Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2961: Legal origin

The only real Taoist Taoist, the product of reducing and seeking empty space is Huang Laojun, and after Huang Laojun was robbed, the remaining true spirit reincarnated and became the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

It was just that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Haotian failed to compete for the dominance of the heavens and the earth, and partly merged with the heavenly monsters conceived by Huang Laojun's remnant, and at the same time merged with Zhixushan Patriarch.

Flesh was suppressed by Qingpingjian on Jin'ao Island.

The embryonic form of his Tao fruit was turned into a blood-colored flat peach, hidden in the mind of Shou Xing, and placed in the flat peach garden on the Nine Heavens.

This seemingly inconspicuous blood-colored flat peach is actually the most accumulation that Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang have achieved the other side.

It is precisely because they digested the embryonic form of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the future, that they can complete the accumulation of the deep waters of the good fortune realm, ride the sea of ​​bitterness, and have the ability to prove the other side.

In fact, this blood-colored flat peach was arranged by the Golden Emperor himself, and it was only put in not long ago, in order to make Meng Qi and himself a product of shortcomings.

At the same time, it also avoided being noticed by Yang Jian and others who had reached the upper layers of the Nine Heavens.

The birthday star escaped the fall of the heavens. It was all arranged by the Golden Emperor...

However, this blood-colored flat peach is, after all, the residual product of a mighty power from the other side.

Donghuang Taiyi was connected with the only complete Taoist fruit, and because of the changes after his death, it was full of evil intentions and ignorance.

Originally, Meng Qi was able to conquer this peach. In addition to his thunder-scars to make Taozi home, another important point was that the tree of the road that threatened Peach was in Meng Qi's hands.

But this time, the tree of the avenue was cut off by Xu Yue. After leaving Pan Taoyuan, Meng Qi looked at the change of the evil peach into the thunder mark in his hand, and his face was also bewildered.

I'm a bit blind, I don't know what to do.

Fortunately, since the Golden Emperor personally arranged it, he would naturally do it very comprehensively. As a ‘fish’, Gu Xiaosang naturally had some more related processing ‘memory’.

Assisted Meng Qi to use the thunder mark to restrain the peach.

Then she headed towards the Sansheng Palace where she had originally targeted...


While Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang continued to go to the target.

Han Guang and Mengnan also arrived at Pan Taoyuan.

Looking at the original manifestation of the rules of the life of heaven and earth, it has become a place of death.

Even the two Law Bodies felt quite heavy for a while.

Because just when they first stepped in, they saw the dead Jinjia Tianqi in this Pan Taoyuan.

Now it can be seen that this is the celestial general with the least Dharmakaya level, but he died without warning.

"The rules here have changed. It is very likely that our current lifespan reduction is related to this place. There will be many weird manifestations. Don't worry about it. Leave here first."

Han Guang's tone was solemn.

Just when he came up, there was such an appetizer, which was enough to explain the terrible and risky nature of the upper layers of the Nine Heavens.

A person with a tall Dharma body would have to fall here directly without being careful.

"Sure enough, Gu Xiaosang knows a lot of secrets, we really have to count on her if we want to harvest."

Han Guang stood with his hands behind him, and then he walked directly into this weird blood-colored Pan Peach Garden.

As a person with a tall Dharma body, he knows that there is a problem here, but in the same way, he is also confident that as long as he does not mess around, he will not be in danger!

After seeing this, the great Asura Mengnan immediately followed.

It is impossible for him to give up the opportunity of the upper level of the Nine Layers of Heaven!

Similarly, shortly after the two left, Xu Yue's figure also appeared here.

And unlike the previous ones, Xu Yueyi came here with emotion and admiration on his face.

Then there was a stream of information flashing through the fundus, and the data was scanned and uploaded frame by frame.

As far as the amount of data is concerned, it is completely different from those heavenly fragments.

Even if it is now broken, Xu Yue can see that the roots of the avenues originate from the upper layers of the nine layers of heaven.

And Jiuyou represents the extreme opposite of destruction and negative.

The nine heavens represent order.

The entire nine-layer heaven is the source of most of the principles of the law between the heavens and the earth, and even more so in the uppermost three heavens.

It is a short-term place.

Even if the other side wants to know the situation here, he needs to arrive in person.

So here is also a place where the fish can struggle and jump a little bit.

At the very least, it looks like this.

Although the Heavenly Court has fallen, the duties of Jiuzhongtian itself are still being performed.

That's why a series of events such as a major reduction in lifespan and a major change in the world will occur.

But even so, here is still the source of most legal principles.

It can be said that for Xu Yue, this is a data center and a computing base.

Xu Yue, who was originally interested in the three layers of the Nine Heavens, made a decision while flashing many data streams in his eyes.

Afterwards, a big hand protruded from the void behind Xu Yue and pointed a little.

The fingertips of those perfect fingers tap the void, seemingly ripples.

Then this ripple spreads around as if the data is materialized.

Vaguely from the inside, the upper layer of the Nine Heavens was temporarily banned, plus a layer of insurance, and at the same time, in line with the characteristics of this place, so as not to be peeped by other gods.

Afterwards, the unbreakable Nine Heavens Void was forcibly torn apart by this finger.

Because of the point at the beginning, the tearing movement was not exposed at all.

Then the figure of the deity Xu Yue stepped out of it and came here.

The entire Jiuzhongtian seemed to be about to tremble because of being squeezed into Xu Yue's deity.

But all of this was concealed and resolved by Xu Yue's advance finger.

"After all, it's still a bit different, and the other side will definitely not have this kind of change when they come here."

Xu Yue wanted to step out of his own way, he himself had his own way of the Emperor of the Immortal, coupled with the analysis and combination of so long.

Nowadays, in terms of simple weight, even just stepping in is enough to make Jiuzhongtian tremble.

This is also the source of Jiuzhongtian as the legal principle, consolidating the extraordinary, and Xu Yue's own restraint and pre-control as much as possible.

"There is too much information to digest, otherwise it should be better. Then, you can make a home here next."

While easily erasing the traces of his appearance, even if the other side arrived here in person, he would not be able to understand the specific information of his appearance. At best, he could know that there were hands and feet that were touched by God's will with brute force.

On the other hand, Xu Yue's deity gradually faded, and directly combined with the shadow of him and me, which was part of him and controlled by his own will, and was completely integrated into the ‘shadow’, and disappeared.

Similarly, because of Xu Yue's arrogant piercing through the air before, a very brief breath of breath was leaked.

It was originally full of weirdness and ignorance, but it was realized as the rules of the life of heaven and earth, and the twisted Tao could easily kill the law body's Pan Taoyuan.

But it suddenly became vigorous, and it seemed that all the unknowns had temporarily receded, becoming extremely ‘serene’, and regaining a bit of ancient style.

All laws do not invade, but that's all...


There is only one chapter, see if there is a chance to make up...

I'm going on a business trip from September 2nd to 3rd. It hurts. I want to take business leave next year...

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