Wang Cheng did not run away immediately like King Nu Zheng and King Huan Xin. Instead, he stayed in place and observed the sudden appearance of the Zerg Queen. Such behavior quickly attracted the other party's attention.


Without any hesitation, he directly launched a soul attack.

This soul attack directly exceeded the limit of the Demon Emperor's Palace, which was only activated in the first stage. After being weakened by 90%, it directly blasted into Wang Cheng's mind.

"How terrifying!"

Wang Cheng covered his buzzing head. He no longer hesitated, directly activated the Demon Emperor's Palace, and disappeared through the void in a whoosh.

"It actually blocked it. It seems that the spaceship that the 'King of Infernal Affairs' is riding on is indeed a valuable treasure, and it is most likely an extremely rare palace-type treasure!" When the Zerg Mother Queen saw Wang Cheng disappear, this thought flashed through her mind.

At the same time, she felt a little regretful. If she could lure out King Wu Jian just now, then she would kill two birds with one stone this time. Not only would she get the treasure from King Guangling, but she would also get a palace-type treasure!

"But don't be greedy..."

The Zerg Mother Queen was thinking in her heart, and at the same time she quickly came to the place where King Guangling was last hit, and she put away all the treasures scattered around.

"Children, come back!"

The Zerg Queen spoke softly, and in an instant, tens of thousands of immortal-level Zerg warriors, the Vengeful King, the Three-Eyed King, and the Crazy Wolf King from the demon camp all came towards the Zerg Queen.

That's right, all three of the Ji Chou King have been conquered by the Zerg Mother Queen and have become her soul slaves!

"I can't hide the news this time, but it's enough. Let me, 'Sikaya', be famous on the battlefield outside the territory!" The Zerg Mother Queen was thinking, and suddenly, she raised her head in surprise. head.

In the void, a figure wearing jet-black armor arrived at a place less than a hundred thousand miles away from her.


The Zerg mother queen named Sikaya's heart instantly became solemn.

"Which of you knows him?" Sikaya quickly asked the three demon clan enslaved by him, but unfortunately, all three of them shook their heads.

"He gives me a very dangerous feeling. Such a strong person should not be unknown..." Sikaya was thinking in her heart. At the same time, she was not polite and directly urged her soul again. The ultimate attack move, kill him with a bang!

On the battlefield outside the territory, the strong ones outside the Zerg camp are all enemies. Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Sikaya to hold back at all!

But the next moment, Sikaya's heart suddenly sank. Her soul attack seemed to be of little use. He forcefully took a soul attack from her, and the opponent's breath was not disturbed at all...

"The soul attack I launched with the 'Queen's Crown' cannot be ignored even by the King of Invincibles. This person can actually do this!" Sikaya felt solemn in her heart.

"The Mother Queen of the Zerg, let's forget all the old and new grudges together this time!" The figure in jet black armor, to be precise, was Wang Cheng, he said lightly.

Yes, this figure is Wang Cheng, or in other words, Wang Cheng's true self.

To be more precise, it should be the newly condensed body of Wang Cheng after he entered the permanent secret realm "Extraterritorial Battlefield" through the "Opportunity Capture System".

Wang Cheng has not been to the permanent secret realm of "Outer Territory Battlefield" for a long time, especially after he broke through the realm master!

At the cosmic level, Wang Cheng needs a few chance points to come to an extraterrestrial battlefield, but at the realm lord level, he only needs a hundred points to come!

This is a full hundred points, and it normally takes more than three months to accumulate. Wang Cheng's clone is here, and of course he will not let him come over when he has nothing to do!

However, just because Wang Cheng doesn't let me come in normal times, it doesn't mean that he can't let me come at critical moments.

Every time Wang Cheng goes to the extraterrestrial battlefield, it is random. If he did not die the previous time, he will be in the same position next time. Therefore, soon after Wang Cheng's clone entered the extraterrestrial battlefield, he kept asking him to try Then enter the extraterritorial battlefield.

After spending thousands of opportunity points and dozens of attempts, the location was finally located near the Nest of the Divine Bee!

This is also due to Wang Cheng's always cautious style, which allows the main body to appear at any time, which is also an insurance. If an accident occurs and the clone cannot solve it, the stronger main body can take action!

Just like now... Putting aside the old and new hatred between Wang Cheng and the Zerg mother queen, the treasures the other party possesses alone are worth Wang Cheng's action!


Of course, at this time, Sikaya did not know that the figure in front of her was the identity of the "King of Infernal Affairs" who had just escaped. She asked inexplicably:

"What new and old hatreds are there? I don't know!"

"Don't worry, you'll know soon!"

Wang Cheng sneered, and the next moment, the aura on his body suddenly began to explode, and it became stronger and stronger!

This Zerg Mother Queen is not weak, so Wang Cheng will naturally not hold back!

Complex patterns appeared between Wang Cheng's brows, and at the same time, his size began to expand, reaching nearly twenty meters in an instant.

Transformation into a Titan, the third stage! ! !


Wang Cheng's base was already 10,000 times the peak of the world lord. Now it increased by 10,000 times. His base instantly reached 100 million times the peak of the world lord.

The King's limit is 100,000 times the peak power of the world lord, and the burning divine body is increased a thousand times, which is this power.

The difference is that although Wang Cheng's giant god transformation will have sequelae for a period of time afterwards, it can be used for a long time when used, while King Feng's burning divine body may burn out after a while!


Sikaya naturally has no way of knowing about Wang Cheng's innate secret technique "Giant Transformation". In her opinion, Wang Cheng's aura suddenly surged to this point, which should be due to the burning of his divine body!

"Burn the divine body directly, does this guy think he can defeat me!" Sikaya couldn't believe it, but facing such a violent Wang Cheng, she didn't dare to hesitate at all and burned the divine body directly.

As a soul master, the Zerg Mother Queen rarely burns her divine body under normal circumstances, because it does not increase her power greatly, but in this situation, she has to burn even if she doesn't.

"You two, stop him!"

Sikaya directly gave orders to the Three-Eyed King and the Crazy Wolf King. Not long after she became immortal, the only soul slaves under her were these three unlucky ghosts from the demon clan. The King of Vengeance had just been defeated, and there were not many divine bodies left. , now has no fighting power at all, so naturally it can only rely on the Three-Eyed King to fight the Crazy Wolf King.


The Three-Eyed King and the Crazy Wolf King naturally agreed immediately. They also burned their divine bodies and rushed directly towards Wang Cheng.

"court death!"

Wang Cheng sneered, and the "Shadow Split Sky Boots" under his feet lit up instantly.


In an instant, Wang Cheng disappeared directly from the spot.

When the Three-Eyed King and the Crazy Wolf King didn't react at all, two irresistible waves of powerful force exploded on them.

boom! boom!

Their bodies were exploded almost instantly, and they relied on their immortal bodies to survive, but even their immortal bodies could not completely offset this power.

In an instant, the Mad Wolf King at the peak of the title of King lost 15% of his divine body, and the Three-Eyed King at the highest level lost 36% of his divine body.

"This is the power of the treasure!" Wang Cheng felt extremely happy. In terms of strength alone, even if he used the third stage of the Titan Transformation, he might not be able to easily suppress these two people. However, relying on the power of "Shadow Splitting Sky Boots", Wang Cheng Their divine bodies can be destroyed easily. If Wang Cheng wants to kill them, it will only take a few moves.

However, Wang Cheng's target was not these two people. After overcoming their obstruction in an instant, Wang Cheng then headed towards the Zerg Queen Sikaya who was hiding behind...

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