Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2860: Back to Jiangdong

"This champion award is really good. It's not in vain, it's just a little more entertainment."

To capture Wu Zhuangyuan, Meng Qi still wanted to give the Dajin imperial family face, after all, he was also working as an errand for six doors.

But compared to rewards, it would be harmless to delay for a few days.

Although there is no shortage of mundane things, because the eight or nine profound arts are a big consumer, the cultivation resources usually eat Xu Yue's soft rice, which makes Meng Qi very uncomfortable. Now he finally feels that he has spare money in his hands.

"Well, it's okay. Although it is a lot of trouble along the way, you have broken through to the nine orifices anyway, and you have accumulated enough. Although you can't maintain the unity of nature and man at all times, it is better than the original state in terms of realm.' Shocked Baili' also not bad.

"What you need now is to calm your mind."

Xu Yue said it methodically, his tone was plain and unhurried.

The state of being one with heaven and earth also brought Meng Qi into the one with heaven and man unconsciously.

"Huh, is the legendary returning to the basics? You should be able to break through the location soon and reach the sky in one step?"

After Meng Qi also entered the state, he asked curiously.

"The time has not arrived."

Xu Yue did not answer directly, but made a very general reply.

This time when Meng Qi captured the champion, Xu Yue also archived the power of sentient beings in the palace.

Normally, the power of sentient beings itself is very tasteless to him, but the additional information from another angle is also considered an addition.

"It's almost done. Let's leave, and then leave directly through the entrance and exit of Xianji, so as not to cause trouble again."

"Okay, by the way, let's see if there are any tasks. Anyway, it's a full member, but what about your confidantes?"

Meng Qi didn’t reject this, and Liu Luo and the others weren’t immortal people, so naturally they couldn’t borrow the transmission from the immortal trail, but Meng Qi also felt that Xu Yue really couldn’t get tired of the witches of the virgin woman. .

"Her strength is here, there is no need to worry, and I guess she will take the time to go back to the women's way, and she will almost break through."

Xu Yue said casually.

The passage of the fairy trail is undoubtedly the most convenient, and it can save the trouble of unren building.

As for the sudden appearance in Jiangdong, what suspicion might be caused by the speed being too fast?

It was just a little low-key in the first few days, and my injury healed so quickly, there should be doubts about myths or something.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t see it through. Anyway, the myth is a comprehensive defensive posture. Except for the uncertain factors on the side of Buren Lou, the danger is actually not great...


The location of Xianji is very practical, and the exits are scattered all over the place. Many places are much faster than going directly.

Although it is not as convenient as the arbitrary gate of the Moon Mani Light King Bodhisattva, who currently holds the Pure Land of Oriental Glaze, it is also quite practical.

There are many members in the periphery and preparations of Xianji, both reincarnation and non-reincarnation.

But there are only less than 30 full members. Xu Yue and Meng Qi are the latest two to join, and they are also the two weakest at present.

Others are led by Dharmakaya-level Lingbao Tianzun Chonghe, and below are the combat-power-level thugs of Yanwuwo and Ye Yuqi, followed by the master uncle of Shuiyue'an who is currently the master of the temple. Grandmaster Cui Qingliu, master of Donghai Jianzhuang He Xiu.

Later, there were Cao Xianzhi, a master of the Eight or Nine Profound Art, and Yuan Lihuo, a six-layered location shooting master...

After the Eastern Prince was slaughtered by Su Wuming, the Star Lord Ziwei was charged and squatted, and the Emperor of Heaven was lurking in Shaolin and it was inconvenient to take action. At this time, the myth can only hold his tail in the face of these forces.

However, apart from when Xianji held a meeting, it would be difficult for more than 20 people to meet here on weekdays.

But although they don’t meet each other, whenever someone passes by, they still leave some information notes in the stone house of the party.

The characteristics of the Xianji organization means that the relationship between its members may be better than that of the sect and the family. Many secrets can be shared, so the information notes here are quite rich, and there are many six doors that are unknown. The secret.

For example, He Xiu posted that He Jiuguang invited the top players on the list to participate in the Xingyun Banquet.

In fact, this piece of information can be said to have been specially given to Xu Yue and Meng Qi, because now the official members are only two of them on the list.

"Haha, doze hits the pillow, I'm going here."

Meng Qi was really overjoyed after seeing the explanation of Xingyun Banquet.

He Jiuren dominated the list for three years. This time he crossed the sea to make a breakthrough. It is very likely that he wanted to accumulate momentum step by step, and then rise to the sky step by step.

I can't wait for myself.

"Let's pass through the intersection of Jiangdong, Huh? There happened to be a Jiangdong mission, which was released by the ‘Yunzhongzi’ in the last mission.”

When Meng Qi was eager to fist, he also accepted a task.

After all, since I decided to use export teleportation, it was necessary to hide my identity for a few days when I first landed, just to use this to complete a task.

No matter how they are members of the organization, it is also necessary to help each other, not to mention rewards.

[Investigation task: The friend of the poor family has been missing for many years and is suspected of being killed. Now there are clues pointing to Jiangdong Wen'an. This is where he last appeared...]

[Pan Dao cannot get away because of another important matter, so I have to submit the task, please help me with the same path...]

[The missing person is Jinli, the concubine of the God Capital Jin Family. 】

[Mission Limitation: Jin Li has the ability to interact with nature and humans. If he is not better than him, don't take risks. 】

[Task Remuneration: As long as you find a clear clue, you will be rewarded with a thousand good works, or you can prepare your own main materials, and Pindao can help refine weapons and items for free. 】

[Task submitter: Yunzhongzi. 】

Now that'Yunzhongzi' has obtained this inheritance, it naturally has some experience in refining. It is not difficult for the treasure soldiers of the location level to have the materials to refining. Even the refining of items such as mustard bracelets only requires the materials to be in place. .

It is completely fine to sell this kind of person for a favor.

Although both Xu Yue and Meng Qi now have high-value mustard bracelets, the two treasure soldiers that Meng Qi exchanged are both low-level, and they can be upgraded once by Yun Zhongzi.

Only need to find out the information, it is very cost-effective.

And I was going to Jiangdong, this task is completely incidental...


One of the entrances and exits of Xianji Jiangdong was near Maoling. The two used the Eight-Nine Profound Art to change their image and temperament and revisit the old place. They were also a little bit more embarrassed.

Now that they have reached Jiangdong, they will slowly wander past the remaining road in this changed image.

Although Jiangdong Wen'an is not as prosperous as Maoling, as a big city in Jiangdong, it is still similar to prefectures in many places.

On the bright side, there are also a few top-ranking masters in the city, fully revealing Jiangdong's background.

And the place where Jin Li last appeared was Wen'an.

But in fact, Wen'an seems to be inferior to Maoling. For Jiangdong, it is just a normal city, not much special.

But in fact, Wen'an is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Not only are there demons lurking in the city, they are engaged in the human trafficking business to transport blood and food.

In the view of destiny outside the city, there is also a person with a tall body of Dharma body from the Wenshen School of the Six Divisions of the Outer Daoism.

It’s just because the master of the destiny Taoist has spied some of the future that is completely occupied by the other side, so the Wenshen school can also be said to be the evil destiny, pays attention to all the destiny, and has a very negative attitude, which can be regarded as the most salty person with a tall body of law. .

Somehow Mr. Lu Da was still on the top of the list, and the Taoist of Destiny was completely salted.

And besides him, there is also the strongest in the grassland rankings that he has taken in, the master of the wolf king who has quit killing Taoists...


Take a bath and sleep...

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