Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 56 The terrible soul slavery

At this time, on the Green Starfish——

The terrifying explosion swept through half of the Green Starfish in a very short period of time. Everything on the surface was affected by the terrifying explosion and instantly turned into nothing. The surface within hundreds of thousands of miles was instantly turned into purgatory. .

Even Wang Cheng, who was millions of miles away and 100,000 meters underground, felt the terrifying explosion as the earth continued to shake.

"Is this the desperate method of the Zerg Mother Queen?" Wang Cheng was slightly frightened. He was a little curious and didn't want to tangle with the three star mantises anymore. He directly used the secret technique "Heavenly Thunder Fury" to quickly get rid of them. Three star mantises.

Then, Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he quickly headed towards the surface.

Anyway, Wang Cheng was not afraid of danger in the outer battlefield, so even though he knew that the surface might not be peaceful at the moment, he chose to return without hesitation.


On the other side, where the human race's black-clothed realm master fought the Zerg Mother Queen, a dazzling little sun has taken shape, and it continues to emit countless particle streams to the surroundings!

However, this little sun looks terrifying, but in fact the maximum power of the explosion has passed at this moment.

While the little sun was sputtering out particle streams crazily, a group of World Lord-level Zerg rushed out and opened up a passage. Soon, the Zerg Mother Queen, whose expression remained unchanged, flew out of the passage.

"Although I missed an opportunity to enslave human geniuses, with this action, the Queen will probably value me more!" The Zerg Mother Queen thought to herself, but her eyes were cast millions of miles away.

"If I lose Duan Tianchen, maybe I can pick up a better little guy!"

The Zerg Empress was so happy that she took all the world lord-level Zerg warriors around her into the inner world, and she turned into a stream of light and flew millions of miles away.


After a few breaths, Wang Cheng emerged from the ground. He did not notice the danger at all. Instead, he looked up into the distance in shock.

The little sun millions of miles away was still extremely dazzling. Even though it was half a green starfish away, Wang Cheng could see it clearly. Of course, Wang Cheng could also feel that the vitality of the surrounding environment was rapidly passing away at this time.

The flow of particles constantly emitted by the little sun can easily destroy the cell structure of ordinary life forms and turn them into thick water, even if they are millions of miles away. Only then can we resist.

"What happened?" Wang Cheng was thinking secretly, but he didn't know that at this time, the Zerg Mother Queen, who was millions of miles away just now, had arrived nearby and was secretly observing Wang Cheng.

"The first-order cosmic-level mantis killed three star mantises. I was indeed right!" The Zerg Mother Queen looked at Wang Cheng, and her eyes were even more joyful.

The Zerg Mother Queen is a very special kind of life. Their souls are complete and unique, unlike humans or most races with souls in the universe.

When they create Zerg warriors, a trace of their soul will enter their bodies.

The Zerg Mother Queen can easily control hundreds of billions of Zerg warriors in battle. In addition to the terrifying consciousness and computing power, this is also an important reason.

Of course, it is precisely because of this unique soul structure that makes the Zerg Queen extremely difficult to enslave.

Ordinary strong men do not have the secret method to enslave the Zerg. Even the Zerg Queen, who is far weaker than them, they cannot enslave each other!

And it was precisely because of this trace of soul that Wang Cheng was sensed by the Zerg Queen when he killed three star mantises.

Surprised, she rushed over without hesitation.

Seeing Wang Cheng with her own eyes at this moment, the Zerg Mother Queen was instantly sure that her previous perception was correct. Wang Cheng was definitely a super genius of the human race.

"A super genius comes here alone. I'm afraid there are some secrets. However, no matter what secrets you have, as long as you become my soul slave, all the secrets will no longer be secrets!" This Zerg Mother Queen is not like the one before. The leader of the Iron Wing Tribe is so cowardly. She senses that there are no strong people around her, and she is confident that even if the human race's king Immortal suddenly appears, she is sure to escape.

Furthermore, the Duan Tianchen who died before was also a peerless genius and had grown into a Realm Master. If there were really strong human beings around here, I am afraid they would not just watch Duan Tianchen die like this.

The most important thing is that soul enslavement is silent, and at the level of the Zerg Mother Queen, she can enslave a universe level in just the blink of an eye.

No matter what the situation is, the Zerg Mother Queen knows that she is destined to be enslaved to this cosmic level!


"Be good and be my child..."

The Zerg Mother Queen quietly activated the secret technique of soul slavery. In an instant, the silent power penetrated into Wang Cheng's soul and condensed a shadow like an eight-legged insect into it.

This eight-legged shadow quickly entered Wang Cheng's soul and spit out countless inexplicable "threads", tightly binding his soul.

In a daze, Wang Cheng saw a blurry shadow. Gradually, the figure began to become clear.

She was twelve meters tall, with perfect body proportions, and her appearance was as stunning as a dream. She stood there with a smile on her face, which made Wang Cheng couldn't help but feel close to her from the bottom of his heart.

"Come here, child!" The figure waved, and Wang Cheng subconsciously walked towards her.

"No, this isn't right..." Wang Cheng's subconscious noticed something was wrong, but unfortunately, facing all this, he had no ability to resist at all.

The closer Wang Cheng got to that figure, the stronger the intimacy he felt with that figure in his heart, to the point where Wang Cheng had the idea that this figure was the supreme one.

Gradually, even the subconscious that Wang Cheng noticed was slowly blurring, or in other words, Wang Cheng's subconscious was being erased, and he was becoming another person.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden tremor in Wang Cheng's soul, and almost instantly, his soul collapsed into countless parts.

. . .

A moment later, on Earth, within Wang Cheng’s world ring——

Wang Cheng opened his eyes and stood up from the ground.

"That was..." Wang Cheng recalled everything just now. That terrible feeling was definitely something he didn't want to experience again in his life.

"Soul enslavement, absolutely soul enslavement!" Wang Cheng was secretly frightened. When he went to the battlefield outside the territory, he had actually been prepared to be enslaved by human souls.

After all, he is a first-order universe level, but he can kill many domain lord levels. Everyone knows that he is a peerless genius.

For such a genius, as long as he masters the secret technique of soul enslavement, there is no one who does not want to be enslaved!

Because soul slaves can also practice, and soul slaves can even become stronger than those who use the secret technique of slavery... Find a good soul slave, and cultivate it well, its value is definitely more than most treasures.

Of course, although he was prepared, Wang Cheng did not expect that this day would come so quickly, and that the feeling would be so terrifying!

"That feeling of losing everything about's like dying!" Wang Cheng shook his head secretly. Fortunately, this time he was on an outside battlefield, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

On the battlefield outside the territory, Wang Cheng only went there with his consciousness. His soul and body were temporarily condensed, so he was naturally not afraid of soul enslavement. If Wang Cheng's soul was enslaved, it would be equivalent to his death, so his consciousness would naturally return. .

PS: The consciousness mentioned here is actually something like "true spirit". "Snow Eagle Lord" can be regarded as the successor work of "Swallowing Stars", right? In "Snow Eagle Lord", Snow Eagle was killed by the Holy Lord and his soul was broken. Even a little bit of "true spirit" was taken by the Jie Xin Order to the Jie Xin Continent. Therefore, of course, there is also true spirit in the world view of "Swallowing Starry Sky". The concept of spirit exists.

Moreover, it is not accurate to say that the soul is the essence of life. There are also many soulless beings in the world view of "Swallowing Starry Sky", such as the mechanical race. They have no souls. Are they different from life?

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with regarding consciousness, which is more essential than the soul, or the true spirit, as the essence of life.

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