Hong and Lei Shen chose to stay in the Jiangnan base city for the obvious purpose. They were ready to see if they had a chance to find the "guest" who came from afar!

In the eyes of Hong and Lei Shen, since the other party left surveillance cameras as evidence, they are naturally not excluded from looking for it!

If they can find this "guest" as soon as possible, the two of them will feel more relaxed.

In fact, it was not just Hong and Lei Shen who were looking for him. The Chinese officials and the HR Alliance, who also knew the news, were also looking for him. However, these parties were just trying their luck like headless flies.

But Wang Cheng, who caused all this, had no consciousness of causing trouble to others. After he returned home, he was still very leisurely.

However, it was only the second day.

Luo Feng, the major suspect in the Li Yao incident, returned to Mingyue Community again.

After leaving this time, Luo Feng has changed a lot, especially in terms of temperament!

In the past, Luo Feng was cheerful and like a young boy who had no experience in the world, but now, he is much more mature, and he has a little more vigilance towards the outside world.

Originally, Wang Cheng was not very sure about Li Yao's son. Although it was said that Luo Feng did it in "Swallowing the Stars", now due to Wang Cheng's arrival, some things have changed. That matter It's hard to say whether Luo Feng did it or not.

If the son of Li Yao and his wife is really hateful and others don't like him, it is not impossible for them to kill him!

But now seeing Luo Feng's change, Wang Cheng instantly understood that this incident was 100% Luo Feng's doing. Only a major event like being offered a reward of 100 billion could cause such a huge change in Luo Feng's temperament!

Of course, although Wang Cheng saw this, he didn't point it out. After all, Luo Feng is probably wary of everyone now!


"Luo Feng, are you going to the wilderness area next?" Wang Cheng looked at Luo Feng who came to visit again and asked with a smile.

"I won't go for now. The New Year is coming in two months. Let's wait until after this New Year!" Luo Feng shook his head.

"It's not bad to rest at home!" Wang Cheng nodded.

"Brother Wang, I would like to come back for advice in the future. I wonder if that's okay?" Luo Feng suddenly scratched his head and asked.

"Of course!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then asked: "I see that your temperament has changed a lot. Do you want to become stronger when you encounter setbacks?"

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.

"You have your chance. I will at most guide you. If you want to become stronger, you still have to rely on yourself!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "You have to calm down and don't rush!"

"I understand!" Luo Feng nodded solemnly.



Luo Feng didn't stay long this time, and he quickly left Wang Cheng's villa.

At this time, Jiang Mingyue, who was doing housework, glanced here curiously. She used to think that Wang Cheng gave Luo Feng the advice just casually, but now she faintly noticed that Wang Cheng was very optimistic about Luo Feng. That's why I pointed him out.

"Because Luo Feng's talent is the strongest on the entire earth!" Wang Cheng seemed to know what Jiang Mingyue was thinking, and he suddenly said something.

"He has the most talent?" At this time, Jiang Mingyue didn't care why Wang Cheng knew her thoughts, so she asked in disbelief.

You know, the saying that one has the strongest talent is not something that can be said casually.

"Although Luo Feng has only been a warrior for less than half a year, in a month or two, you may not be his opponent!" Wang Cheng said calmly.

"I can't beat him, are you kidding me?" Jiang Mingyue was obviously confident in her own strength.


Wang Cheng didn't explain anything. Jiang Mingyue also had advantages. For example, she had a good will. In this regard, she might be similar to Luo Feng, but in other aspects Jiang Mingyue was far behind.

In terms of comprehension, Luo Feng's brain width has reached 21. Now he should be the highest among all living beings on the earth except Wang Cheng. In terms of cultivation talent, Luo Feng is born with a collection of spiritual power in his mind, which can directly lead to the high god of war. .

Moreover, after Luo Feng breaks through to the planetary level, he will be able to refine his mental power faster than the ordinary planetary level.

Combining various advantages, Luo Feng's talent is unquestionable, at least he is the best on earth!

Seeing that Wang Cheng stopped talking, Jiang Mingyue had no choice but to stop asking any more questions. She quietly started doing housework again.

Jiang Mingyue actually believes in God's reward for hard work more than her talent. No one thought highly of her at first, but as a result, she is now very close to the God of War, and has even perfected her body skills. As long as she works hard, there is nothing she can do. Things that can't be done.

"There are two months left, just wait and see!" Jiang Mingyue gritted her teeth, and then she continued to do housework very hard.

. . .

After helping Luo Feng temporarily solve Li Yao's troubles, Wang Cheng stayed at home. With Jiang Mingyue, a hard-working maid, Wang Cheng didn't need to worry about almost everything. Therefore, except for occasionally going out to relax, Outside the house, Wang Cheng has almost never left home.

In the blink of an eye, another two months passed.

At this moment, there is nothing in other countries, but China ushered in the grandest festival, the New Year!

Facing this festival, Wang Cheng, an "alien", couldn't calm down. He also wanted to have a good New Year. Unfortunately, Wang Cheng had no other relatives around him, only Jiang Mingyue to accompany him.

After all, it was the New Year. Wang Cheng originally wanted to give Jiang Mingyue a holiday and let her go back to reunite with her family, but Jiang Mingyue said that she had no family and only had a cousin who was in the God of War training camp. However, the two had not contacted each other for many years, and their relationship had deteriorated. Not deep anymore!

So, she naturally stayed.

In fact, Wang Cheng is quite happy that Jiang Mingyue can stay. How miserable is he alone during the Chinese New Year? Having someone with you is much better than being alone!


Jiang Mingyue started preparing early in the morning, and only prepared a large table of dishes in the evening.

