Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 252 The secret method of creation

By accelerating time a hundred thousand times, Wang Cheng would have nearly three hundred years of enlightenment in one day at normal time.

Coupled with the fact that Wang Cheng used the clone technique to create tens of thousands of clones to comprehend at the same time, the speed is indeed far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


When Wang Cheng entered the killing world, far beyond the mysterious palace, the huge rabbit-like being was also paying attention to Wang Cheng.

Of course, when Wang Cheng used time pause + space strangulation to kill hundreds of world masters, the rabbit-like being nodded slightly.

"Well, the Realm Master has mastered the complete laws of time, and the laws of space are also good. It's really amazing!"

When Wang Cheng was fighting with hundreds of immortals, the rabbit-like life commented again.

"I think I just realized the complete law, but I haven't created the corresponding secret method yet. It seems that I still need to practice!"

When Wang Cheng took out the Tree of Time, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the rabbit-like being.

"This treasure seems to be quite powerful. This little guy is not very strong, but his chances are incredible... huh?"

At this time, Wang Cheng had already created a large number of clones, and the rabbit-like being was immediately stunned.

"Clone Technique?!"

"No, it's not a clone technique, it's just a similar natural talent!"

"However, there are many similarities between the two!"

"The master must be interested in this little guy!"

"Hopefully he can pass the test..."


The rabbit-like being was chattering, and the look in his eyes at Wang Cheng also changed a lot.

. . .

Wang Cheng didn't know that the rabbit staring at him was a rabbit, but he knew that someone in this inheritance place must be paying attention to him, otherwise his sudden entry into this killing world would be unexplainable.

However, unlike the original universe, Wang Cheng can leave at any time without any risk.

Moreover, the person who created this place should be a powerful person, so Wang Cheng did not restrain himself. He directly took out the Tree of Time and used it. Even the clone technique that he had hidden as a life-saving trump card in the original universe was directly used without hesitation. .

Wang Cheng came to participate in the test so as to obtain the opponent's inheritance, so naturally the better he performed, the better.

In this case, Wang Cheng would naturally not hide it.


Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

One month in normal time, but nearly ten thousand years in accelerated time. Finally, Wang Cheng opened his eyes.

"The ultimate secret skill is not so easy to create!" Wang Cheng shook his head.

The secret methods used by different cosmic lords are naturally different.

The most common Masters of the Universe generally use the secret techniques of the top-level Masters of the Universe. This secret method is ordinary and not much better than time pause, time deceleration, and time acceleration, which every Time Master knows. .

The slightly more powerful Master of the Universe uses the ultimate skills of the Master of the Universe!

Master the ultimate secret skill of the Universe Venerable, and if your divine body is more powerful, you will become a high-level Venerable!

As for the ultimate secret skill...that is usually a secret skill that can only be created by the overlord of the universe.

It is precisely for this reason that this kind of unique skill is not called "the ultimate secret skill of the Universe Venerable" among many sages, but "the ultimate secret skill of the Universe Overlord"!

This means that this kind of unique skill can usually only be created by the overlord of the universe.

Wang Cheng is not the Lord of the Universe now, but he has mastered the complete laws of time and space. He has also mastered the three ultimate killing moves. In theory, he has the hope of creating the "ultimate skill of the universe overlord".

After all, Wang Cheng is a ruthless person who created the ultimate secret skill before he mastered the complete rules.

Since there is hope for creation, Wang Cheng will naturally not fail to try.

But unfortunately, he still thought of this matter too simply. When he created the ultimate secret skill, it was based on a lot of fighting. Now he has just mastered the complete rules and has not experienced a few battles. He wants to create the universe. The ultimate overlord skill? Disaster!

Of course, difficulty is not impossible!

As long as Wang Cheng is willing to spend a lot of time, he can create something.

"Unfortunately, this place is not quite right, otherwise I would be willing to spend a lot of time creating!" Wang Cheng took back all the clones and also put away the Tree of Time.

In fact, although Wang Cheng did not create the "ultimate skill of the Universe Overlord", he did create the peak skill of the Universe Lord.

Although his basic strength is weak, but relying on the "Universal Lord's Peak Secret Skill", he should be able to barely reach the strength of a mid-level Lord.

"Actually, even if I create the ultimate secret skill of the Overlord of the Universe, it is estimated to be at the level of a high-level venerable. If there is a third wave of enemies, I will not be able to defeat them no matter what!" Wang Cheng knew it.

He just stopped to create a unique skill just because the third stage of "Giant Transformation" he had just performed had side effects. He needed time to recover, and he didn't want to lose too ugly later.

With the "Universal Master's Peak Secret Skill", the complete "Law of Time" that Wang Cheng has mastered is not in vain.

Even if he is killed later, his death will not be ugly!


"It's better to put the treasures away first!" Wang Cheng thought that he might die later, so he quickly put away the three treasures including the Demon Emperor's Armor and the Demon Emperor's Pearl.

Anyway, in the "Permanent Secret Realm", Wang Cheng is not afraid of death!

However, he can die, but the treasures must not be lost. In order to prevent him from being killed later, it is naturally better to put away these treasures first.

. . .

After preparing everything, Wang Cheng did not stop any longer, and soon he continued to set off.

Not long after, Wang Cheng came to a wasteland in this world.

At this time, in front of Wang Cheng, hundreds of figures emerged from the void. Each figure exuded an extremely powerful aura, and the leading figure gave Wang Cheng a feeling of suffocation.

"There really is a third wave of enemies, and they are all Universe Lords!" Wang Cheng was speechless.

Originally, it was just his guess that there would be a third wave of enemies. Unexpectedly, there really was one...

What kind of successor does the great master who left this legacy want to select?

Among the hundreds of Universe Lords, one of them is very likely to be comparable to the Lord of the Universe. Those who can defeat these people must have the combat power of the Lord of the Universe to have any hope!

The Realm Lord has the combat power at the level of the Lord of the Universe?

Not to mention the rules, the basics alone are too different!

Wang Cheng already has perfect genes, but his foundation is still thousands of times worse than the weakest Universe Venerable. Only when he performs the third stage of the Titan Transformation can he be comparable to the foundation of the Elementary Venerable.

Lord of the universe?


To be honest, Wang Cheng really didn't believe that any realm master could pass this level, unless it was the reincarnation of an old monster.

For example, a mountain rider or something like that...


However, just when Wang Cheng was about to be killed, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

When the two groups of enemies appeared before, they all yelled at him to kill him. Why was there no movement from this group of enemies?

PS: Two updates first, there will be more tonight!

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