Wow! Wow! Wow!

The river was flowing continuously, and Dream Demon Ancestor gradually felt that a surging river appeared in front of his eyes, and the sound of flowing river also appeared in his heart.

Dream Demon Ancestor's consciousness began to blur, and he seemed to have returned to his weak days.

At that time, he passed by a river, and the same thing happened. He saw the river rushing in front of him.

The Dream Demon Ancestor was coiled in front of the river. He watched and kept watching. The wash of the river took away all his worries and vigilance. He gradually forgot everything and just wanted to be like this forever.

Suddenly, the Dream Demon Ancestor woke up.

"You?" Dream Demon Ancestor looked at Wang Cheng, and there was an infinite closeness in his heart.

"What's wrong with me? Dream Demon Ancestor, you still haven't woken up?" Wang Cheng's voice was like a bell, suddenly ringing in the Dream Demon Ancestor's heart. At this moment, he completely understood.


The Dream Demon Ancestor lowered his huge head and said something very respectfully.

"Very good!" Wang Cheng nodded with great satisfaction. This "Nine Rivers Realm" is indeed extraordinary. He had just started, but the Dream Demon Ancestor couldn't bear it at all, and quietly became his soul slave. .

"Master, that secret technique just now was so powerful, I didn't notice anything wrong at all!" Dream Demon Ancestor said in shock.

"Of course!"

Wang Cheng nodded calmly, and immediately said: "You wait here, I will come back to you later!"


Dream Demon Ancestor nodded respectfully.

. . .

After dealing with the Dream Demon Ancestor, Wang Chengxuan went to deal with the Zerg Queen again.

The Zerg Queen is more difficult to deal with than the Dream Demon Ancestor. After all, she has the most powerful Queen's Nest.

However, Wang Cheng's current strength is much higher than that of the Zerg Queen. Even if she hides in the Queen's nest, Wang Cheng can easily suppress her, just like the two true gods before the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Cheng used the dangerous places in Shenmu Mountain to threaten the Queen of the Zerg, and she immediately left the Queen's nest obediently.

The Queen of the Zerg Race knew very well that although she was hiding in the Queen's Nest, Wang Cheng had already suppressed her and had the means to kill her. What's more, Wang Cheng had already shown her the extremely dangerous place. In front of her, as long as the opponent throws the Queen's Nest over, she will be dead!

In addition, the Zerg Queen believed that Wang Cheng did not kill her directly because he wanted to control the Zerg territory through her.

After all, she is the only strongest person in the entire Zerg race. Controlling her is equivalent to controlling the entire Zerg territory, right?

As for enslaving the Zerg Queen, I didn't think about it at all.

For various reasons, the Zerg Queen naturally left the Queen's Nest obediently.

Among the four peak races of humans, monsters, bugs, and machines, humans and monsters both have races first, and then the strongest ones, while Zergs and machines, the strongest ones come first, and then groups. , in this case, the Zerg Queen naturally did not have much objection to Wang Cheng possibly threatening the Zerg with her.

No matter what, it is better to live first. In the heart of the Zerg Queen, the entire Zerg is not as important as herself.

The Zerg Queen is wearing a green dress and a black gold crown. Her appearance is more exquisite than Sikaya. She is simply the most perfect work of art in the universe.

However, compared to the ordinary Zerg Queen, the Zerg Queen is much taller. She is a full 90,000 kilometers tall.

Of course, this is the normal body shape of a true god, so there is nothing surprising about it.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, what are you going to do with me?"

The Queen of the Zerg was also suppressed by Wang Cheng in the Seven Temples. At this time, she looked at Wang Cheng who walked in, took the initiative to shrink to the same size as Wang Cheng, and asked a very weak question.

"Let me show you something good!"

Wang Cheng smiled, and suddenly, a golden light appeared in his eyes.


The golden light bloomed, and the Zerg Queen instantly felt a heavy pressure oppressing her heart.

"What's this?"

The Zerg Queen was slightly frightened. Her instinctive feeling was that something was not good, but now she had become a prisoner, and it was useless to resist.

"I want to see what the Lord of Infernal Affairs wants to do!" The Zerg Queen temporarily suppressed the anxiety in her heart. It stands to reason that no matter what Wang Cheng does to her at this moment, she cannot resist and can only bear it.

In the eyes of the Zerg Queen, as long as Wang Cheng doesn't kill her, no matter what the other party does, it won't be a big deal.


The golden light continued to bloom, and the Zerg Queen felt that the terrifying oppression became a lot heavier, even with her will, she also felt a little uncomfortable.

Gradually, the Zerg Queen felt that her consciousness was becoming blurred. The golden light outside did not know when it appeared in her heart, and it was also rapidly eroding her heart.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally, Wang Cheng, who was outside, stopped using his secret technique.

At this time, there was a faint golden light flashing in the eyes of the Zerg Queen. Wang Cheng did not do anything more, but sat down cross-legged here and waited quietly.

Time passed little by little, and the golden light in the eyes of the Zerg Queen finally dissipated.

"Where are the lights?"

The Zerg Queen looked around with some confusion. Suddenly, she saw Wang Cheng sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Light is naturally in your heart!" Wang Cheng smiled and opened his eyes.

"I understand!" The Zerg Queen's expression became softer, and she whispered: "Master!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, feeling quite happy at this time.

The Queen of the Zerg Tribe and the Dream Demon Ancestor of the Monster Tribe were both enslaved by him. In one fell swoop, most of the Zerg Tribe and the Monster Tribe were eliminated!

. . .

Wang Cheng did not stay in Shenmu Mountain for long. After enslaving the Zerg Queen and the Dream Demon Ancestor respectively, he left Shenmu Mountain and prepared to return to the original universe.

As for the Skeleton Master and the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, Wang Cheng ignored them for the time being and asked them to stay in the Gods Prison for a while first!

On his way back to the original universe, Wang Cheng first went to the virtual universe and contacted the Lord of Chaos City.

Originally, Wang Cheng wanted to talk about the fact that he enslaved the Zerg Queen and the Dream Demon Ancestor, but unexpectedly, the Lord of Chaos City told him some news first.

In the past period of time, the universe sea can be said to be very lively.

First, the small universes of Xuelan Ancestor and True God Juehe were shattered, which shocked many people in the Universe Sea. These two powerful men unexpectedly fell at the same time. They did not know what terrible danger they encountered.

Then the Purple Moon Holy Land recalled all the powerful people who had experienced in the Cosmic Sea and announced that the Purple Moon Holy Land would not appear in the Cosmic Sea again in a short period of time.

Then, it is what attracts the most attention to everyone.

The assessment of Duandonghe is over, the final inheritor has been selected, and the final winner is Luo Feng!

"Sure enough, Junior Brother Luo Feng succeeded!"

Wang Cheng was not surprised. Luo Feng's advantage was too great. The possibility of his failure was extremely small. His success was normal, and his failure was surprising.

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