Under Wang Cheng's gaze, Luo Feng used a flying knife to cut the surface of the ten thousand-year-old willow heart, and at the same time drank the essence in it.

“So comfortable!”

Luo Feng sat down on the sofa. Feeling his warm body, he couldn't help but close his eyes.


Wang Cheng was not in a hurry, he just waited quietly for Luo Feng's transformation to be completed.


After all, Luo Feng's original foundation was only at the level of an intermediate warrior. To suddenly increase his physical fitness by six to ten times, it is indeed not something that can be completed in a short time.

After seven or eight hours, Luo Feng, who was lying on the sofa, opened his eyes as if he were in another world. Then, he broke Wang Cheng's sofa into two pieces.

There was also a big hole in the floor.

"Brother Wang, I'm sorry!" Luo Feng was a little embarrassed. His power seemed to have increased too much. With his ninth-level thunder sword at the sixth level, he couldn't control it for a while.

Of course, it only lasts for a while. In fact, among the high-level gods of war, very few can cultivate the "Nine-Level Thunder Sword" to the sixth level. After Luo Feng applies this power a little, he should be able to control it very soon. It's under control!

"It's okay. It's a good thing to have more strength!" Wang Cheng smiled, and then asked: "How do you feel?"

"I have never felt so good!" Luo Feng was slightly excited. At this time, the golden ball in his mind had been completely shattered, and the mental power he had gained...

Luo Feng had no specific idea at the moment, but he guessed that he had probably reached the peak of the High God of War. If he could go one step further, he would surpass the God of War!

Of course, it is very difficult to go further, otherwise there would not be a few existences in the world that surpass the God of War!


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and at the same time, he secretly asked No. 1 to check Luo Feng's current physical fitness.

"Well, his physical fitness is barely that of a high-level God of War, and his mental strength is at the peak of a high-level God of War?" Wang Cheng knew it well. Now Luo Feng would have no problem going to the Australian mainland!

"Luo Feng, the sudden increase in strength will have an impact on your continued breakthroughs in the future. Therefore, I suggest you go find monsters and fight with them now to consolidate your foundation!" Wang Cheng said with a smile:

"Of course, you have to hunt monsters and repay me 300 billion as soon as possible!"


Hearing Wang Cheng say 300 billion, Luo Feng naturally wouldn't refuse. After nodding, he continued: "Brother Wang, don't worry, I'll make preparations and then go to the wilderness area!"

"Wild area?" Wang Cheng shook his head and asked directly: "How many monsters do you think you can find in the wilderness area that can fight you now? If they are all crushed, it will have no training effect on you. Moreover, you only make money by hunting low-level monsters, how long will it take you to repay me 300 billion?"

"That's true!" Luo Feng nodded in agreement. After thinking for a moment, he continued: "Moreover, my strength suddenly increased sharply. This matter should not be leaked, otherwise there will be no explanation..."

Luo Feng was obviously a lot more cautious after experiencing the 100 billion bounty incident. At this moment, his first thought was to hide the matter, but this is normal. If the ten thousand-year-old willow heart Luo Feng ate was through the official It was obtained through channels, so of course he didn't need to hide it, but it was Wang Cheng who gave it to him... Luo Feng probably felt that Wang Cheng was unwilling to expose himself at this moment, so he thought To hide.

After all, he really couldn't explain his situation without confessing Wang Cheng!

"Who said you need to hide it? If someone asks, you don't need to pay attention to those who are weaker than you. If you are stronger than you, just tell them that it is the treasure I gave you!" Wang Cheng smiled, and he continued:

"In addition, I know a place that is both remote and uninhabited, but also has a large number of high-level monsters, which is perfect for you to hone!"

"Is there such a place?" Luo Feng looked at Wang Cheng in surprise.

"follow me!"

Wang Cheng stood up and walked directly outside the villa.


Luo Feng followed him curiously. After the two of them walked outside the villa, Wang Cheng put a hand on Luo Feng's shoulder.

"Protect yourself with your mental power!" Wang Cheng's voice rang in Luo Feng's ears, and immediately after, the two of them soared into the sky.

Wang Cheng now has an advanced detector, so he flies without any care. He doesn't want others to see him. Even if he is standing in front of the other party, the other party cannot see him!

Therefore, when the two of them took off in Mingyue Community, no one could find any trace.


There is a distance of more than 6,000 kilometers from Jiangnan Base City to Australia. Considering that Luo Feng is just a high-level war god after all, if he flies too fast, even with his help to resist the pressure, Luo Feng may not be able to withstand it, so Wang Cheng also It didn't fly many blocks, which was about a hundred kilometers per second.

After about a minute, the two arrived in Australia.

"Brother Wang, where is this?"

Looking at the vast plain in front of him, Luo Feng couldn't help but rub his dizzy head. He had overexhausted his mental energy on the road just now, and he still hasn't recovered yet.

