Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2243: Experience

Seeing the appearance of these two Daiedem people was both unexpected and reasonable. In fact, in the original work, the Daiedem people did not all become the minions of bees.

They still have a resistance team, and these two people are actually members of the resistance team!

In the original book, they stared at the ugly weapon, and wanted to use this to destroy the beast, and they did not arrive on Earth so early.

But it is undeniable that all their actions are actually within T's calculations!

Borrow their beasts to kill ugly monsters, seize weapons, and then use their power in MIB to recover the weapons.

Before the Jababiyas came to claim, he could open the wormhole and give things to the master.

Therefore, the bee-travelers have always had eyeliners and dark children in the rebels of the Dayedem people, and I am afraid they are also bee-travelers.

In this case, Sata's Light was discovered, and there were some people in black to protect it.

In order to be foolproof, it is natural to come up with this excellent assassin tool man to deal with!

After they got the light of Sata, they just raised the banner and snatched it from their hands!

And the Daiedem people are indeed worthy of being an alien race that can survive the pressure of beasts and still retain part of the fire.

Those high-tech weapons that are sufficient to deal with most alien creatures are almost useless in the face of the Daedem people, and can't stop them from approaching.

If that's the case, of course don't shoot...

Seeing Xu Yue saying ‘I’m coming’, he opened his jacket and walked towards the target.

Several people have more or less worry in their eyes.

The abilities of the Daiedem people have been perfectly manifested before, and the guns can't handle it, OK!

Is it really okay for you to go up like this?

And the Dayadem people didn't seem to have expected that someone would cease the fire, and then they would come to fight melee with them.

If their firepower has been kept so intense, it is not convenient for them to take any offensive in order to maintain the quantized state.

But now one person came after the ceasefire, isn't this a food delivery...

Thinking of this, the Daiedem twins looked at each other and nodded.

After that, they both left and right at the same time to double-team towards Xu Yue!

Although they are confident in their talents and abilities, they also have a certainty of victory.

But in the face of this critical moment, everything must be foolproof.

After the two are wrapped up at the same time, they can also prevent shooting from behind, otherwise they will inevitably injure the friendly army if they shoot.

Even the two of them are still considering whether to turn back the water, and then use the fighting of both sides to constantly approach the opponent's position.

This can really save a lot of trouble.

After all, their weapons are indeed powerful, and if they shoot too intensively, they have to maintain quantization for a long time.

The idea of ​​keeping your hands still hasn't happened yet.

One of the twins was knocked out like a cannonball.

After directly smashing the glass wall of the pizza spot, it reacted to quantization in mid-air and resolved the subsequent damage.

But even so, there was no moisture at the first moment.

Even if he has started quantization, he can still see his distorted Payne face through the outline of the quantized light dots.

The result of starting to shoot with guns was worse than Xu Yue's punch.

"The anti-strike ability is really strong, I thought it would be GG for hitting."

After knocking one of them back with one blow, Xu Yue was not half happy, but rather regretfully said.

Isn't it a shrunken version with soil? You can't pull people in with you. It's not difficult to deal with the attack purely by quantization.

After all, you have to show up when you want to attack me.

As long as the moment he hits me, it's over if he kills you directly?

Just now a set of national martial arts skills, combined with the blessing of the strengthening suit and the blow of his own physical fitness, the elephant was killed with a punch.

But that guy was able to unload his power and fly backwards, I have to say that the fighting talent and his own racial talent are indeed quite good.

If it weren't for the instinctive reaction of flying backwards, and being blasted into the body by all of my own power and stuck to my fist, it would naturally be deadly...

At the same time that Xu Yue knocked a person into the air, the other Dayedem was also taken aback, and then he also rushed towards Xu Yue.


The player who resolved most of his strength through quantization and recovered part of his injuries at the same time also did not care about the physical pain at this time.

Because of the pain, the voice is a bit distorted, but he can understand his anxiety.

The Dayedham people who had already bullied themselves felt a little puzzled.

What not? Don't kill your opponent...

While thinking of this, the punch he blasted towards Xu Yue was direct quantization, passing Xu Yue's block, and with his quantized body, passing through Xu Yue at an incredible speed and angle.

Then turned back and hit Xu Yue's vest.

Everything is so smooth and natural, which perfectly embodies the talent of the Daiedem people.

However, the attackers thought it was a perfect offensive.

But when his fist just pressed Xu Yue's body.

Suddenly it made him feel a spin.

I saw Xu Yue directly move slightly, leaning on his left shoulder to receive the relay of the attack, turned around and quickly turned back.

At the same time, a wild horse splits its mane, directly twisting the Daiedem into a twist!

If it were not for temporary quantization, I am afraid it would have to die directly.

That is to say, the body structure of the Daiedem people is different from the human body, and their survivability is amazing. Even if they become twisted, they are only injured and have a chance to recover.

It just floated and retreated to the companion, and gathered the recovered Dayedem II again, but the body still maintained a twist-like shape, the upper body rotated 360 degrees, anyway, it was still forward, and it did not affect...

"Try not to attack, try to quantify him as much as possible, and then I will deal with the others and grab something!"

"it is good!"

The two Daiedem people immediately understood Xu Yue's thorny issue. Judging from the situation where the two of them were deflated just now, the possibility of defeating him is unlikely.

However, because of the characteristics of the Daiedem people, the opponent can't help himself!

In this case, it is natural to get a number advantage. Since he can't help our quantization, then we will arrange for one person to hold it back!

I won't hit you, but you won't be able to hit me either. I'm mad at you!

If you dare to turn your head back to support them, then I will shoot behind you, always staring at your defensive corner.

I have to say that the response plan of the Daiedem people is still very correct.

After Xu Yue didn't return to defense and started to confront one of them, the other Dayedem II was still in a state of no one.

Relying on the weird quantization ability, he defeated J, K and H one after another, and finally came to Keimoto Kei and Leika who took off their jackets and wore reinforced suits.

And they are the last barriers of the black girl of Sata's Light, making them stare at the twist-shaped Dayedem II with nervous expressions.

We also have enhanced suits, and we are also fighting strength!

Only when the two vases kept beating against him, Dayedem II was also beating from the bottom of his heart.

You were not like this at the beginning!

Why do you have this kind of clothes?


After seeing the enhanced clothes on the two of them, Dayedem II felt that his twist-shaped body was still tingling, and he looked extremely jealous and solemn. As long as the two of them had half of that guy’s ability, I’m afraid they would have it again. Followed before stepping into...


Two more complete...

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