"Brother Cheng, have you been living in seclusion on Earth for a long time? You are more familiar with this New Year than I am!" Jiang Mingyue asked curiously opposite Wang Cheng.

"Have you noticed this?" Wang Cheng smiled, raised his glass, and congratulated: "Happy New Year!"

Looking at the wine glass raised by Wang Cheng, Jiang Mingyue was slightly startled, but soon she also raised her glass.

"Happy New Year!"


After the meal was finished, after Jiang Mingyue put away the tableware, Wang Cheng took out a metal box and handed it to Jiang Mingyue.

"It's a New Year's gift, accept it!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Cheng!"

Jiang Mingyue vaguely guessed something, and her voice trembled.

After taking the metal box, Jiang Mingyue couldn't wait to open it.

An extremely cold air emanated from the box, which made Jiang Mingyue, whose physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people, couldn't help but shiver. However, Jiang Mingyue didn't care about it at the moment, her eyes were It was firmly fixed on a dark purple potion in the box.

"Brother Cheng, what is this?" Jiang Mingyue couldn't help but ask.

"Good stuff!" Wang Cheng smiled and said, "It's called Territory Lord Level Bloodline Potion!"

"Domain Lord level blood potion?" A trace of doubt flashed in Jiang Mingyue's eyes.

"I told you before, what you often call the existence that surpasses the God of War is the planet level! Above the planet level, there is the star level, the universe level! And the domain lord must be above the universe level!" Wang Cheng smiled and said:

"Seriously speaking, in terms of pure power, a Territory Lord is tens of billions times stronger than an ordinary planet-level one!"

"Ten billion times?"

Jiang Mingyue had no idea about the names of the levels, but the power of tens of billions of times made her swallow her saliva involuntarily.

The existence beyond the God of War is already beyond his reach. Is it tens of billions of times more powerful than the existence beyond the God of War? What kind of existence is that?

"The Territory Lord class is already quite good in the universe. Ordinary fleets are vulnerable to Territory Lords! You can find a more remote galaxy and do whatever you want!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"It's called Territory Lord-level blood potion. Could it be said that if I use it, it is equivalent to having the blood of a Territory Lord-level powerhouse?" Jiang Mingyue was slightly excited. She knew a truth. The more powerful the life is, the more powerful it is. The higher the bloodline talent.

Just like the children of the most powerful Hong on earth, they are all gods of war!

A Domain Lord-level being is undoubtedly countless times stronger than Hong, so how terrifying must his bloodline be?


Wang Cheng shook his head, which made Jiang Mingyue slightly disappointed, but Wang Cheng's next words made Jiang Mingyue stunned.

"Use it and you can become a domain lord!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"Me, become the domain lord?" Jiang Mingyue felt that Wang Cheng might have said something wrong.

"I said before that there are other human races in the universe!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "Don't you think that other human races are like the people on Earth, born weak and unable to become apprentices when they grow up?"

"Apprentice level?"

"Junior warriors to senior war gods are all apprentices!" Wang Cheng explained.

"Other human races are stronger as adults?" Jiang Mingyue asked with some confusion.

"There are several human races. Their babies are born at the planet level, and when they reach adulthood, they are at the domain lord level. Do you understand?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I know!"

Jiang Mingyue is not stupid either, so there is no problem in letting her understand the meaning of Wang Cheng's words.

It's just that she feels it's nonsense. The goal she has worked hard for half her life is just born!


After thinking for a moment, Jiang Mingyue then asked: "Brother Wang, do you mean that after I use this potion, I will become another race?"

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded directly, and he continued: "Furthermore, I don't know which human race this Domain Lord-level blood potion belongs to, and I don't know whether the appearance of this race is in line with the aesthetics of humans on earth. Use If you take this potion, you might become an ugly monster!"

"Ugly?" Jiang Mingyue didn't pay attention to this matter. She then asked with some uncertainty: "Can I really become the domain lord?"

"Even if you don't take the initiative to absorb cosmic energy, you can wait a hundred thousand years and become a domain lord without any problem!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "Of course, because their babies are all planet-level, I guess you are using this potion. After that, you can become planet-level immediately!”

"This potion... is too valuable!" Jiang Mingyue couldn't help but look at the metal box in her hand. At this time, her heart was trembling slightly. Even though she was not afraid of anything, this moment I was a little hesitant for a while.

"This potion is your reward for a long time in the future. In other words, you will have to continue working for me in the future, do you understand?" Wang Cheng asked lightly.

"I know!"

When Jiang Mingyue heard what Wang Cheng said, she finally thought about it. Since it was her salary for countless years in the future, there was nothing more to say. Use it first and then talk about it!

However, at this moment, Jiang Mingyue suddenly seemed to have thought of something. She asked with some confusion: "Brother Cheng, you told Sylvia before that this treasure ranks among the top among many treasures on the earth. In other words, there are treasures on earth that can rival it?"

"Yes!" Wang Cheng smiled.

"How is it possible?" Jiang Mingyue couldn't believe that this potion could deliver the territory lord. According to what Wang Cheng said, the domain lord level could easily command a galaxy, and the earth is just a small planet. It's just a planet. How could there be treasures on earth that are comparable to this thing?

"This is not what you should care about!" Wang Cheng shook his head, he had no intention of explaining.

Normally, an ordinary living planet cannot have anything comparable to Domain Lord-level blood potions. However, the earth is not ordinary.

Here, there are the fragments of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code", the spaceship and inheritance of the feudal-level immortal Hu Yanbo, and the Boundary Master-level Zerg Queen Irina... can rival or exceed this universe. There are still a lot of treasures in level 1 bloodline potions!

Even the earth itself is actually a huge treasure, but no one knows it!

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