The ancestor of Ziyue made a good plan, but all this was based on the fact that Mohe came to Ziyue Holy Land by chance.

But in fact, Mo He didn't come here by chance. He accepted Wang Cheng's order and ate it like crazy!

Therefore, the Ziyue Holy Land negotiation strategy was undoubtedly of no use at all to persuade the Lord of the Universe in Mohe to be unceremoniously swallowed by Mohe.

The joint attack by the Lords of the Universe organized by the Purple Moon Holy Land was even more like a joke in Mohe's eyes.

Mo He, who has reached the peak of the fifth level, is no less powerful than some True Gods of the Void. He easily destroyed the joint attacks of dozens of universe masters.

"I knew that it could be an ordinary world beast when it devours its origin so quickly."

The ancestor of Ziyue looked a little ugly. Her small universe was at least a void true god-level small universe, and the origin of the universe was blessed by her will, which was comparable to the eternal true god level. In the end, she could only persist for ten thousand years. How could ordinary world beasts do it?

"This era of reincarnation has just begun. How could such a high-level world beast be born?" Ziyue Ancestor's heart was full of questions and anger, but unfortunately, no one would answer her.

"Now, we can only rely on that guy. He made such a big move when he broke through. He is probably the most evil being among the true gods. There is hope for dealing with this world beast!" The ancestor of Ziyue completely placed his hope on Wang Cheng. On the body.



At this time, with the help of the Purple Moon Holy Land, news about the world beasts had completely spread in the universe sea.

"World beast?"

The strong men of the Universe Sea were inexplicably horrified. Is there such a terrifying life in the Universe Sea?

According to the information from the Purple Moon Holy Land, the Universe Sea has undergone countless reincarnations, and far more than two holy lands have been born. However, except for the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Eastern Emperor Holy Land, the rest of the holy lands have been destroyed at the hands of world beasts.

Even the Holy Land was destroyed, let alone the small universe of the strongest one!

"If the world beast is immortal, even if it transcends reincarnation, it will be useless?" The strong men in the universe sea were a little skeptical, and as the news continued to spread, many strong men in the original universe also knew the news.

At this time, within the Ancestral God Sect, the original will of the original universe suddenly arrived. After listening to the information transmitted by the original will of the original universe, the three ancestors all had a look of surprise on their faces.

After a brief exchange, the three people immediately sent invitations to many forces in the universe, saying that there was an announcement about the world beast.

For a time, many forces sent people to the Ancestral God Religion, and the human race was no exception. The Lord of Chaos City had heard about the terror of the realm beasts before, and his heart was full of worries. Now when he heard the Ancestral God Religion’s intelligence announcement about the realm beasts, he immediately He left in person and went to the Ancestral God Sect.

Facing the powerful men of the original universe, the three ancestor gods did not hesitate. They said directly: "World beasts are real, and world beasts have been born!"

"Ancestral gods and world beasts are really as terrifying as described in the Purple Moon Holy Land?" asked a universe master from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

"Not only can realm beasts absorb the origin of the universe, but they are also extremely powerful! The Lord of the Universe will almost certainly die if he encounters a realm beast. The strongest person in the universe cannot compete with the realm without the most powerful treasures of soul defense and armor. Hand!" The three great ancestor gods said, and many powerful men below were horrified.

The visitors are all the masters of the universe, but they are not even qualified to fight against the world?

"Then we can only wait to die?" someone asked again.

"Any crisis naturally has a glimmer of hope!" The three ancestor gods said solemnly: "The will of the original universe has judged that the vitality of our reincarnation era lies in the Lord Wujian. He can lead us through the crisis of world beasts. !”

"God Lord Wujian?"

Upon hearing this name, everyone fell silent.

Compared to other powerful men in the Universe Sea and the Original Universe, that one simply transcends the standards. Everything he does is unbelievable and breaks common sense. .

When it comes to who is most likely to defeat the terrifying world beasts, God Lord Wujian is indeed the most promising.

"Wang Cheng"

The Lord of Chaos City silently recited Wang Cheng's name. Even the will of the original universe believed that Wang Cheng was the hope of saving this era of reincarnation. His disciple had really reached a height that he could not imagine.




