Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2930: Pick peaches

Kingdom Lord Chen was already anxious about the affairs of Chu and Tang.

I have never thought of a way to crack it.

When Xu Yue, Meng Qi and others showed their sincerity, Meng Qi began to explain the Mohist doctrine of the magical revision.

And after taking advantage of the handover between the Chu and Tang Dynasties, removing tariffs, and strengthening trade, so that the two countries could not easily leave themselves as the introduction point, he elaborated on the conjecture of resolving the current Chen Guo problem.

Guozhu Chen made a decisive decision and immediately chose Mohism.

Adore Meng Qi as the great Situ.

After taking advantage of this position, a few people summarized the main world exercises, and they also compiled an easy-to-use, no side effects, Zhongzheng peaceful cultivation method.

Because at this time the world of Conferred Gods was still five hundred years after the Conferred God War, although there was a sense of ruin, the practice environment, at least the low-end practice environment, was much better than the real world.

The battle of the gods in the real world was more than 200,000 years ago.

And because it is difficult to practice in the real world, it is much better than the current era in using the power of heaven and earth.

The performance here is that people who practice this exercise have extremely low demand for resources.

Although the power is average, for ordinary people who don't even have an ascent channel, it is no different from a magical skill!

Since he has started to brainwash Uncle Chen with Mohist theory, Uncle Chen is quite in favor of this behavior.

Those who grow up are their own people. As long as there is a foreign exchange scene in the future, it will be profitable.

Even if it is open, it can be incorporated into the army as a defender of the city.

Many aristocrats in the country of Chen, even if they were suppressed by the master of the country of Chen, had great resentment, thinking that cutting off tariffs would cut off their own financial means.

I want to act against the yin.

But after the law of ‘all tariffs can be killed’, coupled with the combat power shown by Xu Yue and others’ fishing law enforcement several times.

Let them quiet down immediately.

Although the change of Chen Guo is only a few months old, the businessman with a keen sense of smell has already made the first pot of gold from here.

Even the nobles of Chu and Tang immediately took it seriously and noticed the value of trade routes.

On the contrary, he is quite satisfied with Chen Guo's policy.

Because of the conflict between the Chu and Tang dynasties, it was difficult for their businessmen to communicate with each other, and their special products rarely communicated with each other. What Chen Guo did was undoubtedly solved this problem that both sides couldn't let go of.

As for Chen Guo himself, he also began to receive great benefits because of trade routes.

In the past, merchants’ consumption such as clothing, food, housing and transportation, as well as the city tax of the transaction itself, not only compensated for all the tariffs, but also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Many nobles who had originally spoken out against it also began to gradually shut up.

Ordinary people have become profitable businesses because of the sudden bustling business, and even farmhouses have been developed because of the shortage of inns.

However, even if it enters a period of rapid development, it achieves a win-win situation for multiple parties and achieves ‘mutual benefits’. At the same time, it also reduces the burden on the bottom and imparts knowledge. It is clear that the future can be expected.

The three veteran aristocrats of Chen Kingdom had gathered together secretly and began to discuss countermeasures.

The royal family of Wang Dan of the "former Situ", the Tian family of Tian Heng of the "Da Si Kou", and the family of Gong Yang Zeng of the "Da Si Kong" were originally the three strongest old nobles in the Chen Kingdom.

Some members of the Gongyang family worshipped the golden cave of the secret Taoist gate, while the Tian family made friends with the nobles of the Chu State, and the Wang family itself was deeply rooted in the Chen State.

Speaking of benefits, in fact, they have also benefited from this change, and they can get more in the future.

But even so, they couldn't be happy.

Because they achieved their status in Chen Guo, now it is no longer measured by simple money.

What if more profits are made because of commerce?

Money, power, force, and influence are their pursuit.

There is no doubt that even if this change occurs, they can get a lot, or even the most, but in terms of overall influence, it has declined.

It's just like when they were originally at a size of 100, and changes can bring them an increase of 20. The average family originally had a size of 10, which brought an increase of 10.

Plus there are more ordinary people.

Their proportion will only become less and less, and the right to speak will also become less and less.

This is not what they want to see.

"This change is obviously successful."

"But he must be in our hands!"

"But the king's strength is superb, and Xu Mo and Su Mo, two of the six Mo family members, are also unfathomable in strength. We can't compete with them at all..."

The last sentence is ‘former Situ’ Wang Dan. Although the Wang family is deeply rooted in the Chen Kingdom, it is precisely because of this that he is under the greatest pressure from the Chen Kingdom.

Therefore, even the great Situ just picked it up.

When the other two patrons heard this, they looked at each other and smiled.

"The reason why we have only started to discuss until now is naturally because we already have foreign aid.

"My son, I am very interested in this, and soon there will be masters arriving."

The ram smiled while hesitating.

Gong Yangzeng's son worshipped into the Golden Light Cave, which was also a matter of Guangzong Yaozu for him. Although the hidden Taoist door usually does not interfere with the world, the hidden power in it is extremely terrifying.

Although the Kingdom Lord Chen is strong, there is no magical soldier to protect him. With the cooperation of internal and external forces, there is no possibility of escape!

This made Wang Dan very excited, but he hesitated.

"But isn't the hidden Daoist always not interfering with the secular kingship? Is this appropriate?"

"As long as others don't know it, then naturally they didn't interfere! With me waiting as an internal response, besieging the king, and then blaming the six strong Mohists with unknown origins, no one can say that it is not."

"But I heard that they had killed a grandmaster-level big demon in Han country."

"Yes! But at that time they also used the secret treasure to complete the sneak attack. This time, we also fully took it into consideration. Once we do it, it is naturally foolproof!"

The Han country itself is not too far apart, and the battle at the master level is even accompanied by death, which is naturally a sensational event.

Chen Guoneng was so smooth, he didn't even have any initial pressure, in fact, it has a lot to do with the news coming over there!

Originally, Kingdom Lord Chen was the strongest grandmaster in the country, and now he has added a new combat power that can kill the grandmaster. This is also a force that cannot be ignored in other countries.

It's just being mixed between Chu and Tang, and adopting the Mohist's non-offensive defensive position.

Similar to a neutral country, it can bring benefits, it is not weak in itself, and it will not take the initiative to attack.

The speed of the natural implementation is extremely fast.

But precisely because of this, the true combat power of Xu Yue and his party was also exposed to the eyes of these secret enemies, and it is naturally impossible to target them as ‘simple’ as they were in the Han Dynasty...


Two more complete...

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