Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2840: Wealthy

After all, Meng Qi still has to go to six doors to report on his duties, and the number of places for the palace exam also needs to be registered.

So wait until a few people have treated the injuries.

The news that the second and the eleventh of the people list have entered the capital of God, still spread instantly!

Although in the capital of God, there are a lot of people who are on location or half-step location, and there are many people who are stronger than them in terms of strength alone.

But after all, they have the title of the people list, and the martial arts hall test is about to come, so the two people's entry into the city caused a sensation immediately.

Xu Yue didn't say anything. He Jiu, the "Invisible Sword", had occupied the top spot for three years, but even he was not as fast as Xu Yue.

What's more, Xu Yue now only has eight tricks!

But it has suppressed many Tianjiao that unites man and nature.

Many people are already convinced, but when this Tianjiao, who is known as the world's most talented person, enters the nine orifices, he will definitely be able to immediately take the first place on the list.

However, Xu Yue was a Shaolin lay disciple and didn't say that he didn't sign up for the martial arts exercise, so after marveling at him entering the city, there was no other reaction.

There are only a few years of experience and half-step location, which may have a challenging mind.

For those who are older than the limit of the people list, there are still some gods.

But Meng Qi's side is different. He himself has signed up for the martial arts. Among all participants, Meng Qi ranked the highest in the ranking.

So there is no doubt that it is also the biggest favorite to win the championship.

And as Meng Qi became famous, slowly, his identity began to be unearthed.

The second son of the Su Family of God Capital?

He was the one who sent Shaolin to become a monk before?

In this case, the Su family naturally sent someone to ask Meng Qi to go back.

After all, no matter what contradictions Meng Qi had with his family, he had entered the God Capital. As a result, he did not live in the Su family, which was a shame for the Su family.

And Ke Changji, who had never cared about this matter, couldn’t help being stunned after learning about Meng Qi’s true identity.

"Emotional Su Meng, you are Su Ziyuan of the Su family? Then you have to be careful. My aunt may still hold hate towards you. Since she had a miscarriage, I felt that her nerves were a little abnormal.

"Besides, you have to be careful of your fifth uncle. Although he hides well, he has always been loyal and loyal, but in fact, even now, people with discerning eyes can also see that he covets the family's knighthood. The old Su If Ziyu is not surprised, he will be the next prince of power. At this time, you will take the name of the top ranking player and go back. Tsk tsk..."

Ke Changji was also a member of the family of the gods, and he was naturally very clear about the squalor of the palace in the family.

He could also think of the situation Meng Qi faced at this time.

However, Xu Yue was overwhelmed by Xu Yue during the mission, and he had experienced life and death with Meng Qi in the last death mission, so of course he was also on Meng Qi's side.

So after coming to the door to talk about Meng Qi’s difficulties, he patted him on the shoulder and said

"But don't worry, now my position in the family is to be trained as the next Patriarch, so I can make sure to pick the Ke family out, but Auntie also has his own power in his hands. You have to be careful of her going crazy."

"Thanks, I will pay attention."

Ke Changji was a local snake in the capital of God, and of course Meng Qi would also listen to his suggestions.

And at this time, the horse-faced man who sent Meng Qi to Shaolin, Uncle Zhong, came to Antai Building and asked Meng Qi to go home.

Meng Qi, who has completed his work report and registration, naturally will not avoid this problem.

Although he didn't have any memory of the original, he could also excuse being away from home for too long and being angry with his mother, so he didn't say a lot of words and just followed back with a cold face.

"He will definitely run into trouble when he goes back like this. Let's prepare too, and stand for him when necessary."

Xu Yue turned around and said to Liu Luo and others.

Shaolin’s current performance in the city of God is mainly to support the prince who was born with the heart of Buddha, but at present there is only the youngest disciple of Xuanzhen in the top ten of Xuanzhen, the palm of the Buddha. He is not a master, just showing an attitude. .

In addition, the Ke family is not good at it and favors Meng Qi, so the biggest external force they can use to influence the Su family is that the **** of Liu will catch Liu Shengming.

This is only half a catty like Su Yue, the **** catcher.

