Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3031: Do you dare to say no!

"Hey, everyone is misunderstood. The fleshy Tianzun Su Meng is my second brother. We are my beloved relatives and brothers, no matter what he becomes."

Facing Meng Qi being accused by thousands of husbands, Xu Yue opened his mouth to resolve the misunderstanding and help Meng Qi speak.

Ye Di also tidied his clothes at this time, and said to Xu Yue with a heartbroken expression.

"Shang..., Brother Xu is confused! This kind of despicable villain will hurt you sooner or later!"

Ye Di was able to perform in Dashang, Xu Yue freely gave a lot of policy help, and also received Ye Di’s favor and gratitude.

Seeing Xu Yue speaking for Meng Qi at this time really felt worthless for Xu Yue.

"Speaking of which, you may blame me for the separation of your brotherhood, but in fact this guy wants to throw the vicious things he has done on you!

"You treat him as a brother, but he is deliberately trying to harm you!"

Facing Ye Di’s heartbroken words, Xu Yue was full of emotion.

"I believe I can influence him."

The conversation between the two made people nearby couldn't help whispering, and it even caused Meng Qi's blood pressure to rise, and his hands and feet were cold.

Looking at those scolding eyes, Meng Qi suddenly made a thousand mistakes that were his own fault, that he was sorry for Xu Yue and betrayed his sense of trust.

This is simply...


If it is not important, Meng Qi is really ready to leave.

In the end, he could only have a black face, and barely reunited with Xu Yue and Ye Di.

After all, no matter how the current position is the same, it is related to the important process that affects future generations. It is more important to prevent Gurdo and the others from changing history than to target Xu Yue.

"What are you doing with a dark face? My son has temporarily let go of your grievances! Think about how you have placed your trust in this son, and how you betrayed your trust!"

Ye Di also followed Xu Yue and boarded the immortal boat, floating above Luocheng.

Seeing Meng Qi's constipation expression, he couldn't help but directly scolded him.

These words made Meng Qi also directly happy.

But fortunately, soon, a newcomer came to ease the embarrassment.

He Qi's breath appeared nearby, and Xu Yue arranged for the royal family to pick up the ship.

"Everyone is okay, that's great."

After He Qi saw Xu Yue and Meng Qi, he was relieved as if he had found the mainstay.

In this Middle Ages, even though he listened to the teachings of Xin Sheng, he also got some benefits.

But the crisis is also not small.

He Qi is just an ordinary law body, not comparable to the ordinary immortal capital, much worse than the night emperor.

It's really luck to be able to rendezvous with the two most powerful people now.

Before Meng Qi and Xu Yue's hard-working behavior, He Qi, who was helping in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, was also shocked.

Moreover, the East China Sea Sword Village is its own property, and the previous battle can be regarded as the defense of the East China Sea Sword Village, and He Qi has to accept his love.

After He Qi came up and confirmed that Xu Yue's room was shielded from outside perception, he spoke about his experience.

He arrived ‘earlier’ a few days, and he came with Yunhe, who had fought the enemy together before.

Although Yunhe is only at the level of common law body combat power in comparison, their sect has been avoiding the world, so the secret records in the Middle Ages have not been cut off.

It is very clear about the Middle Ages.

In addition, Yunhe has just been born and is extremely short of money, so he gives people a kind of greedy character.

After instructing He Qi to go to Luo Cheng and stare at Wang's Auntie Tofu Restaurant, he began to find other benefits on his own.

Of course, although Yunhe himself is greedy for money, he still has a bottom line. Although he is looking for opportunities, he will definitely pay attention to the impact on future generations, so he doesn't worry too much.

The Luocheng and Wang Auntie Tofu Restaurant suggested by Yunhe are likely to be related to the Taishen Demon who is rejuvenating!


The Taishang Demon is of great importance and is an indispensable item in the history of the Middle Ages.

The overlord beheaded the fifth-generation descendant of the Demon Emperor's Claw to be too demon, thus angering the great power of good fortune, who is also one of the six realms.

Then he hacked the Demon Lord who was in the wrong state. This also caused the Overlord to be calculated by the Demon Buddha, besieged by the Medieval Saints, the Overlord Absolute Sword lost control, and the Demon Buddha’s reincarnation seal was attacked by the Demon Lord from the past. Of meddling.

This is what led to the fall of the first person in this legend.

In addition, the Taishang Demon is also the originator of most demon roads in the ‘Current Node’. He died before he was a celestial being, and the historical corrections that resulted were definitely not small.

Under the combination of the two, I am afraid that even the Shang emperor who has the protection of peerless magical soldiers will not be able to resist it.

Can only pay attention to the side silently.

"In fact, we are just like passing by here, and the benefits we can get can be taken, but the main enemy is actually Guldor and the others.

"Normally, they really don't need to worry. The Holy Spirit can be destroyed. However, now they are hiding in the dark and secretly calculating, we can't help but guard."

After He Qi weighed it up, he also sighed.

What if Yunhe knows where the Supreme Demon might appear? Pointless.

"Not necessarily. The power and rationality of historical correction may exceed our expectations.

"After all, our current realm is here. Maybe when we want to pull out the Supreme Demon, the Overlord will intervene.

