Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 81 The Heart of Evolution

After Wang Cheng agreed to "fight" with the martial arts king, the three-eyed man immediately made arrangements.

In the Giant Ax Fighting Arena, there are several types of warriors participating in the "fighting". One is a free agent like Wang Cheng, and the other is a warrior who sells himself to the Giant Ax Fighting Arena.

People like Wang Cheng have the right to choose freely, but warriors who sell themselves to the Giant Ax Arena do not have this right. They must accept every "fight" arranged for them by the Giant Ax Arena.

And this "King of Fighting Martial Arts" is such a warrior who sells himself!

After Wang Cheng agreed to fight with this person, he had to fight "Wang Cheng"!

"This fight will be held on a deserted planet about ten light years away from the evil star. The promotion will take about ten days. Are you okay?" the three-eyed man asked.

"The faster, the better!" Wang Cheng still said the same thing.

"As you wish!" The three-eyed man smiled.


Because the location of this battle was not far from the Giant Evil Star, Wang Cheng did not leave the Giant Evil Star. He temporarily stayed here.

Although there would be a life and death battle in ten days, Wang Cheng didn't take it to heart.

Participating in a "fighting" in the Giant Ax Fighting Arena is a life-and-death struggle for other universe-level players, but for Wang Cheng, it is just a formality.

Wang Cheng just wants to say that everyone who ranks next to him is unlucky!

Of course, Wang Cheng's participation in the "fighting" in the Giant Ax Arena was not really for the title of "Giant Ax Warrior". The title of "Giant Ax Warrior" is superior to ordinary universe-level people, but To Wang Cheng, it is just ordinary!

Moreover, if you want to become a "giant ax warrior", you have to participate in thousands of life-and-death battles. Even if you fight once a day, it will take three years. What's more, because different universe-level warriors are often far apart before, it is impossible. One fight a day!

Normally speaking, if a person can become a giant ax warrior within a hundred years from the beginning of participating in "fighting", it is considered fast!


Wang Cheng is only 30 years old now, and it has only been less than five years since he started practicing!

How could he stay at the cosmic level for a hundred years just for the title of "Giant Ax Warrior"?

In fact, the reason why Wang Cheng participated in the "Martial Arts Fighting" was purely because he planned to use this platform to show some strength and then see if there was any chance of being recruited into the Giant Ax Fighting Arena as a peripheral member.

No matter what force, it must absorb new blood. As long as Wang Cheng shows sufficient qualifications, the possibility of being absorbed is not small.

Of course, as I said before, Wang Cheng has no intention of letting himself join the core of the five major forces. He can just hang around as a peripheral member!


The temporary residence Wang Cheng found in Jusha was a place similar to a single-family villa on earth. Inside, there was a huge practice room made entirely of C9-grade alloy.

At this time, Wang Cheng was sitting cross-legged in the practice room. In front of him was a virtual screen that only he could see.


Name: Wang Cheng

Age: 30

Evolutionary level: Cosmic level eighth level (one hundred and fifty times genetic level)

Opportunity points: 831 points

Treasure: slightly

Cheats: slightly

Secret Realm: Extraterritorial Battlefield


Wang Cheng looked at everything on the screen and nodded slightly.

In the past three years, he has been reluctant to draw opportunities. He only occasionally went to the battlefield outside the territory, which caused him to consume some opportunity points. However, even so, now, the number of opportunity points he has has reached an astonishing level. More than eight hundred points.

Every time he arrives at a planet, Wang Cheng will spend some opportunity points to try out an opportunity.

He had tried it on Earth, on the Horned Dragon Star, and on the Yunni Star. This time when he came to the Giant Evil Star, he naturally wanted to give it a try.

Wang Cheng didn't expect to catch anything good, he just wanted to gamble his luck.

"Try it!" Wang Cheng's thoughts moved slightly, and any chance points were consumed instantly.

Invisible power instantly permeated the entire Giant Evil Star, and soon, an inconspicuous bead appeared in the space connected to Wang Cheng's consciousness.

A lot of information poured into his mind, and Wang Cheng quickly understood the purpose of this bead.

The second-level photography bead is capable of withstanding Domain Lord-level battles and can emit tens of trillions of special pulses per second to capture movements. It can be used to capture the fights of powerful people below Domain Lord-level and below in real time and make them clear. restored.

"It turns out to be live broadcast equipment!" Wang Cheng immediately understood what this thing was.

If the battles of strong men want to be presented in the virtual universe and can be seen clearly by many ordinary citizens of the universe, they naturally have to rely on this special equipment.

"This equipment is of no use to me, but it should be of high value!" Wang Cheng nodded secretly in his heart.

This time, he had good luck in catching it, so Wang Cheng decided to try it again.

"Just...two hundred points!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart. The next moment, his number of opportunity points was instantly reduced to 630 points. At the same time, an invisible force also spread out instantly. .

The original universe is very large, but it has the most resources, and the most fertile "land" is only a small part of it. This part of the area is basically occupied by the four peak races of humans, machines, bugs, and monsters.

At this time, this invisible force instantly crossed the entire human territory, and even spread to most areas of the Zerg, Machinery, Monster and other ethnic groups. Basically, the most "fertile" territory in the original universe was occupied by this covered by stock fluctuations.

Soon, the virtual screen in front of Wang Cheng began to change, and lines of text appeared.


[Consumption of 200 chance points, chance extraction is successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Opportunity name: Heart of Evolution]

[How to use: Integrate with intelligent life]


"Heart of Evolution?" Wang Cheng looked at the treasure he had captured this time, feeling slightly disappointed.

The heart of evolution is indeed a treasure, especially for intelligent life, it is an incomparable treasure no matter what it is!

It is difficult for ordinary intelligent life to cultivate and understand the laws, but as long as they use the heart of evolution, intelligent life can get rid of the innate disadvantages and can cultivate and understand the laws normally like normal life!

However, the Evolutionary Heart is only available to the Mechanical Tribe, and the Mechanical Tribe is extremely strict with the Mechanical Heart and does not allow any tribesman to sell it. This also results in the extremely rare number of Evolutionary Hearts living outside.

In the human race, if you want to buy a mechanical heart, you usually need more than 10 billion chaos units.

Ten billion Hunyuan units, this is already the entire net worth of the ordinary Feng Wang!

"However, no matter how expensive this thing is, I have no place to sell it, and I have no need at all!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly, and after two hundred chance points, he changed it to the "Heart of Evolution", and he felt like he was losing blood.

But there is no way, the opportunity to grab is random, what you can get depends on luck!

"Forget it, I've already drawn it. Maybe I'll have a chance to sell it in the future. But if that doesn't work, I can give it to No. 1 when it evolves into an intelligent life!" Wang Cheng thought silently in his heart, and at the same time, he held back. The urge to continue to seize opportunities.

He has been accumulating opportunity points. At this moment, one small catch is enough. If he catches more, it will be inappropriate!

"However, this heart of evolution most likely comes from the Machinery Clan. This means that 200 chance points can already capture the inside of the Machinery Clan. This is useful information!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly in his heart.

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