Then again, fortunately, he is a spiritual master and can use his spiritual power to form a cone-shaped shield suitable for resisting atmospheric pressure. If he were a pure warrior, he would have been torn apart at the speed just now!

"This is Australia!"

Wang Cheng was aware of Luo Feng's condition, but this was not harmful to Luo Feng, whose mental power had soared.

"Australia?" Luo Feng's eyes widened, and his dizzy head suddenly became much better. A minute ago, he was in Jiangnan Base City, and now he is in Australia?

How fast was it just now? No wonder he almost felt like he was being torn apart!

"Australia is a paradise for monsters. There are no humans! Moreover, there are many high-ranking lord-level monsters here. This is what I said is the most suitable place for you to experience!" Wang Cheng said with a smile, and he continued:

"Don't worry about it at home, I will explain it to you. If you want to go back, just call me and I will pick you up right away!"


Luo Feng was a little confused by Wang Cheng's series of arrangements. At the same time, he also vaguely realized that these seemed to have been planned by Wang Cheng.

"Brother Wang, can I ask, who are you?" In the end, all the doubts in Luo Feng's heart converged into this sentence.

In the past, although Luo Feng had some guesses about Wang Cheng's identity, they were just guesses after all. Now, Wang Cheng took him flying at an incredible speed, and all the guesses became facts. Luo Feng's curiosity was naturally also came up.

"I'm afraid you have to find the answer by yourself, haha!" Wang Cheng laughed, and then he disappeared in front of Luo Feng.

"I discovered it myself?" Luo Feng looked at the empty front and shook his head.

. . .

Wang Cheng actually did not leave. At this time, he was still over the Australian continent and was always paying attention to Luo Feng's every move.

The detectors Wang Cheng is using now are much more advanced than the ones left by Hu Yanbo. Therefore, even if he is right in front of him, as long as he does not want to be exposed, it is impossible for the intelligent life Babata to detect him.

Secondly, Wang Cheng stayed here to guide Luo Feng to discover Hu Yanbo's spaceship.

The Australian continent is so big, and it only depends on Luo Feng's luck. Who knows when he will find traces of that spaceship?

It is unreliable to count on Babata. According to the content of "Swallowing the Stars", Babata's range of detecting the width of other people's brains is not very large, otherwise he would not deliberately create the Beast King, and also throw a bunch of wooden dolls. Akira went to attract the strong men from the earth.

In this case, if Luo Feng wanted to obtain Hu Yanbo's inheritance as soon as possible, Wang Cheng would naturally have to guide him.


Naturally, Luo Feng didn't know that Wang Cheng had been watching him. After he came to the Australian mainland, he began a careful hunting trip.

Luo Feng is indeed not weak now, but he does not have any handy weapons. The few flying knives he has were all used by him when he was at the warrior level. Such flying knives are used to kill lord-level monsters. joke!

This puts Luo Feng at a natural disadvantage when facing huge monsters.

Luo Feng was also worried about this problem at first, but after he killed two junior lord-level monsters in succession, his confidence gradually soared.

But unfortunately, as soon as Luo Feng's confidence increased, two high-lord-level monsters appeared out of nowhere and chased him all the way to the depths of the Australian continent. Fortunately, Luo Feng could fly, otherwise he would have faced him with bare hands at the same time. It's definitely hard to win over two high-ranking lord-level monsters. They're just warriors. It would be really hard for a mentalist without weapons!


Being chased by high-ranking lord-level monsters, he discovered traces of other lord-level monsters and followed them all the way... Driven by various reasons, Luo Feng headed all the way deep into the Australian continent.

Soon, he discovered a small island covered in thick fog.

"There seems to be something under the water!" Luo Feng stepped on a flying knife. He looked at the river surrounding the island and was secretly shocked.

Without thinking much, Luo Feng then planned to enter the island to explore. However, before he could go deeper, black shadows flew out of the thick fog howling.

"What?" Luo Feng's pupils shrank, and he instantly used his mental power to control countless pieces of soil to form protective nets. With Luo Feng's current mental power, these earth walls, reinforced by his mental power, were enough to withstand the normal resistance of ordinary medium-sized earth walls. The impact of the lord, but unfortunately, when faced with these black shadows, these walls were broken through in an instant!

There was no way, the soil material was too poor to give full play to Luo Feng's strength.

call! call! call!

Luo Feng nimbly dodged the attacks of black shadows.

Sensing the danger, Luo Feng did not stay on the island any longer. Soon, he quickly exited the area where the island was located!

"What just attacked me seems to be a willow branch?" Luo Feng was confused and thought for a moment. At the same time, he also faintly realized that he seemed to have found a good place.

In the age of the Cataclysm, Luo Feng had only heard of animals that became monsters, but not of plants that became monsters. However, the one that just attacked him was a willow tree, and its strength was at least not weaker than that of the high lord... In terms of rarity, the value of such a plant is not low, right?

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