can make me unable to move with just momentum? The ring I got from the Great Luck is gone..." Jiang Mingyue thought a little decadently. She didn't know how long it took before she finally got up and took the bag out of her backpack. He took out a dagger and walked towards the body of the Iron Scarab King.


While Jiang Mingyue was dissecting the body of the Iron Scarab King, Wang Cheng had quietly returned to his villa in Mingyue Community in Yangzhou City. Wang Cheng's clone disappeared more than ten days ago, and there was no one there for more than ten days. The villa now has a slight ups and downs.

"I'm a star-level genius, and I have a status in the universe. Now I have to clean the room by myself... enmm, if you have a chance in the future, I'll find a follower to do odd jobs"! "Wang Cheng was speechless and sent out three clones to clean the villa. At the same time, he sent out a third-level apprentice clone to go outside to inquire about the news.

As for Wang Cheng himself, he lay lazily on the sofa in the hall and began to think silently.

In fact, for Jiang Mingyue, whom he met twice, Wang Cheng initially felt that the two were quite destined, and he was ready to have more contact with him. However, Jiang Mingyue's words made Wang Cheng change his mind, so he simply and neatly accepted her. Returned to the world ring.

"Fighting for humanity?" Wang Cheng shook his head.

Although Wang Cheng can be said to be an earthling, he is not an earthling in this world. After all, Wang Cheng's original world is still a peaceful world in 2022, but this earth has experienced a catastrophe in 2013. There is no difference between the two. It doesn't matter.

Therefore, Wang Cheng can't say that he has deep feelings for the earth in this world. In terms of feelings, he still has feelings for China. Otherwise, when Jiang Yueming had a conflict with the foreign team, he would not have taken sides. Help Jiang Yueming.

Wang Cheng wanted to practice and become stronger. From the beginning, it was because he knew the world was dangerous and wanted to protect himself!

Warriors on this earth, the education they have received since childhood, and all the information they have received, almost all of them are that warriors are the defense line of mankind and the most solid force to protect mankind, so they will be there one by one in the most critical time. Warriors come forward.

But Wang Cheng was different. He had never been in contact with those things, and the memories he received from the original owner of this body did not touch Wang Cheng much.

"Strictly speaking, I am an alien!" Wang Cheng sighed secretly.

Wang Cheng knows very well that if he helps all mankind within his ability, he will certainly not hesitate at all. After all, this is his second home, but if he wants to make him abandon it like Luo Feng in "Swallowing the Stars" Sprinkling hot blood on the head is probably a bit difficult.

He doesn't have any close relatives or friends on this earth, so he is allowed to risk his life for no reason? That’s high praise for him!

"However, there seems to be no place on earth where I need to work hard!" Wang Cheng shook his head.


Wang Cheng himself was thinking about it. At this time, the clone he sent outside to inquire for information met Luo Feng's father, Luo Hongguo, in the courtyard of Luo Feng's house.

"Uncle Luo, where are you exercising?" Wang Cheng looked at Luo Hongguo who was stretching his legs in the yard and said hello with a smile.

"Xiao Wang, are you back from the wilderness area?" Luo Hongguo looked at Wang Cheng in surprise.

"Wild area?" Wang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he realized it. It turned out that in the past ten days since he disappeared, people in the community thought he had gone to the wilderness area. Fortunately, he thought there might be some trouble!

However, it is normal to think about it. Wang Cheng has always been a loner, and he suddenly disappeared. Instead of going to the wilderness area, where else could he have gone?

Although he had quit his team before, who knew he hadn't joined a new one?

"Ah, yes, I'm back!" Wang Cheng smiled and nodded.

"Xiao Wang, have you met Luo Feng in the wilderness area? That kid Luo Feng and Zhang Ke who were with him have been back for more than ten days, but he is still in the wilderness area..." Luo Hongguo said Knowing Luo Feng's situation, Wang Cheng reacted. At this moment, Luo Feng must be using the convenience of his spiritual master to sharpen himself crazily in the wilderness area, right?

It seems that he even got the title of "madman"!

"I didn't meet Luo Feng, we probably went to a different place!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "However, Luo Feng's strength has improved very quickly. He should be fine in the wilderness area!"

"Then let me borrow your good words from Xiao Wang!" Luo Hongguo laughed.


After chatting with Luo Hongguo for a while, Wang Cheng got the information he wanted. Soon, he controlled the clone and returned to the villa.

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