Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 338: The clone fights against Tianzhou

Seeing the person coming, the Masters of the Universe who were watching the battle all looked shocked, and Luo Feng's expression changed even more.

"The founder of the universe?"

Luo Feng whispered to himself, but he remembered clearly that not long ago, the founder of Tianzhou ran to the Ancestral God Sect to assassinate him. Fortunately, the Ancestral God stopped him.

"Founder of the Universe, do you want to help the Lord of Yuan'ao?"

The Lord of Jiuyou asked from a distance. The Lord of Yuan'ao is the great enemy of the will of the original universe. Helping the Lord of Yuan'ao is equivalent to being an enemy of the Ancestral God Religion. The Lord of Jiuyou is the guardian of the Ancestral God Religion. The Lord of God will naturally not ignore it!

"Of course I'm not here for the Lord of Yuan'ao!" the founder of Tianzhou said. He then turned to look at Wang Cheng and said: "Lord of Wujian, how about giving me the wonders on the Lord of Yuan'ao? I I am willing to exchange it for the pinnacle treasure of equal value!"

"The pinnacle treasure is exchanged for rare items. You have a good idea!"

Wang Cheng sneered. In name, a bunch of pinnacle treasures can rival a single supreme treasure, but in fact, no one would exchange a supreme treasure for a supreme treasure. The two are not on the same level at all.

"The founder of Tianzhou came here for the rare objects?" The Lord of Jiuyou breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was not to help the Lord of Yuan'ao.

However, the Lord of Infernal Affairs said before that there might be chaos regarding the ownership of the rare objects, so he took action alone. Unexpectedly, this time he took action alone, and an accident happened.


"I wonder what the Lord of Infinity will do?"

At this time, the masters of the universe from other major forces were also communicating.

"It would be best if the founder of the universe fights with the Lord of Infinity, so that we can still have a chance!" someone said.


The rest of the people agreed that they were not here to watch the battle. They wanted to play a role in dealing with the Lord Yuan'ao, so that the will of the original universe would favor their group and power in the future.

But the Lord of Wu Jian almost suppressed the Lord of Yuan Ao just now. Wouldn't this make their trip in vain?

Just now, these masters of the universe were actually very anxious, but due to the strength shown by Wang Cheng, no one did anything.

However, now that the founder of Tianzhou comes forward, everything will be different. If the two of them fight, then they will still have a chance!

. . .

"Lord of Infinity, what do you think?" the founder of Tianzhou asked.

"Whether it works or not, it depends on your ability!" Wang Cheng said lightly, and then, the light on his body flashed again.


Another clone of Wang Cheng appeared in the void.

Some of Wang Cheng's clones are practicing with the help of Dream Induction Technique and cannot move lightly. The power Wang Cheng brings this time is about 50% of his heyday. The two clones he created before have 10% of his strength. That is, a thousand times the genetic level of the Lord of the Universe, and the clone he created now also contains 10% of his power.

If it were in the cosmic sea, such a clone would still be a little weak against the founder of the universe, but in the original universe, it would be more than enough.


This clone of Wang Cheng rushed directly towards the founder of Tianzhou.


The founder of Tianzhou looked at Wang Cheng's clone rushing up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the eyes of the founder of Tianzhou, Wang Cheng's intention is very obvious. If he can break through the obstruction of his clone, then he will naturally agree to his request... This is too simple in the eyes of the founder of Tianzhou. .

After all, the strength of the Lord of Infernal Affairs is that he has the most powerful treasure. Without the most powerful treasure, he is still the Lord of the Universe.

What's more, the person who came is just a clone of the Lord of Infinite...

In the eyes of the Lord of Heaven and Universe, Wang Cheng is a typical person who wants to save face!


In fact, the other masters of the universe who were watching the battle also had this idea at this time.

"It seems that the Lord of Infernal Affairs has directly agreed to the suggestion of the founder of Tianzhou. Alas!" Everyone shook their heads and sighed. Can a clone of the Lord of Infernal Affairs stop the founder of Tianzhou?

Isn't that a joke?

The Lord of Infinity's proposal is most likely to find a way to get off...


In the thoughts of many universe masters, the founder of the universe is not far away from Wang Cheng's clone.

"Lord of Wu Jian, take action!" The founder of Tianzhou said calmly.


Wang Cheng was not polite to him and struck directly with a bloody sword.


A ray of white light spread from the tip of the knife and passed over the divine body of the founder of the universe for an instant. The founder of the universe felt something was wrong, but the next moment, he was suddenly shocked.

Endless light bloomed on the bloody sword. The power of the sword had not yet arrived, but it had already rolled back the endless void.

"How can this be?"

The founder of Tianzhou didn't dare to be careless anymore, he took action instantly.

boom! boom! boom!

The two were constantly fighting, and suddenly, the founder of the universe's move was deflected in a strange way.

boom! !

Wang Cheng struck the founder of Tianzhou with a heavy knife and whipped him away.


The people watching the battle from a distance were shocked, what the hell is this?

Are you sure that the person who took action was the clone of the Lord of Infinity and not the original one? Moreover, even if he is the true deity, why can the Lord of Infinity have the upper hand?

"It should be a clone, right? The most powerful treasure of Lord Wu Jian should be his halberd. This is just a sword!"

"It's crazy..."


Everyone was completely stunned. Luo Feng looked at Luo Feng at this time and was shocked in his heart.

"No wonder senior brother can have such a great deterrent effect, this is too strong!" Luo Feng was filled with wonder. Originally, he was already very confident in himself.

He is just the Lord of the Universe and is comparable to the Lord of the Universe. He also possesses the most powerful and precious Star Tower. In terms of potential, who can compare with him?

But now it seems that Wang Cheng is obviously even more perverted!

"Very good, senior brother, the stronger you are, the better. It will be more interesting for me to chase you!" Luo Feng's heart quickly calmed down. At this time, in addition to admiration, he also had a little more fighting spirit in his heart!


"Founder of Tianzhou, do you want to continue?" Wang Cheng stood with a knife in hand. He looked at the founder of Tianzhou and asked lightly.

"What's going on with that move of yours?"

The founder of the universe looked a little gloomy. Although his upper limit of strength was suppressed in the original universe, his soul will was still at the strongest level. He was unknowingly affected, causing his moves to go wrong.

"What do you think?" Wang Cheng naturally would not explain to the founder of Tianzhou.

"Rampant!" Tianzhou shouted angrily, and he attacked again.


Wang Cheng sneered, and he went directly to greet him.

boom! boom! boom!

The two of them fought quickly, and in an instant, the situation just now happened again, and the founder of the universe was blown away again.

Of course, although Wang Cheng's move hit the founder of the universe head-on, the opponent was not injured at all.

The reason is very simple. The armor worn by the founder of the universe is the most powerful treasure. A sixth-level attack cannot break through the defense at all...


Although he was not injured, he was blown away again and again, and the founder of Tianzhou felt that he was almost embarrassed.

"Lord of Wu Jian, if you were in the Universe Sea, how could you humiliate me like this? When you go to the Universe Sea, don't touch me!" The founder of Universe gritted his teeth and left these harsh words, and then left quickly. The mysterious realm of clearing the wall.

"I remember what you said!"

Wang Cheng stood in the void with no expression on his face.

"Reverse Time" is indeed not offensive, but Wang Cheng has recently been creating offensive eighth-level secrets. Once he creates such secrets and uses strange objects, it will be a ninth-level attack, which is no longer weaker than the giant. Ax Founder!

When the time comes, if the founder of Tianzhou meets Wang Cheng in the Universe Sea, Wang Cheng promises to give him a surprise.

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