Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 9 Sylvia (please support!)

This time, if Wang Cheng hadn't taken action, Extreme Martial Arts and Thunder Martial Arts would have been a lose-lose situation at best, but now, it has become a complete victory for Extreme Martial Arts.

For this kind of thing, everyone naturally has to celebrate.

Well, we went to the best hotel in Yangzhou City, and the person treating us was Luo Feng. After all, he made a lot of money this time.

After the banquet was over, everyone returned to Mingyue Community together, and then went home.

Wang Cheng and Luo Feng's homes were next to each other, so they were the last to separate.

At this time, Luo Feng took the initiative and said to Wang Cheng: "Brother Wang, I only need 30 million for the 100 million. This is what I should take and I won't be polite. The rest is all because of you, Brother Wang, who offended Zhang Zehu." Earned, so..."

Before Luo Feng finished speaking, Wang Cheng nodded directly.

"Without you Luo Feng, I wouldn't have a chance to fight Zhang Zehu, so I'll give you 50/50!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "However, you don't have to rush to give me the 50 million yet. You have just become a warrior. Purchasing equipment and cheats requires money, so you can pay it back to me when you make more money in the future!"

"Brother Wang, you?"

Luo Feng was slightly stunned. He had thought that Wang Cheng would refuse, and had also thought about how to deal with Wang Cheng's refusal, but he did not expect that Wang Cheng would use such a method to keep 100 million in his hands.

In fact, Luo Feng is indeed short of money at the moment. Although his strength as a warrior is only at the level of an intermediate warrior, his strength as a mentalist has reached the level of a warrior.

Warlord-level equipment is very expensive. Although Luo Feng got a batch of initial funds from the Extreme Martial Arts School, it was obviously not enough to purchase warlord-level equipment after he had already purchased the "Nine Layers of Thunder Sword". !

"I've said before that I don't plan to go to the wilderness area in the near future. If you give me the money, I will just deposit it in the bank. It's better to lend it to people who need the money!" Wang Cheng said with a smile. :

"Besides, it's only 50 million, I really don't take it seriously!"

"I understand!" Luo Feng said nothing more and nodded directly.

. . .

This time he took action against Zhang Zehu, just like before, it was a bit of fun for Wang Cheng in the boring practice, and he didn't take it to heart.

At this time, Wang Cheng's true self and a bunch of clones in City 003 were still doing their own things.

In a blink of an eye, it’s late at night!



In the silent night, bursts of beastly roars suddenly came, followed immediately by riots that made the earth tremble slightly.

"Why are you so crazy in the middle of the night?" Wang Cheng's true self opened his eyes and looked out the window speechlessly.

Although the night outside was dark, with Wang Cheng's eyesight, he could quickly see clearly the rioting beasts outside.

"I'm really energetic. Let's kill more tomorrow!" Wang Cheng shook his head, and then he continued to meditate on the Law of Thunder and Lightning with his eyes closed.

However, about ten minutes later, Wang Cheng suddenly opened his eyes again.

At this time, outside the residential building, a figure standing on a shield was coming towards the residential building quickly. However, the shield stumbled during the flight and looked very unstable.


The figure broke through the glass of a room above the residential building and crashed into the residential building.

Wang Cheng looked at the person who bumped in and blinked slightly. This person was really good at picking. He happened to bump into the room where he was. If she bumped into other rooms, she would probably be able to see Wang Cheng. There are a lot of clones that are absorbing the energy of the universe.

. . .

At this time, the figure who crashed into the room where Wang Cheng was located opened his mouth and said something after seeing clearly that there was someone here, and then fell down.

"Help?" Wang Cheng raised his head and looked out the window. At this time, there was already a black mass of bat-like monsters flying over.

"Bloodthirsty bat!" Wang Cheng instantly recognized the monsters gathered outside.

Bloodthirsty bats are monsters that live in groups. A single bloodthirsty bat is not strong, and a group of bloodthirsty bats will hardly find a beast general level existence!

But once these things form a group, they will be terrifying. It is said that ordinary gods of war are not willing to provoke them.

"Good guy!"

Wang Cheng sighed with emotion, and then he stood up and came to the window. At this time, dozens of leading bloodthirsty bats had already rushed over.

However, before they could get closer, white thunder and lightning spread out with Wang Cheng as the center. In the blink of an eye, the bloodthirsty bats that rushed over turned into black powder and scattered in the wind.

"Everyone get lost!"

Wang Cheng said lightly, and at the same time, the aura on his body exploded slightly.

The aura leaked by planet-level eighth-level beings with ten times the genetic level is countless times more terrifying to these bloodthirsty bats than the beasts of the wild.


In an instant, there were bursts of screaming sounds from the bat group. All the bloodthirsty bats stopped before hitting the residential building, and at the same time, they quickly moved towards the place where they came from without looking back. Direction escaped.

"Humph!" Wang Cheng laughed in his heart. In this world where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong, it is really satisfying to be strong, and it is not in vain for more than a month of hard training!


About two or three hours later, Silvia, who was in a coma, slowly opened her eyes, and what greeted her was an unfamiliar ceiling.

"I'm..." Sylvia rubbed her temples and sat up from the bed.

Walking out of the room, Sylvia saw Wang Cheng sitting cross-legged, as if he was absorbing the energy of the universe.

