Wang Cheng promised the Sea Shark King that he would immediately set off to meet him on the Horned Dragon Planet. Then, he teleported back to the Black Dragon Mountain Island from the Amethyst Island in the virtual universe.

After Wang Cheng was teleported back, the auxiliary intelligence used by his clone reminded him that he had several emails that he needed to check.

Wang Cheng glanced at these emails. One was from the Black Dragon Mountain royal family, so he ignored it.

One letter came from Luo Feng. Luo Feng was wondering why Wang Cheng was still missing after the game. Wang Cheng replied directly, "I'll see you in real life later. It's urgent."

The last one came from Virtual Universe Company. The email recorded many secret events. Specifically, it was when, where and how a certain genius of the human race was killed by an alien race...

This email was undoubtedly sent by Virtual Universe Company to warn Wang Cheng because he was afraid that he would not know the seriousness of the matter.

In fact, Wang Cheng was too aware of the seriousness of this aspect, so he chose to hide it!

After all, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone. Placing your own safety on others is a helpless choice. However, Wang Cheng's situation is far from helpless, so of course he has to decide his own destiny!


After processing the email, Wang Cheng quickly logged off.

Not long after he logged off, Wang Cheng saw Luo Feng who hurried over.

"Brother Wang, you said there was an emergency, what happened?" Luo Feng asked with a slightly solemn expression.

"It's not a big deal!" Wang Cheng knew that Luo Feng had misunderstood, he smiled and said: "I just want to say goodbye to you!"

"bid farewell?"

Luo Feng was slightly startled, and then asked: "Brother Wang, are you leaving the earth?"

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded and said, "Remember what I said a few years ago that I won't be on Earth for a long time? Now it's time for me to leave!"

"I thought, Brother Wang, you had to wait until the genius battle was over before leaving. This is too sudden!" Luo Feng looked a little complicated. Wang Cheng helped him along the way.

"Some accident happened!" Wang Cheng didn't explain much, he smiled and said: "Besides, it's not like we won't have the chance to meet in the future, as long as you can achieve good results in the genius battle!"

"I will!" Luo Feng nodded.


. . .

Without further words, after simply saying goodbye, Wang Cheng quickly left the earth in a spaceship.

This spaceship was bought by Wang Cheng when Luo Feng left the Earth to go on adventures. It is a D-class spaceship with an average speed of up to 5 times the speed of light. It takes about six days to reach the Horned Dragon from the Earth. star!


On the way to the Horned Dragon Star, Wang Cheng also used his avatar's virtual universe account to contact Xiajiang Mingyue.

Not long after, the two met in the killing field on the Black Dragon Mountain Island.

It was not Wang Cheng's idea to come to the killing field to meet, but Jiang Mingyue's request. Wang Cheng didn't care where the meeting was, so he agreed directly.

Wang Cheng took the initiative to meet Jiang Mingyue because he actually wanted to ask her how she performed in the knockout competition. After all, Jiang Mingyue had said before that she would participate in the genius competition!


In the hall of the killing field, Jiang Mingyue and Wang Cheng, who were dressed in black uniforms, sat at a wine table. The two ordered a large table of the local specialty wine, drinking and chatting at the same time.

"Of course my results are far inferior to yours, Brother Cheng, but I barely made it to the next round, and finally ranked 881st in the Ninth World District!" Jiang Mingyue smiled, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Do you know my grades?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Of course, Brother Wang, your news is flying all over the virtual universe right now. Some people say that you killed hundreds of thousands of contestants with one punch, and some people say that countless geniuses were so scared that they retreated without a fight when they saw you. , wiped his neck himself!" Jiang Mingyue said with a strange expression:

"In short, it's very exaggerated!"

"Are these rumors really true?" Wang Cheng asked in surprise.

"Besides, the rumors are very turbulent. Brother Cheng, you will know if you pay attention to it yourself!" Jiang Mingyue thought for a while, and then said:

"Of course, there are refutations. They say that is all nonsense. They personally participated in the siege against you. Faced with the siege of hundreds of thousands of people, you did kill a lot of people, but in the end you escaped without the force. Already..."

"I see......"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Of these two statements, one was too exaggerated and no one with any brain would believe it. In comparison, the other was much more reliable. On the surface, it seemed to be true!

However, Wang Cheng himself knew that this had greatly weakened him!

Wang Cheng felt that this might be the work of Virtual Universe Company to muddy the waters...


"No matter what the rumors are, Brother Cheng, you are ranked first in the First World District, and others have also given you the title of 'Ghost'... I think, no matter what, Brother Cheng, your The strength must be incredible!" Jiang Mingyue smiled.

"Just force it!" Wang Cheng shook his head.

"There's one thing I think you might be interested in, Brother Cheng..." Jiang Mingyue said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Wang Cheng asked with some confusion.

"I met a female warrior in the Ninth World District. She not only recognized the secret technique "Wind God Shadow" that I cast, but she also kept asking me where this secret technique came from!" Jiang Mingyue said while looking at Wang Cheng, Wang Cheng also had a look of surprise on his face.

"That female warrior is very strong, but she didn't kill me after she recognized "Wind God Shadow". Otherwise, after being killed by her, it would be difficult for me to enter the top one thousand!" Jiang Mingyue said again.

Wang Cheng knew that Jiang Mingyue was interested in the female warrior, so he naturally had some suspicions in his mind. However, at this moment, Wang Cheng had no intention of saying more.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Cheng asked: "You have received the inheritance from Lord Sal, and you are still practicing "Wind God Shadow"?"

When Jiang Mingyue saw Wang Cheng change the subject, she didn't hold on to it. She immediately explained: "Although there are more powerful secrets in the teacher's inheritance, they are too difficult. In comparison, Brother Cheng, give me I have been practicing for a long time before "Wind God Shadow". Although I haven't started to get started yet, I am familiar with it at least, and I will naturally not give up!

Fortunately, I persisted. Not long before the genius battle started, I had a little understanding of the first level of "Wind God Shadow", and then my strength improved greatly, and I squeezed into the top one thousand in the Ninth World District in the knockout round! "


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. No wonder Jiang Mingyue was able to enter the top one thousand in the Ninth World District. It turned out that he was about to complete the first level of "Wind God Shadow".

You know, to get started with "Wind God Shadow", you need to understand the laws of wind. Even if Jiang Mingyue hasn't started to learn the laws yet, I'm afraid she's on the threshold.

She might even have learned the Law of Wind!

Wang Cheng previously thought that Jiang Mingyue's talent was not very good, but he didn't expect that she could improve so quickly. It seems that this prejudice is unnecessary. After all, Jiang Mingyue has obtained the inheritance of a genius realm master. She may really be able to create something. Miracle......

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