After leaving the Crimson Grand Canyon, Wang Cheng immediately contacted Charlier.

"Star-level tribesmen?" Zhariel didn't know what Wang Cheng was doing with the star-level tribesmen, but after thinking for a moment, he continued:

"There are a total of twelve star-level members of our Yunni tribe, but most of them are in other places in the universe. Only five of them are still on the home planet!"

"Five?" Wang Cheng felt that this number was a bit subtle. These five people, plus his clone, and his three soul slaves, made a total of nine people.

This is just one short of the ten people the old man requested!

"Who of the remaining people, that intelligent being named 'Qing', wants me to let into the inheritance?" Such thoughts flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

At this time, outside Wang Cheng's castle, a breath suddenly broke out.

This aura is not strong, it is only at the level of entering the star level for the first time, but the owner of this aura made Wang Cheng slightly stunned, and soon he realized that Jiang Mingyue had broken through the star level before, and now I'm afraid it just broke through!

"Could it be her?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.


Wang Cheng was thinking in the castle. Soon, Jiang Mingyue, who had just finished her breakthrough, walked in briskly. It was obvious that she was in a good mood.

Although in these days in the universe, Jiang Mingyue already knows that stellar level is nothing, that is, showing off his power on a more remote planet!

But this is a big progress after all. Not to mention other things, just the rapid advancement in life level is worthy of Jiang Mingyue's happiness!

"Mingyue!" Wang Cheng waved to her.

"What's the matter, Brother Cheng?" Jiang Mingyue walked over strangely.

"Congratulations on becoming a star!" Wang Cheng said with a smile, and at the same time he looked at Xia Jiang Mingyue up and down.

After breaking through to the stellar level, apart from the change in her temperament, Jiang Mingyue's biggest change was the wings on her back. Compared with before, this pair of wings was significantly larger.

However, because this pair of wings is transparent, it is difficult to see it if you don’t look carefully!


"It's all thanks to your Territory Lord-level blood potion, Brother Cheng!" Jiang Mingyue is still very self-aware. On her own, let alone the star level, even the planet level is far out of reach for her. .

"Your efforts are also indispensable. If it were someone else, even if they had the same bloodline as you, they would probably be at the seventh or eighth planetary level at the moment!" Wang Cheng waved his hand, and then pointed in front of him , motioning Jiang Mingyue to sit down and said.


Jiang Mingyue finally saw that Wang Cheng was not just looking for her to congratulate her on her breakthrough, but that something really happened!

However, Jiang Mingyue didn't say much. She sat down directly in front of Wang Cheng.

"Mingyue, there is something I want to ask your opinion on!" Wang Cheng said, and he told Jiang Mingyue about the opportunities in the Crimson Grand Canyon.

Except for the matter of his own clone, Wang Cheng hardly hid anything.

"Brother Cheng, do you mean that the purpose of that intelligent life is me?" Jiang Mingyue asked in surprise.

"It's possible!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"There is nothing about me that deserves the attention of an intelligent life left by a strong man, except..." Jiang Mingyue thought for a moment, and she understood instantly.

"Although your soul still belongs to the Earthlings, your body is technically a Tianyi planet!" Wang Cheng said:

"I think it's not impossible that he likes you because you are a Tianyi star!"

"I'm afraid this is the only one..."

Jiang Mingyue was a little silent. After thinking for a while, she then asked: "Brother Cheng, are you asking me, do you want me to decide whether to go or not?"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded and said, "I won't force you!"

"Brother Cheng, can you go in?" Jiang Mingyue asked.

"I am absolutely sure of saving my life, but you are different. If you go in, life or death will not be in your hands!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"Then I'll come in too!" Jiang Mingyue said directly without hesitation.

"This is no joke, go back and think about it carefully!" Wang Cheng frowned.

"Don't think about it, I, Jiang Mingyue, have never been afraid of death!" Jiang Mingyue shook her head.


Wang Cheng did not refute this. Although Jiang Mingyue lived a stable life with him for two years, her previous life seemed to have been licking blood on the tip of a knife.

Jiang Mingyue said that she was not afraid of death, and Wang Cheng certainly believed her.

"Then you go back and prepare!" Wang Cheng said: "Tomorrow, we will set off!"

"Okay!" Jiang Mingyue nodded directly.

. . .

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Wang Cheng himself did not show up. His clone took three soul slaves, plus five star-level stars from the Yunni tribe, plus Jiang Mingyue, and the ten people went directly towards the Crimson Grand Canyon.

Although Jiang Mingyue was surprised that Wang Cheng was not wearing his mask that could hide his identity, she was sensible enough not to ask!

However, Jiang Mingyue didn't ask, but Wang Cheng had something to tell her.

On the way to the Crimson Grand Canyon, Wang Cheng said to Jiang Mingyue: "After all, you are not a real Tianyi star. You have to pay attention to this and be sure not to be noticed by the intelligent life inside!"

"Yes!" Jiang Mingyue nodded first, and then asked with some confusion: "Brother Cheng, doesn't he value my talent?"

"Perhaps, but the greater probability is not!" Wang Cheng said directly: "The talent in the direction of physical evolution is the easiest to make up for with external objects, and the truly strong don't care about this the least!"

"I thought..." Jiang Mingyue instantly knew that she had misunderstood before.

"It's normal for you to have that idea!" Wang Cheng waved his hand and continued:

"So, if his real target is indeed you, it can only be because you are a Tianyi star, not because of the talent of a Tianyi star, do you understand?"

"I understand!" Jiang Mingyue nodded and said thoughtfully:

"The strong person who left this opportunity may have a lot of connections with the Tianyi Stars. He may even be a Tianyi Star himself! Therefore, the strong person who left this opportunity hopes that this opportunity will fall into the hands of the Tianyi Stars."

"It seems you completely understand!" Wang Cheng smiled, and Jiang Mingyue was very accurate.

According to his speculation, if the target of that intelligent life is really Jiang Mingyue, then there is only this possibility... The person who left this opportunity wanted to give this opportunity to the Tianyi Stars.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such harsh conditions that the intelligent life has been waiting here for a billion years.


The group of people soon arrived at the Crimson Grand Canyon and entered the passage on the cliff. They moved forward and soon arrived in front of the light curtain.

"What the truth is, we will know soon!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and at the same time, he stepped forward.

"Senior, I have brought you all, can you take part in the test now?" Wang Cheng's voice sounded, and soon, the shadow of the old man yesterday appeared on the light screen again.

The old man glanced at the nine people except Wang Cheng, and nodded slightly.

"Hehe, it came very quickly, it seems you can't wait!" The old man smiled, and then said: "In that case, let's all come in!"

As the old man spoke, there was a flash of light on the light screen below him, and in just an instant, a vortex about three meters high appeared out of thin air.


Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he was the first to walk in.

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