Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 44: Territory Lord of the Iron Wing Clan

"Xin" is the pseudonym Wang Cheng told Moxisuo and others after he came to the battlefield outside the territory. After all, since he used a fake identity, it was naturally impossible for his name to be his original name.

Otherwise, if he becomes more "famous" in the future, wouldn't that be self-inflicted?

At this moment, Wang Cheng made a strong move. His more than ten teammates on the human side were shocked and confused. Can the first-order cosmic-level kill the ninth-order cosmic-level like a chicken?

This is impossible!

Everyone subconsciously thought that Wang Cheng was a cosmic level disguised as a domain master, but they also couldn't figure out why Wang Cheng was suddenly exposed after he was disguised.

Is it just to kill a few universe-level people?

This makes no sense!

On the battlefields outside the territory, except for a few cases, most strong men disdain to slaughter the weak. For example, the world masters rarely take action against the cosmic level!

If the Realm Lord really wants to kill the Universe Level, thousands of Universe Levels will only take a moment!

The real purpose of the four peak races and their affiliated ethnic groups in establishing this extraterrestrial battlefield is more to temper the tribesmen. A real ethnic war... will not require cosmic-level action!

In fact, it will not require the action of the Realm Master or even the Ordinary Immortal!

Of course, if the strong does not take action against the weak, it purely depends on the mood of the strong. Although this is the case in most cases, if the weak is unlucky and encounters a strong who wants to kill like crazy, there is nothing they can do.

For example, these few aliens who have died now are just dead and have no value at all.

. . .

Wang Cheng was not a Territory Lord, but he felt bored after killing more than ten universe-levels in succession, so he stopped directly.

Wang Cheng didn't like killing the weak. He was just helping more than a dozen teammates he had temporarily met.

"Brother Xin, I didn't expect you to be the domain lord. Fortunately, I told you to follow us closely before!" Moxisuo flew over and said something through the message.

"I have no intention of hiding it..." Wang Cheng shook his head. Just when he was about to say something else, his expression suddenly changed slightly.


The light more than ten meters around Wang Cheng was slightly distorted. He appeared behind Mosiso in an instant, and at the same time, his two sharp claws shot forward at the same time.


A terrifying force struck, and Wang Cheng fell back nearly 10,000 meters in an instant, but the retreat route was chosen by him long ago. When he retreated, he did not forget to pull Moxisuo up.

"so close!"

Wang Cheng raised his head and looked into the distance, where a sturdy Iron Wing being was standing there, staring at him coldly.

"It seems that my massacre of cosmic-level people was discovered by their domain master!" Wang Cheng knew it, and he said to Moxisuo: "Brother Moxisuo, leave quickly and leave this place to me!"

"be careful!"

Mosiso should be self-aware. He knew that he would not be of any help if he stayed, so after saying something, he left quickly.

The being from the Iron Wing Tribe was obviously not interested in Mo Xisuo. He was always staring at Wang Cheng.

"This guy must be at least the fifth or sixth level of Domain Lord level!" Wang Cheng thought about the power that this person had just exploded, and he didn't dare to be careless.

A Domain Lord of the fifth or sixth level must be hundreds of times stronger than him in terms of strength alone. Moreover, a Territory Lord is not a fighting idiot like Jiang Mingyue.

There are existences of fifth and sixth level Domain Lord level, and they are fifth and sixth level Territory Lord level on the battlefield outside the territory. They can at least master the realm of the sixth and seventh level. Those with better talent may have mastered a trace of the law!

Of course, Wang Cheng cannot despise such an existence!


"Kill my people, prepare to die!" A hoarse voice sounded in Wang Cheng's ears.

"I think it's you who is dead!"

Wang Cheng looked indifferent. When he came to this extraterrestrial battlefield, killing a few universe-level ones was nothing.

He has to kill at least one domain lord, then he can get his money back!

"court death!"

The Iron Wing tribe gave a cold shout, and the next moment, he waved his wings and headed straight for Wang Cheng.

Before the alien arrived, Wang Cheng felt as if he was trapped in an endless wave of water, and his movements were suddenly greatly restricted.

"The realm of water?" Wang Cheng sneered. The next moment, streaks of thunder appeared around him, and at the same time, there was a wind blowing in the void like a knife.

The combination of wind and thunder instantly suppressed the water domain released by the Iron Wing clansman.

"Wind and thunder domain? Have they reached the ninth level?"

The Territory Lord of the Iron Wing Clan was horrified. Territory Lords can all control the domain, but those who can master the ninth realm are too rare. These people are all strong among the Territory Lords.

In an instant, the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord had a hint of retreat in his heart.

Anyone who can master one kind of nine realms is a strong person. Those who master two kinds of realms are normally not something he can afford.


However, this intention to retreat was suppressed by the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord as soon as it appeared.

First of all, this was a battlefield, and he had no place to retreat. In addition, the Iron Wing tribe remembered that he had just knocked Wang Cheng away ten thousand meters with one blow. Obviously, Wang Cheng's strength was not strong.

This shows that Wang Cheng is probably just entering the Domain Lord level for the first time!

They can all earn military merit by killing enemies on the battlefield. The military merits of killing ordinary enemies are naturally completely different from those of killing geniuses.

A new domain master masters two kinds of nine realms. What is this but a genius?


"My strength is obviously far greater than his. I have every chance to kill him. As long as I kill this person and bring back the killing video, I can at least exchange for the resources to become the ninth level Domain Lord!" Thinking, this Iron Wing The clan leader was greatly moved, and his slightly retreating heart immediately became firm.

Isn't it just to seek a breakthrough when I come to this extraterrestrial battlefield?

Now that this great opportunity is in front of you, why should you hesitate?



Like a majestic hill, the Iron Wing clan leader flapped his wings fiercely, a giant hammer in his hand emitted a faint blue light, and rushed towards Wang Cheng with an aura that seemed to destroy everything.

"What a powerful force!" Wang Cheng narrowed his eyes.

Among the secret books he learned, "Wind God's Shadow" and "Wanxian Flow" were secret books for body skills. "Eternal Sky" was simply a study of time acceleration and was not good at frontal combat. Only "Tian Lei Wrath" was a secret book for frontal fighting.

"Heavenly Thunder and Fury" uses the power of the thunder and lightning law to explode with stronger attack power.

"Heavenly Thunder and Fury", like "Wind God's Shadow", are divided into ten levels. Wang Cheng's attainments in "Heavenly Thunder and Fury" are deeper than "Wind God's Shadow". So far, his "Heavenly Thunder and Fury" has reached the level of The fifth level!

You must know that if you can practice "Heavenly Thunder and Fury" to about the seventh level, you have basically reached the level recognized by the original law. The fifth level is definitely quite powerful!

"Thunder is coming!"

Wang Cheng shouted coldly in his heart. In an instant, streaks of thunder appeared around him. The bright thunder made Wang Cheng feel as if he was wearing a thunder armor.


Wang Cheng directly transformed into a thunder shadow and faced the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord who was charging at him without fear.

The two lightning claws instantly resisted the hammer swung by the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord. The two were in a stalemate with each other, and for a moment they were evenly matched!

In the brutal collision, Wang Cheng should have been crushed without any suspense, but "Heavenly Thunder and Fury" was originally a secret book that greatly increased the attack power through the law of thunder and lightning, so at this time, he had already practiced "Sky Thunder and Fury" to the third level. Only Wang Cheng, who was at the fifth level, could block the full blow of the Iron Wing Tribe Territory Lord at once.

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