In fact, when the original Meng Qi entered Beijing, it had already become a climate.

No. 1 on the list of people, unity of nature and man, beheading the wolf king.

Even this, when he first entered the house, he was questioned by Su Yue's eldest son Su Dingyu. It seemed that he was afraid that he would come back to **** the title of his own brother, and Ke Weilan did not hide his malice towards Su Ziyuan.

It was only when Wang Zai, his father, the master of Dibang, who was the Shangshu of the Household Department, and the invitation of the Ruan family, made their attitude a little restrained.

After that, Meng Qi was soaring into the sky and out of control, and he didn't even give Su Yue and Ke Weilan a chance to target him.

In the blink of an eye, he was on the spot, and then he became famous on the local list, and then he immediately became the head catcher for a while, and then the Dharmakaya.

During Meng Qi's resuscitation period, he can still say bumps and bumps. After the location, he will truly perform the road of invincibility and push all the way.

All the motives pushed to Gongdouju were crushed by absolute strength and died.

Su Yue has always been a good fifth uncle who is kind and friendly.

But Meng Qi is completely different from entering God at this time.

Although the popularity seems to be okay, the trip to Jiangdong did not find an excuse to have a relationship with the Ruan family. It was not enough to see Liu Shenchou's words.

It happened that Meng Qi showed off a bit of future potential at this time. In addition to being more jealous, there was no corresponding deterrent.

Compared with the original situation of returning to Su's house, the difficulty faced was by no means an order of magnitude.

Even if Su Li was very protective of him this time, in order to protect him, he sent him to Uncle Shaolin.

But facing the wife of a powerful family and the younger brother who is stronger than himself, his situation is also very embarrassing.

As for the other old lady of the Su family who is on the triple sky, although she is also concerned about the side of her grandson, she also pays more attention to the stability of the family.

Compared with the importance of the Ko family and the **** catching in the family, it is not impossible to sacrifice a concubine to give birth to a second son.

In this way, Meng Qi returned to Su Mansion with the company of Uncle Zhong.

It was just that before Uncle Zhong took Meng Qi to see Master Hou, he first saw two men and a woman standing in the courtyard, seeming to be waiting for something.

Because he was worried that Meng Qi had been away from home for a long time and could not recognize him, Uncle Zhong still introduced to Meng Qi in a low voice.

"This is Master Su Ziyu and Miss Su Ziyue, this is Su Dingyu, the eldest son of the fifth master."

Because Su Tingyu has completed the adoption and still adopted under the mistress Ke Weilan, he, who has changed his name to Su Ziyu at this time, can be regarded as the son of the Shenweihou Mansion.

When the Mengqi people list in the original book came back first, Su Ziyu was also gentle and gentle, and he also had basic respect for Meng Qi, mainly because Su Dingyu acted as a villain.

But now Meng Qi's deterrence power of No. 11 on the Eight Apertures List is far less than the No. 1 on the list.

In other words, Meng Qi's strength just stepped on a thread, a thread that made them feel very sensitive.

Too strong will make them give up confessing their fate. If they are now, they will only feel a deep threat and malice...

"The second brother is back. I heard that you have recently entered the eleventh ranking. This is very good. It has won a lot of face for our Su family. Otherwise, you really have to let the Nako family's third-born brag."

Su Ziyu put on the attitude of a direct son, and seemed to be nodding in praise.

"However, you are too close to the second person on the list. Although you have shown your ability, there are still people who say that you rely on others to come up. Pay attention to your words and deeds. After all, you are also my Su family. Child, represents the face of the Su family."

Just like the relationship between Wang Ce and Wang Zai, the direct son of Zhoujun Wang’s family, Ming Ming Wang is well-known on the list of people, and his strength is even higher than Wang Ce. There is also a father of the master of the list, but when Wang Ce is sitting in the Yajian , Wang Zai could only stand.

This is the difference between concubine and concubine.

Su Ziyu rushed out to give orders when Meng Qi hadn't even seen the supernatural power, mainly to give Meng Qi a first impression of the power and first impression, so that he could understand who is the son of the prostitute and recognize his identity. , Put a good attitude...


Nothing, nothing, sleep...

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