In the original universe, the meeting held by the Ancestral God Sect was soon known to Wang Cheng, who was waiting near the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"I actually let the Ancestral God Sect be made public directly. It seems that the primitive universe completely regards me as the hope of destroying the world beasts!" Wang Cheng was not surprised. Although the will of the primitive universe cannot know what is going on in Shenmu Mountain, he is in the darkness. Everything the earth does should not be hidden from the will of the original universe.

He alone is comparable to countless strong men. It is certainly true to say that he is the glimmer of hope that can solve the disaster of world beasts!

"However, I have become a ray of hope. Will the will of the original universe still lead the world of Jin to arrive?" Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart. According to normal development, the world of Jin will arrive at the explored cosmic sea in more than six million years.

But now it seems that may not be the case!

"I really want to observe the complete body of the God King. I hope I can come again!" Wang Cheng didn't think much about it.

The news transmitted by the original cosmic will in the original universe completely confirmed the existence of the world beasts, and as time passed, the news of the world beasts continued to ferment in the cosmic sea.

At this time, countless powerful people are waiting for Wang Cheng, who is called a "ray of hope" by the original will of the universe, to appear and deal with the world beast outside the Purple Moon Holy Land.

However, everyone waited and waited, but never waited for Wang Cheng to appear.

At this time, in the void outside the Purple Moon Holy Land, a tomb boat was stagnant.

In the tomb boat, Wang Cheng and Luo Feng were drinking.

"The strong men of the Universe Sea are all waiting for you to show up, senior brother, but they don't know that you have already arrived!" Luo Feng smiled, and he immediately asked:

"But senior brother, are you serious about not taking action? Doesn't this world beast become stronger the more it devours it?"

Hearing this, Wang Cheng laughed and said, "That world beast is called Mohe!"


Luo Feng was slightly startled, and immediately his expression changed slightly as if he thought of something.

My senior brother is now known as the "Infinite God Lord", relying on his amazing enslavement skills. Not only the true gods who are good at souls, such as the Zerg Mother Queen, were enslaved, but even the soulless father god of the mechanical race did not escape.

Is it possible that even this world beast has been enslaved?

"Purple Moon Holy Land has tried to plot against me many times, so naturally I won't make it easy for them!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Understood!" Luo Feng nodded, convinced of his guess.

"You broke through to become the Master of the Universe, and I haven't congratulated you yet!" Wang Cheng suddenly laughed.

"It's not difficult for me to break through the Lord of the Universe. When I break through to the True God, senior brother will come and congratulate me!" Luo Feng shook his head slightly. He traveled in the sea of ​​universe, occasionally fell into epiphany, and then broke through.

But this is nothing to Luo Feng. His realm is too high, and breaking through to the Lord of the Universe is completely natural.

But breaking through to the True God is different. After all, Luo Feng decided to take the most difficult path.

"I still have some experience in divine power flow. Maybe I can give you some help!" Wang Cheng said casually.

"How does Senior Brother know that I want to follow the Divine Power Style?" Luo Feng was surprised.

"With your Nine Nether Sea clones so complete, you won't want to give them up, right? You have the Duandonghe inheritance, and you have every hope of being able to follow the flow of divine power. It's not hard to guess!" Wang Cheng said slowly, and Luo Feng nodded slightly. , he had heard from the Lord of Chaos City that Wang Cheng had a divine body that was more than ten light years old, and he naturally understood that Wang Cheng also followed the divine power stream.

Moreover, it must have exceeded 90,000 times!


When Luo Feng was talking to Wang Cheng, they were at the edge of the dark land in Qingfeng Realm.

There are millions of world beasts gathered together.

"The damn Lord of Infernal Affairs came to the Dark Land to capture one hundred thousand of our brothers, and even ran away in a despicable manner. We must not let him go just like that!"

"The monk can run away, but he can't run away from the temple. Let's fight towards the universe sea and kill the Lord of Infinity!"

"Come to the universe sea and kill the Lord of Infinity!"

"Shoot towards the universe sea and kill the Lord of Infinity!


“Kill, kill, kill!

! "


One by one, the realm beasts roared, and then, millions of realm beasts teleported at the same time, quickly leaving the dark place.

PS: Two updates.

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