Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3049: I am for me

"Your human race occupies such a large area, are you not afraid to hold it?!"

Although he felt the aura of good fortune in the ship of the doomsday, the legendary great saint of the monster race who led the team still sounded an urn warning.

In terms of the number of great magical powers, our monster race is recovering more great sages.

Good luck and perfection!

"The emperor's descendant said,'If you force them to talk again, you will march into the heavens with your army.'"

According to legend, Shaoxuan, the surviving clan of the human emperor, stood on the bow of the ship of doom and looked down at the demon clan below, and said Xu Yue's oral statement.

While this made the Yaozu furious, he couldn't help but think of the overbearing of the emperor when he was just getting out of trouble.

He seems to be able to do it.

But now the old humanity of the human race seems to be awakening faster.

It's better not to have general knowledge for the time being.

So after the process of losing his mind, "Furious," Facial expression gradually calming," regaining his sanity, after the process.

At the beginning, the momentum was like a rainbow, but the three legends of the demon clan who were the only one who stood by me, after looking at each other, they led the team back to the heavens transformed by Ding Haizhu.

Only left, ‘we will come back! ’Cruel words.

Through multiple live broadcasts, the images of the domineering deceased family of the human emperor were leaked from the "Internet of Ten Thousand Worlds", and the human race, who was originally demoralized, suddenly became enthusiastic.

Some of the people who had fled to the Buddhist kingdom on the ground and the hometown of vacuum moved back to Dashang again.

After all, this is the real Terran Territory, and this is the root!

The return of the deceased family of the emperor undoubtedly made the power of Dashang skyrocket again.

And not only are there three more legends, it is not difficult to guess that the human race also has its own great magical powers through the performance of those monster races before!

Not only that, some people slowly found the description of the ship of the end in ancient books.

This is the artifact created by the Emperor himself, who wants to take the human race through the end of the catastrophe.

Although it hasn't been completed before sitting, but this level of artifact must also have great power.

Especially when the doomsday boat stays on the gods, the protection gods begin to resonate with the emperor's legacy.

That kind of surging humane aura has even spread beyond the real world, reflecting countless fragments of cosmic light and ancient stars.

Like a Venus, he guides the wanderers to their hometown...


Even Meng Qi, the authority dog ​​who had just sealed another batch of numbers, temporarily put aside the prejudices against Xu Yue after seeing this live broadcast.

He knew that Xu Yue hooked up with the royal family in the Middle Ages, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good.

Even good fortune has come out.

Although Moonlight Bodhisattva is also the same fortune achieved by this, but the Moonlight Bodhisattva's self-cultivation cannot be used, and it is far from the deterrent of this human race's old good fortune!

This in itself is a good thing to strengthen the human race as a whole, and Meng Qi can finally feel relieved and start to feel ‘I’m for me’ with all his strength.

Now Meng Qi’s projection of his and me has reached 999, which is the pinnacle of heavenly immortals, and now the only thing left is the perception of the level of ‘I’m for me’.

It's just that this kind of purely relies on enlightenment. If you figure it out, you can figure it out. If you don't figure it out, you may be stuck for a lifetime.

Too many Tianxian peaks are stuck in this level.

Even Meng Qi is no exception.

After retreating for a year without gain, Meng Qi, who felt that he was about to be abolished, did not write posts anymore, but went out to visit many old friends.

For example, Su Wuming, who was also stuck in this level, and Lu Da, who had already understood this level.

I visited Qi Zhengyan, Jiang Zhiwei, and snacks.

It can be said that with the exception of Xu Yue, almost all of them have walked.

It's just that although he has realized a lot, he feels that he is only one layer behind, but Meng Qi has been unable to break through that layer of film.

Then he looked in the direction of Shendu and walked towards Shendu with a sigh.

But he didn't wait for Meng Qi to reach the capital.

Suddenly I heard the familiar tone again

"The north wind blows~, the snowflakes flutter~, the snowflakes flutter..."

Then, Meng Qi came to the audience stage of the Yedi troupe with a deadly expression.

Seeing that her acting skills became more and more exquisite, and the famous Internet celebrity Yedi Empress on the Internet of Ten Thousand Worlds, Meng Qi couldn't help feeling speechless for a while.

When will my fleshy Tianzun...

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through Meng Qi's thoughts.

After that, Mr. Lu Da started, and all the opinions and suggestions of all the friends penetrated in an instant.

"Hahaha! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Suddenly there was a moment of enlightenment, and after the true spirits became lively, Meng Qi had a feeling of constantly rising toward infinity.

Seeing everything has become a kind of overlook from infinite heights.

There are no more obstacles, no more interference.

"I am the Tianzun Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Suddenly, the sound that appeared shone across the heavens, and the powerful eyes were cast on the real world.

The most complicated thing about God’s will, self-proving legend...

In the palace, Xu Yue stood with his hands in his hands. He was clearly standing in the palace, but he had a sense of looking down from an infinite height.

After hearing Meng Qina's declaration of self-certification of the legend, the corners of his mouth also curled up.

Meng Qi has always been a benchmark for the end of the robbery.

He self-tested that the influence of the legend could be greater than himself...

Hengkong of the fairy world, the gate of the avenue, the stars shine into the sea, the two generations stand side by side, the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the appearance of the entire five visions is absolutely unprecedented!

Uh, of course, Xu Yue is an exception to the legend that Xu Yue obtained in the River of Time.

The vision of self-proving legend, shining in the heavens and all realms.

Especially when the two generations coexisted together and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty opened the sky, the two phenomena of the other side appeared.

The disciples scattered in Yuxu's line also saw the light...


In the depths of the real universe, a star seems ordinary, but if you get closer, you will find that it is just a mountain, a mountain as big as a star.

Two men in Taoist costumes stood on the top of the mountain and blurted out looking at the inexplicable vision.

"Two generations stand side by side!"

"This is a vision from the other side!"

The great power who self-tested the legend actually witnessed the vision of the other side, "two generations stand side by side"!

How could this be?

"It is said that if the people of this sect have attained the true body of Yuan Shi, they will have this kind of vision in the legend..."

One of them frowned and thought.

The other one was startled

"But who can prove Yuan Shi's true body?"

"No matter what, the first contemporary self-certified legend has appeared. According to Tianzun's instructions, he must be awakened in advance."

The man in Taoist dress who spoke first said solemnly.

They hurried off the summit and deep into the mountains.

And this star-sized mountain book has the name of cinnabar:

"Jiuxian Mountain!"

In today's world, apart from Meng Qi who was named Tianzun in advance, other times, he referred to Daomen Jiu Tianzun.

Even if the three oldest beings in Sanqing are discharged from the other side, the other six Celestial Venerables are all tops in good fortune.

Meng Qi’s self-certified legend also means that the power of good fortune can formally step into the end of the catastrophe, instead of encountering all kinds of troubles just like Yuan Hong...


Two more complete...

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