Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 359: Recruiting Disciples

Liu Dong felt that the Lord of Nine Swords had become gentler towards him, and after some exchanges, the Lord of Nine Swords finally confirmed that the person Liu Dong mentioned was indeed the Lord of Infernal Affairs. "You are really lucky. Okay!" Lord Nine Swords looked at Liu Dong with some confusion, but at the star level, he actually had the opportunity to meet the Lord of Infinite Swords. Although Lord Nine Swords did not participate in taking over the Zerg territory, he also knew that the one who presided over everything about the Zerg clan was The Lord of the Nine Swords of Infernal Affairs has also vaguely heard rumors that the Queen of the Insects was enslaved by the Lord of Infernal Affairs. How unbelievable is the Queen of the Insects? !

Although no one has said it clearly, the Lord of Nine Swords knows that the Lord of Infinite Swords is definitely one of the strongest in the human race, and now this Liu Dong can meet the Lord of Infinite Swords at the star level, and is also valued by him. The Lord of Infernal Affairs asked Liu Dong to find him, obviously he wanted to recruit a disciple!

The Lord of Nine Swords has never heard that the Lord of Infernal Affairs has a disciple. In other words, this Liu Dong is probably the founding disciple of the Lord of Infinite Swords...

Thinking of this, Lord Nine Swords couldn't help but feel even more sad!

"My luck is indeed good!" Liu Dong also lamented that he was inexplicably sucked into a space crack and ended up living in a Mo Guide to inherit. Not to mention, he was valued by another master of the universe. This luck is indeed ridiculously good. "I know about you. Yes, I will find a way to help you as soon as possible. "Then it will be troublesome for you, Your Majesty!" Liu Dong quickly said, "It's a small matter!" "The Lord of Nine Swords smiled. If Liu Dong can really worship the Lord of Infernal Affairs as his teacher, it will be troublesome to handle this matter in the future. This will be a great thing!

A few days later, Luo Feng came to Thunder Island in the virtual universe. Luo Feng stepped in in front of Wang Cheng's palace. At this time, Wang Cheng's consciousness left in the virtual universe also noticed Luo Feng's arrival. He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes rolled, "Senior brother!" Luo Feng said hello with a smile, "Sit down!" Wang Cheng asked Luo Feng to sit down, and he asked, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Two things!" Luo Feng said: "I'm going to the Universe Sea to say goodbye to you, senior brother!

"Why did you suddenly go to the Universe Sea again?" Wang Cheng asked. "With the tomb boat, I can explore some dangerous places with confidence and boldness. Maybe I can get some treasures with luck. Moreover, I am only one step away from the Lord of the Universe." Yao, there is no use practicing hard in the original universe, so I just want to go out and have a look!" Luo Feng explained, and Wang Cheng also nodded slightly, "What about the second thing?" Wang Cheng asked again, "There is a little guy named Liu Dong, senior brother, you Do you still remember?" Luo Feng asked, "I see!" Wang Cheng was stunned, and he asked directly: "Is this genius war over?

“Just finished 1”

Luo Feng smiled and said: "He is a rare genius from my earth lineage. I originally wanted to find a good master for him, but I didn't expect that, senior brother, you would actually like this Liu Dong."

"That little guy is quite destined to me, so I just want to give him a chance!


Cheng shook his head slightly. He had been completely immersed in the research on the blood of world beasts recently, and he had really forgotten about this matter. "Senior brother said before that there will be a disciple, is he Liu Dong?" Luo Feng asked, "Yes! "

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "I am in seclusion, so please let him come here to see me!"


Luo Feng nodded directly. Although he wanted to find a good teacher for Liu Dong before, no teacher could compare to Wang Cheng. Luo Feng was naturally very happy to see the success in this matter. Luo Feng and Wang Cheng talked for a while. He left quickly. After Luo Feng left, Wang Cheng sent an email out of his mind. In just a moment, an astonishingly beautiful woman came into the hall. This was the Queen of the Zerg. At this moment, she She has completely become one of the human race, and naturally has an upright Void Universe. However, the Zerg Queen did not choose to use her original appearance in the Void Universe. She completely concealed her Zerg characteristics, leaving only the following... Similar to the human race, judging from the appearance alone, she now looks completely human. After the Zerg Queen entered the Wang Cheng Temple, she immediately saluted, "Master!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "Queen, I will see a little guy later, please wait nearby!


Although the Zerg Queen was confused, she still nodded and agreed without hesitation. The two did not wait for too long. Soon, a figure that was countless times weaker than other existences at the top of Thunder Island entered Wang Cheng's temple. The person who was there was naturally Liu Dong. After entering the temple, he advanced for a long time before finally seeing the two figures at the end. One of them naturally exuded wonderful power, making it difficult for Liu Dong to see clearly, but the other one was very familiar to him. It was exactly the look of Wang Cheng that he had seen before. "Liu Dong, we meet again!" Wang Cheng was sitting high up. He smiled and said, "I have met my senior!"

Liu Dong bowed and saluted, "No need to be polite!" Wang Cheng waved and said, "Since you are here, I won't follow you around. Are you willing to become your teacher?"

Hearing this, Liu Dong was overjoyed. He bowed directly without hesitation, "Disciple Liu Dong, meet the teacher!"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet!" Wang Cheng said: "You are only at the star level now, so I can temporarily accept you as a registered disciple. After you become the world master, I have three tasks for you. If you complete , you can become my personal disciple, otherwise, you will treat me as your teacher...are you willing?"

"Disciple is willing!"

Liu Dong nodded again without hesitation. The registered disciple of the Lord of the Universe is better than the direct disciple of the Lord of the Universe. Moreover, he has confidence in himself. He believes that he can complete the task and become a direct disciple. "Okay!"

Wang Cheng smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "I am still in seclusion. When I come out of seclusion, I will go to see you! From now on, if you have any problems with practice, you can come here to see me, and I will Give you some advice! If you encounter trouble in the universe and need help..."

Wang Cheng said, he turned to look at the Queen of the Zerg, "Queen, I leave it to you. Before he becomes my personal disciple, you can help him three times!" Wang Cheng said, "Yes, Master!"

The Zerg Queen immediately nodded in agreement. She usually wouldn't pay attention to a small star level, but this was Wang Cheng's personal order. She would not refuse. Not to mention star level, even if it was an apprentice level, the Zerg Queen would do it. He tried his best to help "Teacher Xie!" Liu Dong thanked him understandingly. At this time, he had not realized what the blurry figure next to Wang Cheng meant. "Little guy, you can come to me if you need anything. Remember, only Three chances!" The voice of the Queen of Zerg rang in Liu Dong's heart. At the same time, Liu Dong also knew the contact information of the Queen of Zerg. After explaining everything, Wang Cheng quickly let Liu Dong leave. He had no intention of giving her any treasures. , Dong received the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, and he has several treasures on his body. For a small star level like him, Deng Wangcheng definitely has four Demon Emperor suits on him. When Liu Dong becomes his personal disciple in the future, this He would also give the four treasures of great significance to Wang Cheng. "I hope he can complete my mission!" Wang Cheng didn't think much, and soon, the trace of consciousness he left in the virtual universe fell into a deep sleep again. PS: Two updates

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