Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2920: New dynasty

Dajin is mine...

The representatives of the aristocratic families on the scene suddenly stood on the spot like a clay Buddha.

Good guy, originally I was still thinking about fighting for food in the pot, but now they have even taken the house away!

What the hell!

Originally, there were several representatives of aristocratic families who were furious subconsciously.

But when they looked back and saw Cui Qinghe, the family's handlebar, watching his nose and his heart, they suddenly calmed down again.

Wait, something seems to be wrong.

People come from this Xu Yue?

Counting the addition of Xu Yue and Meng Qiduojie, the future is indeed promising, but with the drastic changes in the rules of the world, the longevity of the Dharma body is drastically reduced, and it is difficult to realize the Tao. Now the Dharma body is the limit, and no matter how high the talent is, it is useless.

As far as the wealth of the family is concerned, it could have been carried.

However, if this group of Law Bodies are all together, then the claws will be numb.

This shows that these dharmakayas can work together even if there is no pressure from the magic way.

Zhuxian Sword Formation, who can hold it!

It directly raised the upper limit of the Dharma body by a benchmark.

It could have been morally kidnapped such high monks as Kongwen, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Then someone cautiously asked about the air

"The monk of Kongwen has always been compassionate, and he wouldn't intervene in the general trend of the world at will, so as to avoid chaos in the world."

"Good, good, good."

Kong Wen nodded to show that you are right.

This again made people feel slightly happy, and then someone asked

"Nagui Temple disciple..."

"Xu Shizhu is a disciple of the lay family in our temple."

After being slightly frustrated here, the family is still not discouraged, but just when they want to say something, Kong Wen continues to say

"Lao Na pays attention to a karma, Xu Shizhu saved Lao Na's life.

"Moreover, in order not to cause chaos in the world, Lao Na will also take action whenever necessary to eradicate the root cause of the chaos."

After these words, everyone suddenly fell into a daze again.

Xu Yue saved the air news? Could it be that Xu Yue rescued Kong Wen from the beginning? !

No, you are a master monk, just talk about cause and effect. What does it mean to say "retribution" in your mouth?

What is the root cause of the chaos?

Who is the root cause of the disaster?

Is this a threat?

This is a threat!


After the bird, the compassionate monk said that it is retribution!

Seeing that the other party had the urge to lift the table, everyone from the originally aggressive family suddenly became confused.

The best breakthrough has been blocked, so what chance is there?

After that, the old patriarch could only squeeze a smile

"Since that's the case, then Nephew Xu Xian..."

But before he finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by a former teammate next to him.

"Hugh is rude! What kind of nephew? I want to be called the sage!"

Then the discussions that had been quiet for a while began to turn into a vegetable market, and many family members began to quarrel again.

But this time the quarrel was already a quarrel within the family.

Cui Qinghe couldn't help sighing after seeing this group of people fighting for power and profit.

"There is one more thing, about the female way..."

This is the end of the matter, and Xu Yue naturally wants to solve the problem together with the victory.

And after rectifying the name of the prime woman, there is a considerable advantage.

That is the group of furnace tripods who have been driven away. They have almost gathered a force, just enough to support them to branch out to various parts of the new dynasty, and fight with the family.

Originally, the aristocratic family was able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, even if Xu Yue made it clear that he wanted to change the dynasty, he could react so quickly to fight for benefits. That is because it is really ridiculous to use them to govern the world. .

This kind of thing is very difficult to solve by fighting and killing.

Therefore, the large number of furnace tripods that were driven away by the Su Nudao were also more useful.

Alleviated the initial manpower problems in one fell swoop.

And as long as time goes by, as Xu Yue's cultivation base increases, it will naturally become more and more consolidated...


The gods changed the Great King Banner overnight, and this kind of explosive news shocked the entire real world in an instant.

The Dharma body fell, and the dynasty changed.

Under the stations of several Dharmakayas, Xu Yue suppressed all dissatisfaction and became the founding king of the new dynasty.

