Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 75 The Source of Opportunity

Although her injuries were healed instantly, Jiang Mingyue still fell into a coma. It took more than a day for her to wake up.

"You finally woke up!"

A slightly joyful voice came, and what caught Jiang Mingyue's eyes was an old man with a smile on his face.

"It seems I passed the test!" Jiang Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and she quickly stood up from the ground.

"Of course it passed!" the old man said with a smile: "I have been waiting for a billion years, and finally I am waiting for you. Come with me, and I will introduce you to my master, who is your teacher!"


Jiang Mingyue didn't move. Instead, she asked directly: "What do you think about what I said before?"

"Who do you want to survive?" The old man pondered for a moment, then asked: "Is it the cosmic level?"


Jiang Mingyue nodded.

"No, everyone can live, but he can't live!" the old man said without hesitation.

"Then you continue to wait for the next successor!" Jiang Mingyue looked at the old man and said in a calm voice.

"Do you know what kind of existence my master is? You actually threaten me with this?" The old man instantly floated in front of Jiang Mingyue and asked with an ugly expression.

"Your master may be the legendary immortal god, but he has left you now, and you have been waiting here for a billion years!" Jiang Mingyue said the facts slowly.

"My master is not an immortal god, but he is much greater than ordinary immortals. You have no idea what you are talking about!" The old man's expression has become a little ferocious.


Jiang Mingyue was silent, and the two were in a stalemate for a moment. The old man's expression softened a little, and he asked in a helpless tone:

"Do you know why I said that the cosmic level must die?"

"Are you afraid that he will steal my opportunity?" Jiang Mingyue said.

"It seems you are not stupid!" The old man nodded and said:

"I can see that the Universe Level is very thoughtful. You may have a good relationship with him now, but what about in the future? In addition, the treasure left by my master is not trivial. Once it is leaked, I don't know how much trouble it will cause. Knowing this Naturally, the fewer people who do things, the better..."


The old man kept persuading, but unfortunately, Jiang Mingyue refused to accept hard words and had a firm attitude!

Moreover, Jiang Mingyue was indeed holding on to the old man's lifeline.

This old man has been waiting here for a billion years, and he finally waited for a Tianyi star like Jiang Mingyue!

What's even more commendable is that Jiang Mingyue's tenacity shocked the old man. The old man also understood that Jiang Mingyue was definitely his master's best successor. At the very least, he was the best that could be expected on this remote planet of life. Passed on!

"Okay, I promise you, I hope you won't regret it in the future!" The old man finally agreed to Jiang Mingyue's request.

"Then I'll trouble Senior Qing!" Jiang Mingyue smiled and saluted slightly.


Looking at Jiang Mingyue, whose attitude had changed so much before and after, the old man was a little speechless, but he still said: "You don't have to call me senior. When you become the world master, I have to recognize you as my master. Just call me 'Qing'!"


Jiang Mingyue didn't refuse, she nodded directly.

. . .

Wang Cheng waited in that inexplicable alloy space for a full month. Finally, a vortex appeared in front of him.


Looking at the sudden whirlpool, Wang Cheng thought for a moment, then stood up and walked out.

On the other side of the whirlpool was a tunnel on the cliff of the Crimson Grand Canyon. Although the tunnel was dark, with Wang Cheng's eyesight, he could still clearly see Jiang Mingyue standing outside.

However, Jiang Mingyue had become a little different at this time.

There is a complex pattern between her eyebrows, and the aura on her body has become a little deeper. The most important thing is that Jiang Mingyue used to have some gloomy aura, but now these auras are completely gone, replaced by It's some bright scent that makes people warm.

"Brother Cheng!" Jiang Mingyue greeted with a smile.

"It seems that you have gained a lot!" Wang Cheng sighed with emotion.

"It's indeed very big!" Jiang Mingyue nodded.

"I came out on my own?" Wang Cheng turned his head and looked behind him. The energy light curtain that originally stood here had disappeared, leaving only an empty space.

Moreover, according to Wang Cheng's induction, his three soul slaves are now gone!

"Yes, only Brother Cheng and I made it out alive!" Jiang Mingyue nodded again.

