Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 233: Riding the tiger away from the mountain

Although he decided to fight Terrence head-on, he didn't rush forward without thinking. Wang Cheng's goal was to obtain the blood of the God Bee after all, and rushing in without thinking was not easy.

Therefore, after careful planning, Wang Cheng then asked Sikaya to send a soul slave out.

However, what Sikaya sent this time was no ordinary thing, but a king-level soul slave.

Even Sikaya has few king-level soul slaves under her control, except for the Mad Wolf King and the Vengeful King who existed before being enslaved by Wang Cheng. After being enslaved by Wang Cheng, There are not many new king-level soul slaves that Sikaya has conquered. In addition to the Divine Eye King, there are also two of the twenty demon kings who fought with Wang Cheng in the Nest of the God Bee. Gao Gao and Ji Gusi, the elder of the Due tribe who had just conquered not long ago.

Among these kings, Wang Cheng would not use them unless they had the last resort, such as the Mad Wolf King and the Vengeful King.

Because Sikaya had dealt with King Guangling before, many people on the battlefield outside the territory knew that the Mad Wolf King and the Vengeful King had been enslaved by Sikaya. If they took action, it would be easy for others to guess the Zerg enslaved by Wang Cheng. The Queen Mother is Sikaya.

After all, Sikaya's teacher is also the Lord of the Universe. Although he is not afraid, Wang Cheng doesn't want to cause trouble for himself. If the Lord of Minglian can't think of it, Wang Cheng has to ask the Lord of Chaos City for help. Why bother?

Needless to say, the King of Divine Eyes had been killed by an inexplicable attack during the previous exploration.

Therefore, the only king-level subordinates that Wang Cheng can dispatch at this moment are the two kings of the Demon Clan, Gao Gao and Ji Gusi.

Among these people, Wang Cheng chose the Demon Clan to be crowned king, King Jiumu!

. . .

In the previous fight, King Jiumu's divine body suffered a great loss, so Wang Cheng specially took out some Divine Bee Jade Dew to help him restore his divine body.

After King Jiu Mu's divine body fully recovered, Wang Cheng then told him some things.

Because he was a soul slave, Wang Cheng did not hide anything. He directly told King Jiumu that if he did these things, there was a 90% chance that he would attract a cosmic lord, and he would almost certainly die.

"Master Wu Jian Wang, I understand, I will do everything well!" King Jiu Mu calmly accepted everything.

As a soul slave, Sikaya asked him to obey Wang Cheng's orders in everything, so even if Wang Cheng asked him to die, he would not struggle at all.

Attract the attention of the Lord of the Universe?

A piece of cake!

"Well, let's go!" Wang Cheng nodded with satisfaction.


King Jiumu quietly left the Holy City and went to various parts of the world to cause trouble.

Although the ultimate goal was to attract Terrence to leave the Holy City, King Jiumu did not do anything directly, but quietly made trouble.

This is to dispel Terrence's doubts, otherwise, he may not take action easily.


One day, two days, three days!

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Finally, Wang Cheng received news from King Jiumu, and a cosmic sage suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Do your best to hold him back!"

Wang Cheng gave the order to King Jiumu.

Even though Terrence is most likely a blank slate, if it comes to fighting, King Jiu Mu will be killed directly if he can't survive three moves.

But fighting is not the only way to delay time. Words, actions, etc. can all be used as weapons to delay time. As long as King Jiumu is willing to use his brain, it will not be a problem to hold Terrence back for a while.

At the same time, Wang Cheng was also lamenting the Master of the Universe's control over space. He had been paying attention to the "Bee Temple", but he didn't even know when Terrence left.

If King Jiu Mu hadn't sent him the news, he would still be waiting foolishly!

. . .

The Due tribe's holy city is built in the center of the entire world. The entire holy city is extremely large, about a million miles long and wide. In the center of the holy city, there is also a statue that is exactly the same as the statue of an alien beast outside.


There is no doubt that it is the Bee God statue.

The Bee Temple is built above the statue of the Bee God.

At this time, Wang Cheng teleported without hesitation and arrived above the Bee Temple.

His aura was undisguised, and many immortals stationed in the Bee Temple instantly noticed his arrival.

"Sikaya, do it!"

Wang Cheng gave the order without any hesitation.

In an instant, a ranged soul attack swept across the entire Bee Temple.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Sikaya's soul attack may directly kill the king with weaker resistance, and most of the immortals in this Bee Temple are ordinary immortals.

Even those who are equally proficient in the soul cannot block this level of soul attack.

Therefore, at that moment, many immortals who had just discovered Wang Cheng's aura and were about to take action stopped moving. They maintained various postures and stayed in place.

Their immortal bodies still exude a strong aura, but their souls have been completely annihilated.

This is the horror of a soul that specializes in reaching the level of "King of Invincibility". If you can bear it, you will be fine. If you cannot bear it, even a group of immortals will die in an instant.

It can be called a magic lawn mowing skill!

If it were Wang Cheng who took action, he would never be able to do it so neatly. With a single oversight, one of these immortals might be able to find time to tell Terrence, who has already left, about what happened here!

"There is still one!"

Wang Cheng instantly locked onto the only immortal in the Bee Temple who still had the breath of life. He was the only king among the Due tribe who had taken refuge with Terrence.

However, even though he was still alive, he suffered a soul attack from Sikaya, and he fell directly into sluggishness like the previous "Jigus".

Wang Cheng naturally did not hesitate at all. He directly used the ultimate secret skill "Infinite Dark Light" one after another, killing this person instantly.

Time is precious, and Wang Cheng can't hold back, otherwise this person would be qualified to become a soul slave!



Wang Cheng went deep into the Bee Temple. According to what Jigus said, Wang Cheng searched quickly in the Bee Temple. Soon, he found an inconspicuous mural.

This mural depicts the rise of the Due tribe countless years ago. Of course, the "Bee God" plays a major role in it.

However, Wang Cheng has no time to read the contents of this mural at the moment. As the Lord of the Universe, Terrence, once he knows what is happening here, he can come back with a teleport. If he cannot come back before Obtaining the blood of the God Bee before would definitely add many variables.

"According to what Jigusi said, there are secret lines related to the 'Guide Order' hidden in this mural. As long as you find these secret lines and then use the 'Guide Order' to activate them, you can get the blood of the God Bee !" Wang Cheng's eyes were like lightning, and he was quickly searching for a stripe on these murals.

"found it!"

A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face. At this time, all the murals were in his mind. Most of the lines on the murals disappeared, leaving only some lines. Faintly, it could be seen that these lines were a complete "God Bee"!


Wang Cheng took out the "receiving order" and then started driving with ease.

In an instant, a ray of yellow light shot out from the receiving order and simultaneously sank into the mural.

And at this moment, on a mountain range about a billion miles away from the Holy City, a man in light blue armor who was frantically ravaging the Nine Wood King and preparing to capture him alive suddenly stopped.

Without any hesitation, the man took action with all his strength, and a black light flashed through, instantly crushing the Nine Wood King.

Immediately afterwards, the man disappeared from the spot.

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