At this time, in the camouflaged spaceship of the Demon Emperor's Palace, Wang Cheng was also watching the demon kings who were approaching rapidly.

In the team of the demon clan, the limits of the three major kings are in the three directions of the team, and the other kings are blocking various directions. Under the blockade of a bunch of kings, it is still very difficult to make a sneak attack!

"Master, I am ready and can launch a thunderous strike at any time!" Behind Wang Cheng, the light-footed Sikaya spoke softly.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "Listen to my orders later!"


Sikaya agreed, and at this time, the monster kings were getting closer and closer.

Although they were still hundreds of thousands of miles apart, they could clearly see the huge hive building at this moment, and there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

How many treasures should there be in such a large-scale hive building? It’s unimaginable!

Their previous guess was good, this must be the core of the seventh divine bee nest!

"Everyone, the damn King Wujian of the human race has arrived here half a day in advance. As we said before, we must first find him and drive him away, and then we will hunt for the treasure!" The leader of the demon race, King Feng, said in a message.

Among the more than 20 crowned kings, there are only six crowned kings from the demon clan, and the rest are from the races affiliated with the demon clan!

The person who spoke was called "The King of Divine Power". He was a serious king of the demon clan, and he was the king of the demon clan, because he was the leader of this team, so naturally no one had any objections!


"Haha, that's how it should be. That damn Human King Infernal Affairs actually enslaved Brother Shenyan. We will definitely avenge him this time!"


The other demon clans responded one after another. Naturally, they didn't know that they had a traitor in their midst, the "King of Cave Rats", and their whereabouts had always been controlled by Wang Cheng.

From the perspective of these monster kings, Wang Cheng probably didn’t know that they were already here, and so many people came at once!

"Be careful, don't fall into King Wu Jian's trap!" Another King of the Emperor warned.

In this regard, naturally no one objected to the demon clan's enthronement of kings.

They were all born from fighting on battlefields outside the territory. Almost all the arrogant ones were dead. Caution had long been engraved in their bones. Although they felt they had the upper hand at the moment, they could not be reckless.

Striving for victory in a stable manner is the only way to survive in the foreign battlefield!

However, when these monster kings were communicating, no one noticed that the traitor, the Cave Rat King, quietly moved closer to the "Powerful King"!

The "King of Cave Rats" has done this kind of action many times along the way, and each time the amplitude is very small, so naturally no one notices it.

. . .

A few seconds passed by, and at this time, Wang Cheng suddenly stood up in the Demon Emperor's Palace.


The assimilated divine power burned in his body, and the secret technique of dragon transformation and the first stage of giant transformation were performed at the same time!

In an instant, Wang Cheng adjusted his condition to the best!

"Do it!" Wang Cheng spoke softly, and Sikaya didn't hesitate at all. On her divine body, the "Queen's Crown" shone brightly, and she suddenly exploded after she had been accumulating power for a long time.


A mass soul attack left the Demon King's Palace in an instant, and swept through twenty demon kings in an instant.

With Xikaya's strength, she uses the Queen's Crown. If a soul attack is targeted at a peak king alone, it is enough to stun a peak king for a long time. If the opponent's will is slightly weaker, the soul may collapse directly!

At this moment, although Sikaya was performing a group attack, her power was still not bad.

Most of the twenty crowned kings immediately fell into a sluggish state, and the few who could stay awake felt a splitting headache.

Of course, the news had already been received, except for the "Cave Rat King" who had been prepared for it, but he acted very similar and no one noticed anything unusual about him.

"Soul attack, Shenxin, Wuwu, quick!" The Divine Power King was also awake, and he shouted loudly in an instant.

King Shenxin and King Wuwu are both kings who are good at souls. At this moment, they did not hesitate, and their illusory divine power surged out, directly covering everyone.

And at this moment, far beyond, a burst of extremely terrifying energy fluctuations suddenly erupted.

"Zerg Legion?!"

Valley span

The Powerful King turned his head, and tens of thousands of immortal-level Zerg warriors came into his eyes.

At this moment, the Divine Power King was horrified, but unfortunately, the Zerg Legion, which had been prepared for a long time, naturally could not give him a chance to react.

An extremely terrifying energy attack poured out instantly.

"Damn it!"

The Powerful King glanced at the kings around him who were stunned by the sudden soul attack. After a slight hesitation, he flew forward to meet them.

It was impossible for him to watch this energy attack fall into their team, otherwise, at least half of the more than twenty crowned kings would lose their combat effectiveness in an instant!

The moment the Divine Eye King took action, another awake King Feng Ji also came forward.


The two of them each used their special moves, and in an instant they collided with the terrifying attack.

After all, it was a combined attack that was comparable to a casual attack from the Master of the Universe. It was not so easy to catch, so almost in an instant, the two kings were unable to withstand the limit!

puff! puff!

The two of them vomited blood and were suddenly blasted out.

However, the good thing is that after the resistance of the two of them, the combined attack of the Zerg Legion has been much weaker.

Although the remaining attacks dispersed their team in an instant, the damage caused to the immortals was not high. At most, one person only lost part of his divine body.

"Damn it, where did the Zerg Legion come from?" The Powerful King spat out blood and endured the bombardment of the reorganized legion. He was also seriously injured.

At this moment, a scene that shocked everyone in the demon clan happened.

A short black blade suddenly penetrated into the chest of the King of Power and exploded violently.

"King of Cave Rats!!!"

The Powerful King roared in disbelief. He turned around and punched out without hesitation.


The Cave Rat King accepted it expressionlessly, and then quickly ran away into the distance.

The King's Limit is stronger than the King's Peak, but the strength is limited. Facing a divine power king who is not in good condition, the Cave Rat King can actually easily deal with it, but he has no intention of entangled. After all, other demon clan kings still have exist.

"Cave Rat, why?"

At this moment, the "Five Willow King", who had just woken up from the sluggishness of the soul attack, asked in disbelief.

He personally invited the Cave Rat King. The two of them had been together through life and death countless times. He had absolute trust in the Cave Rat King.

but now......


The Cave Rat King had a cold expression on his face. He had no intention of explaining at all and just retreated quickly.


At this moment, the Powerful King suddenly coughed up a mouthful of dark blood.

His divine body aura also weakened greatly.

In an immortal body, being stabbed by a knife is nothing at all, but the problem is that the knife is poisonous, and the poison is so violent that it can even cause great damage to the king's limit.

"Power King?"

The other kings of the demon clan looked over with some concern.

"I do not......"

The Powerful King was about to shake his head, but the next moment, he suddenly raised his head.


There was a piercing scream, and in an instant, a terrifying black light came in front of the Powerful King.

PS: Three updates first, there will be more in the evening.

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