"It's him?"

Memories poured out like a flood, and Sylvia finally recalled what happened.

Tonight was the seventh day that she and her teammates hunted monsters in City No. 003 of China. Originally, they followed their past habits of resting and watching, but they were suddenly attacked by a herd of beasts, including even There are also swarms of bloodthirsty bats.

Facing the herd of beasts, Sylvia and her teammates immediately chose to disperse and flee. With the bloodthirsty bats around, even though Sylvia herself was a spiritual master, she could not escape through air superiority.

As they fled in embarrassment, Sylvia's mental power was consumed very quickly. But until the end, Sylvia remembered that she saw a figure when she crashed into a certain building, and then she passed out.

Seeing Wang Cheng now, Sylvia was instantly sure that the last figure she saw was Wang Cheng. In other words, it was Wang Cheng who saved her.


"you're awake!"

At this time, Wang Cheng also opened his eyes.

"Thank you for saving me!" Sylvia walked over and said with a smile, "Do you still remember me? We have met before!"

"Yes, your flying knife is quite powerful!" Wang Cheng said with a half-smile.

"That was just an accident!" Sylvia sat down in front of Wang Cheng and said at the same time: "Besides, I don't think I can hurt a God of War, right?"

"Who told you that I am the God of War?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I can think of no other answer to being able to repel those bloodthirsty bats without any injuries!" Sylvia said: "This is still the building I ran into before, right?"

"You think so!" Wang Cheng didn't say much. He thought for a while and then asked: "Why did you go to deal with the bloodthirsty bats and risk your lives?"

"We are not that stupid!" Sylvia explained what happened, and she continued: "I suspect that we were plotted. When that little bitch escaped..."

"Stop!" Wang Cheng stopped Sylvia's words and said calmly: "I don't want to hear your hatred, and I don't think you should be here to analyze why you were attacked by a herd of beasts. You should go back and see Look at your teammates, maybe they need your help!”

"You're right!" Sylvia nodded.

"Your shield is over there!" Wang Cheng pointed to the corner of the wall.

"I'll thank you!"

Sylvia didn't say much. She stood up, picked up her shield, and hurried out!

. . .

The woman whose name he didn't even know left in a hurry, and Wang Cheng didn't take it to heart. He only saved people out of humanitarian concern and didn't think too much about it.

However, what Wang Cheng didn't expect was that at ten o'clock in the morning, the woman who left before came back with a tired look.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid all my teammates have been killed. I would like to borrow your place to rest for a while, is that okay?" Sylvia looked at Wang Cheng and asked.

"Okay, but you'd better not run around!" Wang Cheng smiled and nodded.

It's not a big deal for this woman to move in. Wang Cheng's practice at the moment is actually quite boring. One more person can make him have more fun for the time being.


Sylvia thanked her, and then said: "My name is Sylvia Barrons, you can call me Sylvia or Hill..."

"I am Wang Cheng, I can call you whatever you want!" Wang Cheng said.

"Mr. Wang, I'm going to take a nap first. I'm really too tired!" Sylvia stretched out. At this moment, even the thick combat uniform was unable to conceal the other person's beauty that would make ordinary girls envious. Deadly figure.

"It's amazing!" Wang Cheng sighed secretly. At the same time, he felt a little strange in his heart when he saw Sylvia unceremoniously walking into the room where she had slept before.

All of this woman's teammates are obviously dead, but she doesn't seem to feel any sadness at all. She can still sleep at this moment. Is she born cold-blooded or is she not deeply emotional?

"What does it have to do with me?" Wang Cheng shook his head, and then he continued to close his eyes and comprehend the law of thunder and lightning.

. . .

Even a high-level psychic master at the warrior level cannot withstand the fatigue of a whole night, especially if he has experienced a chase that exhausted his mental power.

Therefore, Sylvia slept for a long time and did not wake up until the evening.

The first thing she did after waking up was to take out the dried meat she had brought with her and eat a hearty meal. As expected of a warrior, she looked very wanton when eating and was not ladylike at all.

"Mr. Wang, don't you want to eat something?" Sylvia asked.

"I've eaten!" Wang Cheng shook his head.

"What a pity!" Sylvia said it was a pity, but in fact she didn't hold back.

After eating and drinking, and chatting with Wang Cheng for a while, Silvia then smiled and said: "Mr. Wang, I think you have a lot of water here, can you lend it to me?"

"What do you want to do?" Wang Cheng asked.

"There seems to be no other reason for a beautiful lady to borrow water from you at this time!" Sylvia said helplessly.

Wang Cheng glanced at Sylvia, who had a lot of dirt and blood on her hair. He nodded, and then said, "Save it!"

"Don't worry, although I don't know how you got so much clean water in the wilderness area, but I know how precious it is!" Sylvia assured with a smile, and then she left without hesitation. Entered the washroom.

What surprised Wang Cheng was that Sylvia also carried a lot of toiletries in her backpack.

"It's really rare for warriors to bring these with them when they come to the wilderness area!" Wang Cheng was slightly surprised, but he didn't think much about it. Some people don't care, and some people just like to be clean. Things can't be generalized.

After a while——

"Mr. Wang, I forgot my clothes, can you help me get them?" Sylvia's voice suddenly came from the washroom.


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