Wang Cheng was thinking about the sudden information. At this time, a figure with blond hair and green eyes flew to the heights of the alloy hall.

"The spaceship will arrive near the Green Starfish in five minutes. Let me tell you the battle plan again!"

The figure slowly said: "I will help you shield the aura on your body. You quietly lurk around the Green Starfish. When the signal appears, you will immediately descend on the Green Starfish as quickly as possible and kill all the Zerg scattered inside." ..."

The blond figure spoke slowly for a moment, and finally said:

"There are indeed many unknown dangers in dealing with the Zerg this time, but for you, this is also a great opportunity! This mission has great military merits, and hunting down the Zerg will have a lot of military merit. When the Zerg Queen is eliminated, as a You who are indirect participants can also get a lot of military merit. I think no one would not want this siege plan to succeed, right?"


Hearing the words of this blond figure, many of the expressions of the many universe-level and domain lord-level warriors who were silent below had subtle changes. It seemed that they were quite moved.

Of course, there are many people who remain calm from beginning to end. Military merit is of course important, but on this foreign battlefield, life is equally important. Military merit is only meaningful if you save your life!


The many warriors below had different thoughts, and the blond figure above did not want to say more. The human race's military merit system was quite complete. Generally speaking, no one dared to desert or cheat in battle.

Of course, the reason why the blond figure said this before the battle was because he hoped that the many universe-level and domain-lord-level people present would be more serious later.

For human realm masters, if they deal with other realm master-level enemies, some universe-level and domain-lord-level enemies are difficult to play a role, but this time it is different.

This time their target is the Zerg Mother Queen, and she is also a Zerg Mother Queen who is encroaching on a super large life planet.

If you want to quickly eat away a living planet, you need a large number of Zerg warriors scattered around the planet. In this way, a large number of universe-level and domain lord-level warriors descending from the sky can contain them!

Fighting alone is nothing for Zerg warriors. The combat power of the same level is not outstanding among many races, but they are good at joint attacks. Once a large number of Zerg warriors join forces to launch an attack, even the world lord will have a headache.

In this case, if someone can contain a large number of Zerg warriors, this will of course be excellent news for the world owners!

Because of this, the blond figure hopes that many universe-level and domain lord-level people will work harder later...


At this time, after hearing the words of the blond figure, Wang Cheng felt unfazed.

But unlike those who care more about life, Wang Cheng really doesn't care about military success!

Not to mention, he couldn't earn much military merit at all with his current strength. Even if he did, he would have to wait until he returned to the military base before he could use these military merits.

A cosmic-level person will definitely not be able to go back, he must follow the team.

The key is that when a team leaves the military camp base, it is completely uncertain when it will return for supplies. It is okay to go back immediately. If it takes several months or even years to go back, Wang Cheng will be in trouble!

Real-time secret realms are just that. Like the "permanent secret realms" that require spending opportunity points to enter the outer battlefield, Wang Cheng will not be able to get any chance points no matter how long he stays here.

There is no doubt that chance points are far better than military merit. If he had to choose between the two, Wang Cheng would choose chance points without hesitation!

"Military merit? It might be useful when I become the Realm Lord and come to this foreign battlefield!" Wang Cheng shook his head.

Of course, although Wang Cheng is not interested in military exploits now, he will definitely kill the enemy bravely later.

After all, this is what he came to the battlefield outside the territory for. If he doesn't kill the enemy, should he hide?

. . .

The figure with blond hair and green eyes left quickly, and five minutes passed by in a flash.

At this time, the cabin door of the spaceship that everyone was riding in opened, and the universe-level and domain lord-level flew out of the spacecraft in an orderly manner under orders.

After Wang Cheng left the spacecraft, he followed the instructions and came to the orbit of the Green Starfish.

To be precise, it is on the orbit numbered B832, which would be approximately 36 degrees north latitude and 155 degrees west longitude on Earth.

Of course, the location of the Zerg Mother Queen is used as zero longitude.

"The location where I am fighting is obviously very far away from the Zerg Queen, which means I am far away from the center of the battle. I am lucky!" Wang Cheng nodded silently in his heart. The Zerg Queen is not easy to deal with, so it is a good thing to stay away from the opponent.

Even if Wang Cheng is not afraid of death, he does not want to be affected by the aftermath of other people's battles and die.

"This living planet, after this battle, its vitality will probably be destroyed again!" Wang Cheng looked at the extremely huge planet below with a slight sigh in his eyes.

In fact, if a planet like the earth has a cosmic force fighting on its surface for a period of time, it will be enough to cause a mass extinction. Although this green starfish is thousands of times larger than the earth, the cosmic class that descended this time is Thousands, not to mention the battle between twelve world masters and the Zerg Mother Queen!

Of course, the cessation of life and the destruction of the planet are two different things. For such a large planet, Immortal would have to put a lot of effort into blowing it up. It should be difficult for people like them to completely destroy it.

. . .

This operation is essentially a sneak attack, so soldiers need to be quick.

Not long after Wang Cheng arrived on the corresponding track, a voice full of murderous aura sounded in his ears.

"Kill, leave no one alive!!"

call! call! call!

In an instant, all the hidden human warriors moved.

The twelve world masters took the lead and quickly rushed towards the location of the Zerg Queen. Almost at the same time, the other warriors followed suit.

The World Lords were undoubtedly the fastest. In almost a blink of an eye, they traveled tens of thousands of kilometers under the huge air pressure and arrived at the place where the Zerg Mother Queen was.


The terrifying energy fluctuations broke out instantly, and Wang Cheng could feel the terrifying energy fluctuations even though he was more than 100,000 miles away.

At this time, Wang Cheng also completely turned into a huge fireball, quickly heading downwards.

With Wang Cheng's body strength approaching the ninth level of the universe, landing from the orbit of the planet at high speed did not put any pressure on him.

After about seven or eight seconds, Wang Cheng could clearly see the ground of the Green Starfish, as well as a large number of truck-sized Zerg emerging from the ground.

Wang Cheng knew that these Zerg must have appeared in a hurry because the Zerg Queen was attacked, ready to rush over there to support her!

But unfortunately, Wang Cheng could not give them this opportunity!

After adjusting his direction slightly, he fell directly towards the location of the batch of bugs.

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