Wang Cheng did not stay in the slave market for long. After buying three slaves of the ninth level of the star level, he took Jiang Mingyue back to the manor.

"Brother Cheng, where did these slaves come from?" Finally, Jiang Mingyue couldn't help but ask.

"Some indigenous planets were discovered by slave traders, and all the indigenous people were sold and became slaves!" Wang Cheng said lightly:

"In addition, some lords of living planets will cut grass regularly and sell a batch of the people they command to make profits!"


Jiang Mingyue couldn't help but stir up a storm in her heart. The planet lord sold his people?

"The earth is also an indigenous planet. If slave traders discover it, there is a great possibility that all people on earth will become slaves!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"Fortunately, Brother Cheng, you don't have such thoughts!" Jiang Mingyue said happily.

"The Territory Lord-level blood potion I gave you is enough to buy a bunch of universe-level slaves!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


Jiang Mingyue nodded. The more she knew, the more she knew how valuable Domain Lord-level blood potions were. She understood that she had indeed gotten a big bargain.

Of course, Jiang Mingyue also had doubts.

Since slave trading is so easy in the universe, why did Wang Cheng give her a Territory Lord-level blood potion just to let her do a few chores?

You know, today Wang Cheng casually bought three slaves of the ninth level of the star level. When he was on Earth, Jiang Mingyue himself was only a senior warrior, that is, a sixth level apprentice.

Even now, Jiang Mingyue is still at the ninth level of planet level. Although she feels that she is going to break through to star level, she hasn't broken through yet!

"No matter what the reason is, in short, he gave me a new life..." Jiang Mingyue thought with complicated thoughts.

At this moment, Wang Cheng had no intention of continuing to talk to Jiang Mingyue. He directly brought three stellar ninth-level slaves to his residence, and at the same time told Jiang Mingyue not to disturb him in the past few days.

"I know, Brother Cheng!" Jiang Mingyue agreed.

. . .

And just when Wang Cheng was taking a few stellar ninth-level slaves to temporarily retreat, on the other side——

The stellar ninth-level clone that Wang Cheng separated from before returned to the spacecraft that Luo Feng drove when he came.

"Brother Cheng, where is Sister Mingyue?" Luo Feng looked at Wang Cheng who came back alone and asked a little strangely.

"I asked her to stay outside to help me deal with some things!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "In a short time, Mingyue will not return to Earth!"

"So that's it!" Luo Feng nodded. He didn't think much, and then asked: "Brother Wang, have you finished everything you want to do? Shall we return to Earth?"

"Of course it's all done!" Wang Cheng smiled.

Now, the identity of "Wang Cheng" has also become a citizen of Black Dragon Mountain, and he has opened an account in the virtual universe, and even has a large deposit in the Universe Galaxy Bank.

It can be said that "Wang Cheng" has officially entered the big stage of the universe. Now he only needs to wait quietly for the opening of the genius competition organized by the Virtual Universe Company in seven years!


Luo Feng naturally had no way of knowing that Wang Cheng was just a clone coming back now. After getting Wang Cheng's affirmative reply, he asked Babata to start the spaceship.

A moment later, the Heilongshan-X81 spacecraft from Earth left the Horned Dragon.

In the blink of an eye, nearly ten days passed.

After a long time of traveling, the spacecraft finally returned to the dark universe near the earth. However, the coordinates of the dark universe here were obscured by Hu Yanbo using space secrets. If you want to enter, you have to rely on a special route. Therefore, the spacecraft temporarily has to Circle around the perimeter.


At this time, Wang Cheng's clone was sitting cross-legged in a lounge inside the spaceship, feeling secretly in his heart.

From the Horned Dragon to the Earth, there is a distance of almost tens of millions of light-years. Despite such a long distance, his avatar has always existed, and the connection with the real person has not shown any sign of weakening from the beginning to the end.

There is no doubt that Wang Cheng's previous worries were simply because he was overthinking. The avatar was far away from his original self and would not lose contact. Previously, when Wang Cheng's consciousness entered the real-time secret realm, all the clones dissipated, and his consciousness entered the permanent secret realm, and the clone lost contact with his original self. , should all be special circumstances!

"Very good. This way, it will be much more convenient for the avatar to enter the Virtual Universe Company in the future!" Wang Cheng was still quite happy at this time. After all, this was good news for him!

Of course, what made Wang Cheng happy was more than that. At this time, in the Horned Dragon Star, Wang Cheng looked at the three stellar ninth-level slaves standing respectfully in front of him, with a trace of satisfaction flashing in his eyes.

During these ten days, Wang Cheng allowed many of his clones to temporarily put down what they were doing and at the same time comprehend the "Heart Tribulation".

The difficulty of practicing the secret art of soul slavery is not low, and this "Heart Tribulation" is even more outrageous. Just getting started requires the law of time!

Fortunately, Wang Cheng's understanding of the law of time is not low, so he can continue to understand it.

Now that nearly ten days have passed, he has finally entered the "Heart Tribulation"!


Wang Cheng couldn't bear to attack Jiang Mingyue, so he went to the slave market and bought three slaves of the ninth level of the star level. After getting started with "Heart Tribulation", Wang Cheng immediately tried his hand at them.

Wang Cheng is quite satisfied with the effect of this secret technique!

"They are also slaves. Before, these three people only surrendered to me because their life and death were threatened. But now, they sincerely surrender to me. Even if I let them die, they will not blink an eye!" Wang Chengxin Zhong lamented that the secret technique of soul slavery is indeed extremely terrifying, and its effects are also shocking.

"You three, please stay in my world ring for now. I will call you when needed!" Wang Cheng raised his head and said.

"Yes, Master!"

The three stellar ninth-level slaves nodded at the same time, and Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He directly waved his hand and brought these three people into the world ring.


"No. 1, how is the auction going?" Wang Cheng stood up and asked about the auction in his mind.

"Master, there are still three hours left before the auction starts!" The voice of No. 1 rang in Wang Cheng's heart.

"Three hours? I understand!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Master, according to the information I got in the virtual universe, participating in the auction may require a lot of funds. Do you want to raise some?" No. 1 suddenly asked.


Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. He participated in this auction just for a living planet. As for other treasures... To be honest, the level of this auction is too low. Wang Cheng probably won't have any treasures suitable for him. , and the funds he has now are definitely more than enough to buy a living planet.

While thinking in his mind, Wang Cheng was suddenly startled.

This "Number One" had always said whatever he asked before. Why did he suddenly take the initiative to suggest something today?

"Since coming into contact with the virtual universe, No. 1 seems to have changed a lot...could this guy be able to evolve into an intelligent life?" Wang Cheng was secretly surprised.

It stands to reason that it takes a lot of time to evolve auxiliary intelligence into intelligent life, and the success rate is also low. This "No. 1" changed too quickly.

PS: Two updates.

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