Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 206 Obtaining the treasure and practicing

At the barracks base, on a completely independent island, Wang Cheng was drinking wine with several new acquaintances: the Immortal King.

"Brother Wujian, is the Zerg Mother Queen Sikaya really that powerful? Even King Guangling can't withstand a few moves?" asked a king with huge ears.

"It's really powerful. She has a crown-like treasure on her body. I suspect it's a soul-attack treasure. The soul attack of the Zerg Mother Queen is already a headache. Plus, with the blessing of such a treasure, without special means, who can do it?" How many moves can she hold on?" Wang Cheng asked back.

"Hiss!" Several people were shocked, and then they all suddenly said: "It's no wonder that there are such treasures!"

"That Zerg Mother Queen is amazing. Brother Wujian, you are also extraordinary. You were able to observe the appearance of the Zerg Mother Queen's treasures. King Huanxin and King Nuzheng ran away without seeing anything clearly!" said another king.

"I was just lucky enough to take another look!" Wang Cheng said modestly.

"Brother Wujian, why do you have to be so humble? Your ability to save lives is obvious to all!" The big-eared king who spoke at the beginning smiled and said:

"I'm tired of staying in the Gods and Demons Continent. After some rest, I'm going to go to the God Bee's Nest. If anything happens, brother Wu Jian, don't be stingy about taking action!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Wang Cheng agreed with a smile.

They are all kings of the human camp. If you happen to meet him, of course he is willing to help! Of course, even though they are from the same camp, they still have to bring out the treasure, otherwise Wang Cheng will not be taken advantage of.

"Haha, brother Wu Jian, have fun, drink!"


. . .

Wang Cheng was drinking heavily on this small island. Suddenly, the part of his consciousness left in the virtual universe received a message.

"finally reached!"

Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he no longer hesitated and said goodbye to several princes directly, and then quickly returned to his temporary residence in this barracks base.

This is also an independent island. Not long after Wang Cheng returned, a king wearing blood-colored armor escorted a large number of items here.

"King Wujian, everything you want is here, please take stock!" The Feng Wang said very directly.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He took the world ring handed over by King Feng, and after scanning it with his consciousness, he quickly nodded.

"That's right!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "Would King Kill Jue come in for a drink?"

"No, I'm on official business, take my leave!" The Feng Wang shook his head slightly, and then left quickly.

"Just like the legend says, this Killing King is very cold to everyone!" Wang Cheng flashed this thought.

It has been more than half a year since Wang Cheng came to this barracks base. During these more than half a year, he has not allowed his avatar to practice much. Instead, he often goes out to drink and make friends with many kings!

Wang Cheng has been hanging around as the "Infernal King" for a long time, but now he feels that he has truly entered the circle of kings.

In communicating with many kings, Wang Cheng also learned a lot of news and intelligence that could not be found in the virtual universe. Of course, there were also a lot of rumors, scandals and the like!

The most important thing is that Wang Cheng estimates that he will have to hang out in the Nest of the God Bee for a long time. No one knows what will happen to him as time goes by. It is natural to make more friends!

Glutinous rice

"However, it's time to leave!" Wang Cheng glanced at the world ring in his hand.

This is the treasure he purchased from the virtual universe company's treasure house, and it has finally been delivered to him. Together with the supplies he previously purchased from the treasure house of the extraterritorial battlefield, he has roughly enough to practice a soul amplitude secret technique. treasure.

After collecting the treasures, he naturally had to leave.

As for practicing secret techniques...the soul amplitude secret techniques that can only be practiced with treasures can only work on one body. In other words, these treasures can only be used by the deity!

After all, when it comes to enslaving the Immortal Zerg Mother Queen, it would be safer for the stronger one to take action...

It was not convenient to deliver these treasures to the deity at the barracks base, so of course Wang Cheng chose to leave.


On the same day, Wang Cheng left the barracks base in a spaceship. After three days of sailing, Wang Cheng came to an empty starry sky.

Here, Wang Cheng put all the soul treasures he bought back into the world ring, then threw them away, and then grabbed them by chance, trying again and again.

Because the location chosen was very suitable, Wang Cheng successfully delivered the world ring to the deity in just three chance grabs, which made him feel a little emotional.

These ordinary starry skies are actually much more reliable than those in the original secret realm. He spent a lot of unjust "money" in order to provide nutrition warehouses to me.

Of course, if you take into account the huge amount of time saved in the middle, the opportunity points spent are not a loss at all!

. . .

the other side--

In a spaceship that was flying rapidly towards the Zerg territory, Wang Cheng was sitting cross-legged in a training room. With a thought in his mind, a world ring appeared in an instant.

"Now that you have the treasure, you can practice!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he did not hesitate. He directly recalled a soul amplitude secret technique that he had already comprehended and completed before.

"Triple Mountain" is a soul amplitude secret book that Wang Cheng bought in Hongmeng's Wanhui Hall. This secret book can only be regarded as inferior among the soul amplitude secret books. If you practice it to a great extent, it can only increase the soul amplitude by 28 times.

Moreover, there are so many treasures required to cultivate to perfection that most of the kings cannot afford them even if they lose all their money. It can be said to be a sinkhole within a sinkhole.

"I don't need to practice to perfection. "Three Layers of Mountain" has three levels in total. The first level increases the amplitude by 4 times, the second level increases the amplitude by 8 times, and the third level increases the amplitude by 16 times. I only need to practice the first two levels. That’s it!” Wang Cheng thought silently.

There are many top-notch soul enslavement secret techniques in the Virtual Universe Company. After seeing the names of those secret techniques, Wang Cheng didn't hesitate much and directly chose the "Ten Thousand Hearts Soul Control Secret Technique"!

Without him, Wang Cheng is relatively familiar with this secret technique. According to normal development, when Luo Feng returns to Earth, he may use this secret technique to control the World Lord-level Zerg Mother Queen on Earth!

"The Secret Method of Controlling Souls with Ten Thousand Minds" is divided into five levels, namely one state of mind, ten states of mind, one hundred states of mind, one thousand states of mind, and one state of ten thousand states of mind.

If you want to enslave the Zerg Mother Queen, you must at least reach the Qianxin state to have any hope!

If you want to practice Thousands of Minds, one of the first prerequisites is that the soul amplitude reaches more than 1,000!

Wang Cheng's genes are perfect, his body and soul are extremely powerful, and his basic soul amplitude has already reached the full value of 100. If he can complete the first two levels of "Three Mountains" and obtain 12 times the soul amplitude, then his soul The total amplitude is 1200. It is no problem to practice the fourth level of Thousand Minds of the "Secret Technique of Controlling Souls with Thousands of Minds"!

"Everything is ready, all it takes is practice!" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate anymore and started practicing directly.

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