Although soul enslavement was completed, Sikaya was still in a coma due to too much loss of her divine body.

If she left it alone, it would probably take hundreds of millions of years for her to slowly recover some of her soul and divine power, and then wake up.

But Wang Cheng obviously couldn't wait that long, so he decisively took out several precious treasures that could quickly restore the body and soul, and gave them to Sikaya one by one.

Wang Cheng grabbed some treasures that could quickly restore his divine body through chance, and some of them were even enough for the Lord of the Universe to use!

Of course, until Wang Cheng takes out the treasure, Sikaya is just an immortal, so she can just use the treasure used by the immortal!


Under the nourishment of the treasure Wang Cheng took out, Sikaya's divine body recovered quickly. In just half a month, her divine body recovered to more than 15%.

Three more days later, Sikaya slowly opened her eyes.

Eyes like autumn water scanned everything around her, and recalling what happened before, Sikaya's eyes were vaguely complicated.

Suddenly, the alloy door of this room opened, and Wang Cheng stepped in.

Wang Cheng was still wearing the Demon Emperor's Armor. This familiar armor immediately made Sikaya recognize Wang Cheng's identity. However, facing this mortal enemy who once captured her alive, she could no longer feel any hatred. , On the contrary, the moment she saw Wang Cheng, Sikaya had the idea that everything else was unimportant and only the person in front of her was everything.

"It seems that I am enslaved by the soul!" As a soul master, Sikaya naturally understands all this.

Of course, I understand, but Sikaya has no intention of resisting at all, as if everything is taken for granted.


Sikaya stood up and saluted slightly.

The figure is light, gentle and moving.

Although Wang Cheng knew that this was the racial talent of the Zerg Queen, and Wang Cheng, who had used the power of the world to explore, also knew that the other party's body structure was not similar to that of the human race, but at this moment, he was still a little surprised. .

The Zerg Mother Queen is indeed beautiful and extremely moving!


Of course, he was amazed, but Wang Cheng didn't think too much about it. After all, the races were different, so it was useless to think too much!

"Sikaya, how much has your divine body recovered?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Thanks to the master's treasure, about 20% has been restored!" Sikaya said immediately.

"Twenty percent is enough to keep you awake!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "I have something to ask you!"

"Master, please speak!" Sikaya said immediately.

"Your identity and origin in the Zerg!" Wang Cheng directly asked the question that concerned her most.

"I am the fourth generation direct descendant of the Queen, and my teacher is the Lord of Minglian!" Sikaya answered softly.

"Lord of Minglian?"

Wang Cheng was shocked. From the fact that Sikaya possessed a top-notch soul-attack treasure, Wang Cheng realized that the identity of the mother queen of the Zerg race might not be simple. Unexpectedly, she actually had a teacher from the Lord of the Universe.

None of the Zerg Lords of the Universe is weak. Even if the Lord of Minglian is not as strong as the Lord of Chaos, it is not much different.

If converted, Sikaya's status in the Zerg race is almost equivalent to Wang Cheng's status in the human race! This is a big fish...


"The queen you are talking about is the Queen of the Zerg?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"The queen I'm talking about is the Queen of the Zerg known to you, my master!" Sikaya nodded slightly.

"What about the fourth generation direct descendant? Could it be that you are still related by blood to the Queen of the Zerg?" Wang Cheng wondered.

"Master, our Zerg race does not reproduce by blood. Each Zerg queen is conceived and born from the previous generation of Zerg queen in a special way. However, this kind of pregnancy is full of chance, so the number of our Zerg queens is incomparable. Rare!" Sikaya explained:

"The Queen Mother who was conceived by the Queen herself is the first generation of direct descendants, and the Queen Mother who was conceived by the first generation of Queen Mother is the second generation of direct line. I was conceived and born by the Lord of Minglian, the third generation of direct line, so I am Directly fourth generation.”

"Um, didn't you say that Master Minglian is your teacher? How come you are your mother?" Wang Cheng asked in surprise.

"In our Zerg race, the master-disciple relationship is much closer than the so-called 'parent-child' relationship!" Sikaya said with a smile: "My teacher gave birth to many Zerg queens, but only those she valued include me. Four inside!”

"It turned out to be like this..."

Wang Cheng nodded. Although the relationship was a bit strange, it was not incomprehensible since they were from a different race after all.

The Zerg race is pretty good. At least they know who their "mother" is. Like the Hell race, one of the six peak races, all of them jumped out of the cracks in the rocks and are all orphans... ..


"Master, if you are worried about my teacher, there is no need. As long as I don't return to the Zerg tribe, my teacher will not find out that I have been enslaved!" Sikaya said proactively.

"So, if you go back to the Zerg tribe, your teacher will find that you have been enslaved?" Wang Cheng asked in surprise.

"My teacher is one of the most powerful soul masters in the universe. It is difficult to hide my affairs from her!" Sikaya explained, and she continued:

"If I can go one step further and reach the level of a Venerable, then there is hope that I can hide it from the teacher!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He was not disappointed that Sikaya could not return to the Zerg tribe.

After all, he originally didn't expect Sikaya to go back as an undercover agent.

As for her becoming a Venerable, it will take too long. Wang Cheng has been practicing for only a few hundred years. By the time Sikaya becomes a Venerable, the day lily will be cold!

"I hear what you mean, you have a very high status in the Zerg clan!" Wang Cheng suddenly asked.

"Higher than other immortal-level Zerg Mother Queens!" Sikaya said modestly, but it seemed that she was quite proud of it.

"In this case, do you know the locations of many core places of your Zerg tribe?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"I know, I know..." Sikaya said hesitantly, and then reminded: "Master, those places are extremely dangerous. If you want to do anything, you must think twice!"

"Just tell me the location of the core place you know!" Wang Cheng said lightly.


Sikaya said no more, she directly told the location of the core place she knew one by one.

These include seven secret realms controlled by the Zerg, a mysterious inheritance hall, an unknown deserted area, and the Queen's Nest where the Zerg Queen resides all year round!

"As expected of a disciple of the Lord of the Universe, he knows so many core places!" Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart: "If I go to these places one by one to draw a wave of opportunities, how can I make a big fortune?"

Especially the "Queen's Nest", according to what Wang Cheng knows, it should be a palace-like most powerful treasure. The Queen of the Zerg lives in it all year round, and the treasures inside are absolutely terrifying!

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