Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 336 Wang Cheng takes action

In the silence of all the masters of the universe, Luo Feng did not say anything further. He flew directly to the place where the master of Yuan'ao was, preparing to test the other party's reality.

As expected, the current Luo Feng could still quarrel with the Lord of Yuan'ao who did not use rare items. However, as soon as the Lord of Yuan'ao used the strange items, Luo Feng immediately ran away in embarrassment.

"This Lord of Yuan'ao is indeed not easy to deal with!" Luo Feng did not do anything else, but just waited on the spot like other Lords of the Universe.

After a moment, suddenly, subtle fluctuations flashed through the void, and Wang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared in the mysterious realm of Yuan.

"Looks like I didn't come too early!"

Wang Cheng glanced around and saw that there were more than ten universe masters present. It was obvious that the universe masters from all major forces were here.

Originally, Wang Cheng could have arrived earlier, but he discovered a special being that belonged to a large category on the road, so Wang Cheng took a detour to abduct the other person back, which resulted in a delay of some time.



At this time, Luo Feng flew over.

"What's going on now?" Wang Cheng asked.

"It seems that no one can do anything to kill the Yuan'ao Lord!" Luo Feng said helplessly: "I just rushed up, but I couldn't hold on after a few moves. This Yuan'ao Lord can probably reach the level of the teacher! "


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Lord of Wujian, this Lord of Yuan'ao has the ability to look down on the original universe by relying on the strange objects. Even the strongest people will probably have a hard time doing anything to him!" The voice of the Lord of Nine Nethers came, and he continued:

"In this case, we can only consider working together to suppress him first!"

"This is indeed the only way!" Wang Cheng nodded in agreement, but he immediately asked: "But after the Lord of Yuan'ao is suppressed, who will own the treasures on him?"


The Lord of Jiuyou frowned slightly. He understood that Lord Yuan'ao's other treasures actually had nothing to say. Only that rare item was qualified for the Lord of Wujian to specifically propose.

The value of a rare item is self-evident. If we don't agree on it in advance, I'm afraid everyone will want it. If we go to suppress the Lord of Yuan'ao like this, there will be trouble later!

"So, there is no need to join forces. I will go and seal the master of Yuan Ao myself!" Wang Cheng said suddenly.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, are you going by yourself?"

The Lord of Jiuyou was slightly surprised. In the original universe, even the strongest person in the universe would be hard-pressed to defeat Lord Yuan'ao alone. How could Lord Wujian be confident?

"If I can't do it, it's not too late for you to come up!" Wang Cheng said, and then he quickly headed towards the Lord Yuan Ao.


Just now, Wang Cheng and the Lord of Jiuyou communicated through sound transmission, so no one knew what they said. At this time, some of the Lords of the Universe watched Wang Cheng fly towards the Lord of Yuan'ao and started communicating one after another.

"Look, the Lord of Infernal Affairs has passed by himself!"

"I'm afraid I'm also going to test the reality of Lord Yuan Ao. Although Lord Infernal Affairs is strong, Lord Yuan Ao is not that easy to deal with. In the original universe, no one can care about him!"


"However, since it is Lord Wujian who takes action, Lord Yuan'ao cannot be as relaxed as before, and I am afraid he will be ravaged!"

"If the Lord of Wujian can fight head-on with the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, his strength must be at the top of the sixth level. It is inevitable that he will ravage the Lord of Yuan'ao..."



While the other masters of the universe were talking, Wang Cheng had already arrived above the twelve endless continents. At this time, the master of Yuan Ao was holding a black weapon and looking at Wang Cheng with vigilance.

"Lord of Wujian, I have heard of you!" Lord Yuan'ao said: "Although you are strong, you can't do anything to me!"

"Being too confident may not be a good thing!"

Wang Cheng sneered, and the next moment, the terrifying virtual power burst out from him.

For a moment, Lord Yuan Ao felt a terrifying buzz in his mind, countless illusory scenes emerged in his mind, and a golden light was crushing his soul like a millstone.

"Give me the town!"

The Lord Yuanao roared with a ferocious expression, and a blue orb appeared in his soul.

boom! boom! boom!

One roar after another continued to erupt in the soul of Lord Yuan Ao. In fact, although it was only for a moment, Lord Yuan Ao had the illusion that hundreds of millions of years had passed.

Fortunately, he resisted in the end!


"What a terrifying soul attack, but it's a pity that it can't help me!" Lord Yuan Ao looked at Wang Cheng from a distance, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that you have a good soul defense treasure!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. Although he didn't use the most powerful treasure 'Jiuli Sword' in that attack just now, he had already taken the lead in studying the "Time Consciousness" in order to get started. He had already created the Soul Illusion, the sixth-level soul secret technique, and the move he performed now had undoubtedly reached the top of the sixth level!

However, the Lord of Wuhai cannot withstand such a terrifying soul attack, but the Lord of Yuan'ao can resist it. There is naturally a reason for this!

The Lord of Yuan'ao is actually quite ancient. He existed in the early days of the birth of the original universe. His long time has made his will very strong, at least much stronger than the Lord of Wuhai.

In addition, the Lord of Yuan'ao has a good soul defense treasure, so Wang Cheng's soul attack is naturally ineffective.

However, this was originally a test. Since the soul attack could not affect the Lord of Wuhai, Wang Cheng would naturally take action!


"Lord of Wu Jian, retreat quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to the human race in the future!" Lord Yuan Ao shouted coldly with a slightly ferocious expression.

"You have no chance!"

Wang Cheng sneered, and the next moment, a wisp of white light emitted from his body.

In an instant——

Two figures identical to Wang Cheng separated from Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng thought, and in an instant, a blue chain, a golden halberd, and a colorful palace flew out of his body. Wang Cheng and two clones each carried a treasure and headed towards Yuan Aozhi from three directions. The Lord flew over.


"It's the clone of Lord Wu Jian!" The Lords of the Universe who were watching the battle in the distance naturally saw this scene.

"The clone of the Lord of Infernal Affairs is not very strong, and should be far inferior to his original self. The clone of the Lord of Infernal Affairs once fought with the Lord of Yunliu, but was at a disadvantage. Later, the main body of the Lord of Infernal Affairs took action and finally eliminated Yunliu. The clone of the Lord!" someone explained.

"However, the Lord of Infernal Affairs has so many treasures... Look at the golden halberd he is holding. This should be a most powerful treasure. The seven-color temple where one of his clones is riding , is also the most powerful treasure!"

"I just don't know what kind of treasure the blue chain held by his last clone is, but since the Lord of Infernal Affairs took it out with the two most powerful treasures, I think it shouldn't be ordinary!"

"It's unlikely to be the most powerful treasure, but it's very likely to be the pinnacle treasure!"

"It just looks like it, it will become clear later!"


While the masters of the universe were talking, Wang Cheng and his two clones had already charged towards the master of Yuan Ao.

PS: Three updates.

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