Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 351: The Discovery of the Blood Orchid Ancestor

As the first batch of universe masters discovered the real entrance to Shenmu Mountain, as time passed, more and more people who came to explore near Shenmu Mountain also discovered this entrance.

And once more people discovered the entrance, the news could no longer be concealed, and the entrance to Shenmu Mountain was completely disclosed!

And after the entrance to Shenmu Mountain was made public, another shocking news soon appeared... In the entire Shenmu Mountain, hundreds of clones of the Lord of the Universe entered, but nothing happened. A man comes out alive.

Not only do the reasons for each person's death vary, but some people don't even understand how they died.

At the same time, several masters of the universe also died from soul attacks. Not only did their clones die, but even their own bodies failed to resist and died together in this expedition.

There was no benefit, but it was full of endless dangers. For a time, the number of people going to Shenmu Mountain was greatly reduced.

Of course, less does not mean none.

While a considerable number of people are scared away, there are also some people who firmly believe that there are huge benefits hidden in Shenmu Mountain, and the terrifying danger is proof!

After all, how could there be so much danger for no reason?


Time passed slowly, and more than five hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, under the brave exploration of many universe masters, the situation after going deep into Shenmu Mountain was finally roughly figured out.

Entering it, there are a total of 108 forks, each of which corresponds to a danger. Only by passing through any nine forks in succession can you enter a safe place.

The first person to cross the nine forked roads was the Lord of the Deer Insect from the Purple Moon Holy Land.

The Lord of the Deer Insect is a rare sixth-level Lord of the Universe. He has a most powerful treasure, and it is an armor-type treasure with extremely strong life-saving capabilities. It is precisely for this reason that the Lord of the Deer Insect dares to go to this place where the survival rate is almost zero. Exploration of "Shenmu Mountain".

Of course, more detailed information will definitely not be spread by the Lord of the Deer Insects. As for what he saw and gained in that safe place, no one knows.

However, with the success of the Lord of the Deer and Insects, other people also saw hope. For a time, the number of people going to Shenmu Mountain increased even more.

At this time, a true god finally made up his mind to go to Shenmu Mountain to explore.


"Is this the entrance to Shenmu Mountain?" The ancestor of Blood Orchid rode a triangular tower to the foot of Shenmu Mountain. She looked at the endless road to the sky at the entrance of Shenmu Mountain, with a trace of hatred in her eyes.

"Damn Human Race Wujian, just wait for me!" The ancestor of Blood Orchid snorted coldly in her heart. She immediately stopped hesitating and quickly headed towards the entrance of Shenmu Mountain.

Last time she was chased by Wang Cheng and had to enter the dangerous area inside the space ship to save her life. The ancestor of Blood Orchid really felt extremely aggrieved. This time when Shenmu Mountain was born, the ancestor of Blood Orchid felt that this was her chance. If she could survive in Here you get one powerful treasure, and two powerful treasures work together, so you don’t have to hide anymore.

Of course, the situation in Shenmu Mountain was extremely weird before, and most of the universe masters who entered it had no good results. This made the ancestor of Blood Orchid hesitate a little and never made up his mind to come.

Until not long ago, people from the Purple Moon Holy Land suddenly found her and sent her a lot of information.

This information was left by the Lord of the Deer Insects, and it is not difficult to verify whether some of it is true or false. Although the ancestor of Blood Orchid did not know what the Purple Moon Holy Land was doing, with this information, the attraction of Shenmu Mountain to the ancestor of Blood Orchid Her strength increased instantly, so she came without hesitation.



The ancestor of Blood Orchid rides on a palace-like treasure, and she is very fast.

The endless road under Shenmu Mountain was quickly crossed. At this time, the ancestor of Blood Orchid came to a towering stone gate.

On the stone gate, there are three characters "Shenmu Mountain" engraved on it!

The ancestor of Blood Orchid did not stay here long. Many masters of the universe who came here have searched this place countless times. Facts have proved that there is no benefit here.

Every plant, tree, and even stone here seems to be connected to the entire mountain and cannot be moved at all.


The ancestor of Blood Orchid did not hesitate at all. She directly controlled the palace treasure to cross this huge stone gate.

And it was at this moment that the ancestor of Blood Orchid suddenly froze.

"This is?"

The ancestor of Blood Orchid turned around and took a look. The stone gate stood behind her. She had arrived behind the stone gate. In other words, she had officially entered Shenmu Mountain.

"My divine power..."

The ancestor of Blood Orchid blasted a blow into the void with some disbelief. It was just a casual blow, but the power was a hundred times stronger than before.

"Here, the suppression of the original universe disappears!"

The ancestor of Blood Orchid was shocked. Ever since she broke through and became the strongest person in the universe, she has been suppressed by the original universe.

The purity of her divine power is obviously a hundred times that of the Lord of the Universe with perfect genes, but the power she can exert is only equivalent to the Lord of the Universe with perfect genes.

"This is where I should come!" The ancestor of Blood Orchid was a little excited in her eyes. She is a special plant life with a huge divine body. In terms of divine power, she has a huge advantage!

The sudden increase in divine power by a hundred times seems to be the same for every strongest person, but in fact, the more divine power, the greater the advantage this increase brings!

"The divine bodies of the human race are generally not big. Even Wujian is the strongest. When he comes here, his divine power increases a hundred times, but how can he compare with me?" The ancestor of Blood Orchid felt more and more that this trip was worth it. Here, even though she is still no match for Human Race Infernal Affairs, she can still be much more calm.

"This Shenmu Mountain is indeed my blessed place!"

The ancestor of Xuelan didn't hesitate anymore, she quickly went deeper into the Shenmu Mountain.

. . .

The discovery of the Blood Orchid Ancestor in Shenmu Mountain was not told to anyone, so the anomalies in Shenmu Mountain were still unknown.

In this case, more than five hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Wang Cheng, who had been in seclusion in the Seven Temples, finally opened his eyes.

"Finally got it!"

Wang Cheng glanced at the token in the clone's hand, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

A thousand years may not seem like a long time, but in fact, his avatar has been comprehending for more than a billion years under the Tree of Time. Fortunately, the long period of comprehension has not been in vain. He finally has a preliminary understanding of the secret pattern on the token. master.

"It's time to set off. In the past thousand years, Shenmu Mountain has been really lively!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he quickly shook his head.

Many powerful people in the universe sea think that Shenmu Mountain is a treasure place, but in fact, the many dangers inside are not polite to those who come uninvited.

The Lord of the Deer Insect of the Purple Moon Holy Land seems to have broken into a safe place, but in fact it is still at the foot of the Shenmu Mountain. It would be better if he does not continue to move forward. If he continues to move forward, Wang Cheng can guarantee that he will die!

Of course, Wang Cheng doesn’t know if there are any treasures left behind by its past owner in Shenmu Mountain. Everything will have to wait until he truly controls Shenmu Mountain!

PS: Two updates first.

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