Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2964: It really is Ananda

"You want to fight with me?"

With tears in his eyes, Palm Lantern began to scold Han Guang and Meng Nan.

Obviously I have found the goal I am looking forward to most in my heart, and I know the hobby that is enough to struggle for a lifetime, but why do I cry?

Yes, it's moving tears!

"Almost, that's it."

Xu Yue patted his palms and reformatted the previous quiz to avoid leaving traces.

The three people who seemed to be about to put down Xu Yue's fight, shivered instantly and reset to factory settings.

It was just those memories that Xu Yue hadn't wiped away yet, so that the three real humans, who were aloft, calling for rain, entered the ice cave with horror on their faces.

Just like editing NPCs, they were read, viewed, and modified at will, and they didn't feel anything wrong. It was so natural.

This feeling is really too bad!


However, Xu Yue combined some of his own methods and simply tested one or two.

The main test subject is still Mengnan, because this guy has no heels and can play around at will.

On the contrary, it was Han Guang and Zhang Deng. Xu Yue only used it to verify Mengnan's results here to see if it really worked.

After practicing and making sure that there is no problem, he finally showed a kind smile

"Mr. Demon Master and Master Lantern, please also ask the two of you to do me a little favor."

Forget the palm of the lantern, it's just a chess piece that the Golden Emperor can easily discard, and it is optional to arrange a back door.

But Han Guang can be regarded as one of the descendants of the emperor. After the emperor blew himself up in the original book, the emperor escaped the fate of the emperor's fall at the end of the era by occupying Han Guang.

As long as the back door is inserted sufficiently concealed, unexpected results can be achieved at the critical moment.

Let them be wholehearted, let go of the cooperation of the gods, and then completely erase this part of the memory.

After Jiuzhongtian was closed and temporarily became the only providence here, Xu Yue was naturally able to do whatever he wanted...


"The inheritance of Luo Jiao Wang really has two effects.

"But are you really worth the effort?"

Han Guang and Meng Nan held the Lantern together in a battle at the penalty gate that day. In the end, although the Lantern was defeated, the law broke apart.

But after all, it was delayed enough.

"Ordinary people, how can you know that I am waiting to pursue..."

The fascinating elements were cracked, his vitality was severely injured, and even the basic palm lamp was injured. It seemed that he didn't care about his injuries.

The whole person gradually disappeared, disappeared, and disappeared in front of Han Guang and Meng Nan.

At this time, the upper layers of the Nine Layers of Heaven also began to vibrate constantly, as if there was a force to squeeze them out.

Both of them had to give up their original plan.

I don't know what benefits the saint of Luojiao and the real person of muscle and flesh have gotten in it!

At the same time, the closure of the Nine Heavens was lifted, and the Demon Buddha, the Golden Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor, who had their backs buried here, had some feelings again.

Relying on the seal of reincarnation, there are six contracts that can control Meng Qi's Demon Buddha. Once he recovered, he performed a compulsory operation with a cold face.

[Temporary death mission, get the Nine Seals of Yuan Shi, kill Gu Xiaosang. 】

No matter what the Golden Emperor did before, the Demon Buddha was not prepared to just let it go, kill Gu Xiaosang first and talk about other things!

As for Gu Xiaosang's thoughts, Demon Buddha is also clear. This is also a fish that wants to break free, but it is a pity that she originally had the opportunity to cooperate with her and was used by herself.

Since it can't be used, then go and die!

Yuanshi nine seals are complete and complete Yuanshi inheritance is obtained. After returning to help oneself get out of trouble, he even has the opportunity to move towards the level of the oldest.

Everything you get now will be my wedding dress!

Just after finishing the double repair with Gu Xiaosang, the first increase of pure Yuanyang and Yuanyin directly made Meng Qi step into the nine heavens of location, reaching the pinnacle of location.

Before he had time to recall, he directly received the task in front of him, which really made Meng Qi's face pale.

Gu Xiaosang, who directly homered and hit the home run, was not surprised.

While combing the scattered hair methodically, he gently touched Meng Qi’s cheek

"Msang-gong, my concubine has already struggled.

"But it failed."

After that, the true meaning of the two seals that Meng Qi lacked was directly integrated into his own soul by Gu Xiaosang, and then shattered into a pure inheritance of true meaning, and entered Meng Qi's mind.

As for her, she lost all her life and fell into Meng Qi's arms.

Feeling the breath of the Nine Seals of Yuanshi, feeling the body temperature of the jade person in his arms.

Meng Qi, who had just finished off the singles and hit the combo, immediately hugged Gu Xiaosang tightly, showing a face that didn't cry to death.

Six ways! Ananda!

The pure yang and pure yin that have been accumulated for so long just now, plus the complement of the nine seals.

Meng Qi, who had just broken through to the pinnacle of location, seemed to be loose again.

It's just that Meng Qi's mind is empty at this time, but he has no intention of practicing.

I kept thinking back to the many experiences of meeting Gu Xiaosang in my mind.

Even before, I had never fully trusted her. I have always been on guard and confrontation more than trust.

But she was willing to sacrifice her life in order to achieve herself.

Even if this may not be pure love, there is a struggle for the same sickness, but the fact is the fact.

This is my own woman, my own wife!

"Go, Jiuzhongtian seems to be closed due to some changes.

"Stay here again, you will be assimilated by the source of law."

Xu Yue's voice appeared in Meng Qi's ear.

Meng Qi, whose eyes were flushed, could only take Gu Xiaosang's body away with tears, ready to be buried.

"where are they?"

Meng Qi's voice was a little hoarse, but he still knew that there was a battle of the Dharmakaya before.

"Let's go, I have obtained the Law Bodhisattva, you have to hurry up."

Xu Yue, as the emperor of the great merchant, normally had to obtain the Law Bodhisattva righteously, similar to the Zhao family before, almost impossible to hide.

But this place is different, here is the Nine Heavens.

Xu Yue wants to use humanity to control the way of heaven and achieve the master of the day and land, but it is also suitable here.

Now that the deity arrives, it will naturally be perfected together.

It's just breaking through a law body, it doesn't seem to be a big deal...

"I know.

"Did you successfully get rid of your relationship with Liudao?"

"Naturally, but you should also vaguely understand that there is more than one of the six ways."

"Well, I will figure it out slowly."

After speaking, Meng Qi was holding Gu Xiaosang's corpse and still got up. There was an unspeakable change in the breath of his whole person.

It seems to have carried everything on one shoulder.

"Oh, sure enough, it only takes one night for a boy to grow up to a man."

Seeing Meng Qi's back, Xu Yue shook his head and followed him.

After that, the two also complied with Jiuzhongtian’s rejection at the same time and were thrown out of Jiuzhongtian, letting Jiuzhongtian enter a closed state again...


Two more complete!

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