"After all, they are destined to have a battle."

Xu Yue did not directly refute He Qi's words, but suggested another possibility.

"This..., although the overlord's style commentary is overbearing, it seems that he hates the magic door, otherwise there will be no killing of the gods."

He Qi said with some uncertainty, but he didn't dare to directly refute Xu Yue.

If it is said that when the sages besieged and killed the Supreme Demon, after the Supreme Demon reveals his traces, who else has the ability to save him, then there is only the Overlord!

We must know that all the saints have also reached the extreme of heavenly immortals. Everyone has their own way. If it is not limited by heaven and earth, legends are not their culmination.

Even if there weren't for the final battle to encircle and suppress the overlord, there might be people who broke the shackles of heaven and earth and broke through the legend.

This kind of abnormal celestial being hugged here, even if the real legend is on the scene, it will have to be beaten up.

The surviving legends that can still be shot, surely will not take such risks and hide their peace of mind behind the scenes.

"The overlord acts and never explains to others. Perhaps, he just wants to fight against the ultimate heavenly demon? Who can say that."

Xu Yue smiled, seeming not to take this matter to heart.

In fact, the Taishang Demon can be regarded as a wolf killer. In order to avoid the search of all the saints, he chopped his body into meat foam, and then mixed it with Wang Auntie's tofu and sold it.

With the entire city as his own magic seed, as long as one survives, he can escape safely.

In the original historical process, he escaped by this means.

It's just that in the original work, after Meng Qi and the others arrived, they disrupted his plan, leading to being noticed, and then Qi Sheng cut out his fleshy flesh one by one.

In the end, he was indeed rescued by the Overlord, and the reason was that Xu Yue had revealed that the Overlord wanted to fight the Supreme Demon who was inherited by the Demon Emperor's Claw!

It's just that the realm of the too high heaven demon is too low now, not enough to have fun, so he has to wait until his transformation is completed.

So whether they intervene or not, the problem is not really big.

Unless Xu Yue is willing to personally change this important history.

But obviously, the biggest card behind the Taishang Tianma is the Geshimajun, and it is not worthy of Xu Yue's deliberate targeting here.

On the contrary, it’s the Overlord himself, but he can do a little trick...


Because of Xu Yue's previous proposal, Xu Yue, Meng Qi, Ye Di, and He Qi four eventually came to Wang Auntie's tofu shop.

Ordered four bowls of sweet tofu brains.

I have to say that the concealment methods of the Supreme Demon are quite clever.

Even Meng Qi, who had mastered the causes of the various effects, did not use Dao Yiyin to check in this position, and he found nothing wrong.

Only when Xu Yue came to test it.

However, just after the tofu brain was presented, there was an inexplicable distortion around it.

Then a beautiful woman with a graceful, graceful temperament and full of grace and fairy air walked out of the shop.

The fifth-generation Xuan-nv who is a master of shenfa!

"This gentleman seems to be destined to me."

The Five Dynasties Xuan Nu Qiao smiled and looked at Xu Yue with a frivolous tone.

The Xuan-nv, who has become a master of the body, has to some extent already possessed the characteristics similar to ubiquitous legends.

As long as she is predestined with her, or mentioned her, she can feel it, and if she is interested, she will be able to respond.

It has to be said that each generation of the mysterious girl can indeed be gorgeous, the kind of elegant fairy and her own charm really make people want to stop.

With the response from the predestined body in front of him, coupled with the slightly frivolous tone, even Meng Qidu shuddered, feeling a refreshing feeling of goose bumps all over his body.

But Xu Yue, who has always regarded himself as an LSP, looked at the mysterious girl in front of him, but his eyes were full of clarity, and he suddenly laughed.

"Although you know that you are so attractive, but if the overlord knows about it, I am afraid that it will overturn the jealous jar."

In terms of the few pairs that shouldn't be burned in a lifetime, the Overlord and the Five-generation Profound Girl are definitely on the top of the list.

In the first life, the legendary king knew that it was a trap and died to save the Xuan-nv, and the five-generation Xuan-nv also committed suicide after bringing back the overlord's relics.

For the contemporary Xuanwu who cultivates the body, this is simply unbelievable.

When Xuan Nu Ying heard Xu Yue's words, her expression couldn't help but be stunned.

The relationship between her and the Bawang nowadays is still relatively secret, but she didn't expect it to be broken directly.

Then he withdrew the frivolous expression, rolled his eyes and said

"Anyway, he won't be me..."

The answer between the two made the people next to him also stunned.

Meng Qi looked at Xu Yue with a weird expression on his face. This guy is doing this again?

Just before Meng Qiduo thought, his shoulder was slapped by Ye Di, and he clearly felt the force exerted by the palm of his shoulder.

Looking back at the Ye Di with the burning eyes, Meng Qi couldn't help but choking silently, and then the voice of Ye Di heard in his ears.

"You also said that you are not a hungry ghost!"

Ye Di, who loves beautiful things, looked dumbfounded at the five generations of the Profound Girl, but the saint did not lose the slightest, which is enough to see that the saint is by no means like the rumors.

In the past, it was all because of this fleshy Tianzun who carried the scapegoat!


Two more complete...

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