A month later, the original universe "is back!"

The giant ax stood in the void of the original universe, and he sighed slightly in his heart. Who would have thought that this time he went to the cosmic sea and walked on the edge of life and death?

I thought there were not many places where the Cosmic Sea could threaten him, but now it seems that he was still too arrogant. "Wu Jian, I will return to the clan first, and contact me anytime if I need anything!" Juaxe said to Wang Cheng, "Okay. !”

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and without saying anything more about the giant axe, he moved directly in front of Wang Cheng. Just when Wang Cheng was about to return to Wujian Continent to take a look, suddenly, a lot of information about the coming of Yihao Hao's will appeared. In Wang Cheng's heart, Wang Cheng also nodded slightly. The original will of the universe noticed that he had interacted with the world beast, and also told him that the world beast was accelerating its evolution because of him, reminding him to be vigilant. Of course, the will of the original universe also hoped that Wang Cheng could As he promised before, he tried his best to deal with the world beasts. "I can deal with the world beasts, but I hope you can release my original ancestor of the human race before the end of this reincarnation era!" Wang Cheng put forward his own request to the original universe to guide the will of the original universe. There was obviously some reluctance, but after Wang Cheng: Yu agreed, the will of the original universe quickly receded. Wang Cheng was also thinking about the first time he practiced the "Cosmic Envoy System". Although it was a decisive beast, it was too easy to pass the test Wang Cheng didn't think much about it at the time, but now that he thought about it, he should have told his Yuan Li Zhiguo that the Yuan Zhi was a primitive body formed from the primitive primitives, and it might make the primitive universe completely different. In the peak realm, when the realm beast Mo He looked at him, it was related that his divine power had changed due to the integration of the original power. It is estimated that the effect on the realm beast was beyond imagination. If the realm beast swallowed his divine power, it would evolve very quickly. It might be astonishingly fast. "Unfortunately, it's not that easy to swallow my divine power!" Wang Cheng didn't think much. Soon, he also left this void. At this time, the primitive universe, the human race had basically conquered the territory of the Zerg race. Taking over, and now digesting these territories, such as appeasing the newly attached subordinate races, and moving a large number of ordinary humans from some divine kingdoms, allowing them to multiply in new territories. These divine kingdom humans were born in the divine kingdom, and they They themselves do not have much potential, and it is difficult to give birth to immortals. But as long as they multiply for several generations on the normal planets of the original universe, geniuses will soon appear. These geniuses can not only break through immortality, but also have the hope of becoming immortal. The strongest among them, even the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe...

Of course, it is not only the humans of the Kingdom of God who have moved into the Zerg territory. Among the humans, some extremely powerful families that have already developed have also purchased sites in the Zerg territory and transferred more people there. In short, this is a battle. Feast, a feast to carve up the entire Zerg territory. However, Wang Cheng, who is the leader of all this, is not very interested in this feast. With his current strength, he has long been the same as the previous giant axe. What he has done for the tribe Contributions are free and will not require any return from the clan. In fact, it is difficult for the human race to give Wang Cheng anything in return. Although the benefits of the entire Zerg territory are extremely huge, in Wang Cheng's eyes, they are just average. He enslaves the Queen, so why would he care about the Zerg's territory?

Of course, Wang Cheng didn't care about the carving up of the Zerg territory, but he still cared about the external expansion of the human race. After Giant Ax and Wang Cheng returned from the cosmic sea, the senior leaders of the human race quickly held another high-level meeting. This meeting mainly discussed The content is whether to take action against the demon clan and the machine clan immediately. At this time, in the virtual universe and in the temples, a group of senior officials discussed for a while. Finally, the giant ax looked at Wang Cheng: "Wu Jian, what do you think?" "


As soon as the giant ax opened its mouth, all the masters of the universe looked at Wang Cheng. To this day, Wang Cheng's prestige in the human race is even greater than that of the giant axe. Everyone also understands that the human race is now taking action against the demon clan and the mechanical clan. , the main force must be Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng's opinion is definitely the most important. "If you want to take action, the power of the mechanical clan and the demon clan is nothing!"

Wang Cheng said: "However, we have not yet fully digested the territory of the Zerg tribe. If we try to move the monster tribe and the machine tribe again, I am afraid it will cause a lot of chaos. In my personal opinion, it is better to hold off until the territory of the Zerg tribe is completely digested. Deal with the two tribes again!”

"Yes, you have to eat the meal one bite at a time and walk the road step by step!"

"Indeed, the human race is already a little puffy now, and it is not appropriate to expand immediately!"


Many universe masters who had previously agreed to suspend expansion spoke up, while those who had previously disagreed were silent. Finally, the human race passed a resolution to first digest the Zerg territory, and then continue to attack the machine race and the monster race!

After the high-level meeting of the human race ended, Wang Cheng and Luo Feng teleported to Thunder Island side by side. "Brother, your influence in the human race has probably surpassed that of the founder of Giant Axe now, right?" Luo Feng said with a smile, "We all hope that the human race will become stronger. There is nothing like this!" Wang Cheng said: "Moreover, the inheritance you brought back has a more profound impact on our human race. In the future, your influence may be even greater!

"Ha ha!"

Luo Feng laughed, and the two of them spoke, and soon arrived side by side at the palace of Lord Hun. Everything is going well for the human race. The Lord of Hundu came to see the two of them for nothing important. He just wanted to say something casual, "You two." , are already the top experts in our human race, but they still have no disciples and don’t even think about it?

"Hun City Lord asked with a smile, "Just let it happen! "

Luo Feng is obviously a Buddhist, and his mind is not on his disciples now. "Is this peak genius competition going to start soon?" Wang Cheng suddenly asked, "There are still a few decades!" City Lord Hun went to inquire. After a moment, he usually doesn't care about such trivial matters, but after checking it himself, he can naturally know the time clearly. "If everything goes well, maybe I can have more disciples!" Wang Cheng said with a smile, "?"

City Lord Hun and Luo Feng were both a little curious, but Wang Cheng didn't say much. Seeing this, City Lord Hun and Luo Feng didn't ask further. They would naturally know about this kind of thing when the time comes!

PS: Two updates

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