Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 41 Breakthrough, cosmic level

The current golden-horned giant beast is still in an embryonic state, so it is not the best time to seize its body. If you want to seize the golden-horned giant beast's body, the best time is naturally when the golden-horned giant beast has just hatched!

Therefore, Wang Cheng has no way of knowing now whether Luo Feng is willing to become a body-stealing golden-horned beast!

However, at this moment, he actually didn't have time to care about Luo Feng's affairs.

A few days after handing the golden-horned beast's egg to Luo Feng, Wang Cheng felt that his body's evolution had reached the limit of the star level. He only needed the time to break through to the cosmic level.

There are two most important conditions for breaking through the cosmic level. One is that the body needs to be up to standard, and the other is that the willpower is sufficient.

There is no need to say much about the physical aspect. Wang Cheng absorbs cosmic energy through thousands of clones, and his body evolves at an astonishing speed. Moreover, there should be no bottleneck for his original body to break through to the cosmic level, so there is no problem with the physical aspect!

As for will... Wang Cheng is not outstanding in this aspect, but he has three thousand clones practicing every day, which also greatly tempers his will.

After all, Wang Cheng's practice for one day consumes more energy than others who have practiced for nearly ten years. If he can persevere, his will will naturally not be too weak. At the very least, it will be no problem to support him to break through to the cosmic level!

. . .

After feeling that his body had almost reached its limit, another three or four days passed before Wang Cheng finally sensed the barrier that was within reach.

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng directly gave Jiang Mingyue instructions and then entered the world ring directly.

The movement of a cosmic-level breakthrough is already quite large, and it is certainly inappropriate to make a direct breakthrough on Earth.

Outside the earth, even the nearest moon would have to be flown for a while by Wang Cheng, so the world ring was naturally the best place for a breakthrough.



Wang Cheng sat cross-legged on a plain in the World Ring. After he took a deep breath, all the clones around him disappeared.


The aura that was usually suppressed by Wang Cheng was slowly released, and after reaching the limit, the aura was still slowly rising.

The invisible air flow spread out in all directions with Wang Cheng as the center.

This airflow spreads extremely far, and is like ocean waves, one after another, endless!

I don't know how long it took, but the bottleneck that hindered Wang Cheng from becoming stronger suddenly disappeared.

For a time, endless energy surged out, and Wang Cheng's muscles, bones, internal organs, etc. were rapidly strengthened...


This enhancement lasted for three days. When he felt almost done, Wang Cheng opened his eyes again.

"It's finally done, cosmic level!"

Wang Cheng stood up, feeling his vast power and a smile in his eyes.

Although from the perspective of the entire universe, the cosmic level is nothing, in fact, the cosmic level is already a strong one!

In the kingdom of the universe, planet-level people are ordinary citizens, star-level people can serve as bodyguards and are considered somewhat powerful, and cosmic-level people... can be called cosmic warriors!

Even places like extraterrestrial battlefields are only initially qualified to step into them after they become cosmic-level!

"What's more, I'm not an ordinary cosmic level!"

Wang Cheng's heart moved, and in an instant, a translucent screen appeared in front of him.


Name: Wang Cheng

Age: 27

Evolution level: Cosmic level one (150 times the genes)

Opportunity points: 279

Treasures: World Ring, SDU01——000001 Detector, Cosmic Chaos Monument

Secrets: "Nine Layers of Thunder Knife", "Eternal Sky", "Wind God Shadow"...

Secret Realm: Extraterritorial Battlefield (Permanent)

"One hundred and fifty times the genetic level!"

Wang Cheng was slightly startled. In his previous breakthrough, he himself could feel that his physical strength had greatly increased this time, but he did not expect that this time, his genetic level would directly increase to 150 times!

"From the planetary level to the stellar level, my genetic level has jumped three times, but from the stellar level to the cosmic level, it has jumped five times..." A trace of thought flashed in Wang Cheng's eyes. color.

This primordial embryo is indeed an amazing thing. If he becomes the world master, I wonder if he can reach the perfect genetic level allowed by the original universe!

"One hundred and fifty times the genetic level. Although I am only at the first level of the universe level, my physical foundation is probably only slightly worse than the ninth level of the universe level. Coupled with my understanding of the law..." Wang Chengxin His confidence began to swell, and now, it is estimated that a considerable number of domain lords are no longer his opponents!


Wang Cheng punched out, and the terrifying power instantly set off a storm.


In an instant, a large piece of the plain hundreds of miles ahead was lifted up. Looking from above, one could see that the originally flat plain was brutally carved out into a canyon-like ravine.


Wang Cheng flew into the air. He looked at the damage caused by his punch and secretly sighed in his heart.

He didn't use any secret skills with this punch, it was just pure power, but the damage caused was much more terrifying than an ordinary nuclear explosion!

He could easily wipe out a city with just one punch.

. . .

After experimenting in the world in the world ring, Wang Cheng gradually felt bored. What was the point of using this terrifying power only to expose it to the air?

"Go and see that secret realm!" Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and at the same time, he also sensed the permanent secret realm he had drawn last time, the "outside battlefield"!

The minimum requirement for entering the "extraterritorial battlefield" is the cosmic level. Wang Cheng was only at the star level before, so he could not enter this secret realm. Now that he has become the cosmic grade and met the basic conditions for entering this secret realm, he can go in and take a look. Look!


After sensing for a while, Wang Cheng quickly got some information.

Entering this secret realm, consciousness also enters and condenses a new body in it.

However, because this is a permanent secret realm, a certain amount of opportunity points need to be consumed every time you enter it.

Wang Cheng is now at the cosmic level, so every time he enters one of them, he needs to consume some chance points.

The way to return, apart from his initiative, is to be killed or have his soul enslaved!

In addition, when Wang Cheng enters, he can choose whether to show his true identity to others. If he does not want to, he can choose a false identity.

"It only takes a little chance to enter this time, which is nothing. Moreover, being able to choose to use a false identity is also good news!" Wang Cheng thought for a moment, and then he was ready to enter and take a look.

With the experience of entering the real-time secret realm last time, Wang Cheng didn't do anything extra this time. He lay down directly on the spot, and then connected his consciousness to the secret realm.

In a trance, Wang Cheng felt as if his consciousness was traveling through endless space.

PS: Two updates.

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