"Thanks a lot this time!"

Wang Cheng instantly understood that Jiang Mingyue must have played a role in his being able to come out alive.

Although this is just a clone, if the clone can survive, that would be the best!

"I didn't do anything!" Jiang Mingyue smiled, and then asked: "Brother Cheng, those people are all dead, is it okay?"

"It's okay!" Wang Cheng shook his head. Although it was a pity that the three soul slaves died, it was not a big problem.

The five Yunni people came in by their own choice, and Wang Cheng didn't force them. If one of them had chosen to quit before, Wang Cheng wouldn't have said anything. At worst, he would go to the Horned Dragon and buy a few more slaves.

But they didn't back down, so they couldn't blame Wang Cheng.

In the universe, countless stars die during adventures every minute and every second. These five who died this time are just a few inconspicuous waves.

Of course, the sudden loss of five star levels should not be a small blow to the Yunni Stars. Although it was okay for Wang Cheng to do nothing, he still decided to compensate the Yunni Stars in the future.

Anyway, he has a lot of treasures, so it is not difficult to help the Yunni people cultivate a few strong men!

. . .

The two of them did not stay in the Crimson Grand Canyon for long. They quickly returned to the castle prepared by the Yunni people for Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng asked Jiang Mingyue to wait in the hall for a while. He quickly let the clone dissipate, and at the same time, the real person arrived. Outside.

"Strange, why has this guy changed a little, and I can't detect his strength anymore!" An old voice sounded in Jiang Mingyue's heart, but Jiang Mingyue ignored him.

"Mingyue, do we have to have a good chat this time?" Wang Cheng sat down in front of Jiang Mingyue and said at the same time.

"Yes!" Jiang Mingyue nodded slightly. She thought for a while and then said: "Brother Cheng, let me first tell you about the inheritance I received!"

"Isn't it embarrassing?" Wang Cheng asked in surprise.

"I make my own decisions about my own affairs!" Jiang Mingyue ignored the intelligent life "Qing" nagging in her heart, and then she said directly: "After entering the light curtain, I experienced many tests, and finally got lucky Passed! So, I got the inheritance left by my teacher Sal..."

Even Wang Cheng didn't expect Jiang Mingyue to speak in such detail.

Of course, it was precisely because of Jiang Mingyue's detailed explanation that Wang Cheng knew who had left this opportunity and under what circumstances the other party had left it.

Thrall, a Tianyi star, a world lord a billion years ago!

However, he is not an ordinary World Lord, but a peerless genius among World Lords, and has killed many immortals as a World Lord.

Thrall is a member of the Virtual Universe Company. When he was shining brightly, he was also feared by the aliens. Therefore, the aliens planned an assassination against Thrall.

Thrall was careless and stepped into the trap of the alien race. He was hunted all the way. Before the rescue of the powerful human race arrived, he was almost exhausted.

Minutes before his death, Thrall used a special method to throw some of his most important treasures into the dark universe together with the intelligent life "Qing" who had been following him.

After wandering in the "Dark Universe" for a period of time, these things thrown by Thrall fell on the Yunni Star, and it took a billion years for them to fall!

"Why didn't Lord Thrall tell the higher-ups of the human race the location of these treasures? Let them retrieve them?" Wang Cheng asked with some confusion.

Although he was being hunted, the genius Realm Lord Thrall should still be able to easily contact other people through the virtual universe before he died. In this case, as long as he told any high-ranking human race about his arrangement, with the human race's With strength, it is not difficult to find these treasures.

Why wait so hard for the successor of the Tianyi people?

Is it possible that high-level human beings can secretly steal the treasures of the Tianyi Stars?

"I don't know either!"

Jiang Mingyue shook her head in confusion. The top management of the human race was too far away from her. Unlike Wang Cheng, she had a general impression of the top management of the human race.

For Jiang Mingyue now, the upper echelons of the human race are still conceptual and very vague existences!

"My master naturally has his reasons for doing this!" the intelligent life "Qing" said in Jiang Mingyue's heart, but he did not give a reason in the end. Jiang Mingyue suspected that this intelligent life should not know about this either!

ps: Two updates.

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