Country number...


Because the world of Conferred Gods was withdrawn by Yuanshi, the real world lacked many legends of Conferred Gods.

But even so, after Xu Yue designated the country as Dashang, he also assumed an intangible cause and effect.

It was precisely because of this national title that the Demon Buddha, who had been paying attention to it recently, laughed, and then closed his eyes.

Very good, it's perfect!

This product of reduction and shortcoming is really sweet.

When the heavenly court was first established, Lingbao Tianzun wanted to support the Shang Dynasty to rule the heavens by man, and then the war of conferring the gods broke out.

But now, the heaven has fallen, and the emperor does not exist.

Xu Yue's self-achievement as the emperor of the emperor and the edict of the heavenly gods is the best way to replace the most difficult to be replaced Haotian body!

Combining the fruit positions of Demon Buddha and Thor, the embryonic form of reducing the autumn sky has been achieved! Just wait for its step-by-step improvement and replace it step by step!

If the emperor wants to be resurrected, almost all the will of heaven will not allow it.

But if it is replaced, it is completely different.

For a while, I was aware of the many wills of the human emperor's recovery, and saw that someone wanted to truly replace the human empress, and the secret maliciousness and hostility could not help but be cut by half.

It is okay to replace the human emperor and become a new human emperor, but the human emperor is resurrected, not!

After the country is established, in order to maintain stability, it is naturally necessary to order the crown prince.

Like Gao Lan, Xu Yue did not leave any children, so naturally he adopted similar methods as Gao Lan.

It is decided that the queen is located in Liuluo, the descendant of Xuannv, and the three thousand harem beauties also collected materials to isolate the draft, so as not to be sent to the palace by some god.

After that, the first heir in line was the emperor's brother Gao Lan, and the second in line was the emperor's second brother, Su Ziyuan.

After the third pick...

It was Zhao Heng, the original fifth of the Zhao family.

Moreover, unlike Gao Lan who had to live in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Meng Qi was not interested in this bird matter. Zhao Heng himself was in the capital of the gods, he was still the original line of the Zhao family, and Xu Yue was willing to delegate power.

For a while, he immediately started the government affairs, which also reduced the family's resistance to the power struggle of the furnace dings. They surrounded Zhao Heng one by one, seeming to want to support Zhao Heng to come out and fight.

It seems that Zhao Heng has become the spokesperson and representative of the family in the dynasty.

At the same time, a member of the family, Xu Yue also aggressively supported the Zhoujun Wang family and Langya Ruan family.

Ruan's family has snacks to help, and Zhou Jun Wang's is because their awe-inspiring spirit can ensure that there is no selfishness.

Even the Jiangdong Wang Family, who has always been soy sauce and mainly self-preserving, was taken out by Xu Yue to catch the strong.

‘Prince Prince, have you counted a trigram? ’

Under the cordial greetings, Wang Siyuan also obediently led the official officialdom.

Under a single operation, the aristocratic family of today's big business has also begun to divide and disintegrate, and it is difficult to form constraints.

After reducing the hindrance, the decree was smooth, and it was no longer deliberately misinterpreted, in just one or two months, the entire new dynasty glowed with a completely different kind of surging momentum.

After that, Xu Yue recruited Qi Zhengyan to enter the city and worshipped a university official.

"This, so fast?"

In fact, Qi Zhengyan himself is also a short-term person. It can be seen that Xu Yue has just relied on the communication convenience of the six doors to stabilize the situation, and he has begun to make a big move to draw the foundation of the family and the sect.

This can be regarded as an enemy to the world!

"I didn't ask you to perform magical skills in one step, and lay the foundation for the resuscitation period first."

Qi Zhengyan has the inheritance of the Demon Lord, knows a lot, and ‘probably knows’ the current situation of Xu Yue, so the discussion between Xu Yue and Qi Zhengyan is also much less cover-up.

"You are not afraid, what am I afraid of, I just hope that there will be a mess, don't blame me."


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