Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3068: It's going to happen

Xu Yue himself has been sitting in the rift of Jiuyou, and with his body as a symbol of the end of the Demon Buddha Era, his affinity for Jiuyou is also extremely high.

"Sure enough, there is no fixed number for the Heavenly Will of the other side, and even the **** stick can be used at hand."

Lao Jun suddenly cooperated with Bodhi, and he was really caught off guard.

The reason why the old man did not personally help, I am afraid he is also preventing himself.

It's a pity that although as the oldest person, as the foundation of the world, Lao Jun knows a lot.

However, the control of the general trend has been within its own expectations.

I have been stepping on the line without tearing my face, before I can roll like this.

The symbol of the end of the era of the Demon Buddha, the symbol of the existence of the era of the Emperor of Heaven, and the symbol of the beginning of the era, which also has the nine seals of Yuan Shi, are all present in himself.

Coupled with the remaining two great fruits of the Supreme True Buddha and the Heavenly Dao Monster, Xu Yue's progress at this step is no longer much slower than Sanqing, who took a half-step ahead of time.

Now in the Nine Nethers, Meng Qi has gathered three pseudo-beyond shores, and Bodhi and Lao Jun are staring at him, and the Golden Emperor will also help Meng Qi when necessary.

The lineup of big figures above the three ancients is much stronger than the combination of the Lame Demon Buddha, the Lame Emperor and the Black Blood Azure Emperor.

What's more, there is Amitabha who is secretly hostile.

Sure enough, the previous combination was too strong, and if you want to deal with it, you can only resort to internal disintegration.

Obviously, you can be good and I can be good when you seal the sky, and this will immediately turn your face and deny people.

However, Jiuyou was just doing it casually, and it was enough to win the time and the net.

It's not something that can't be peeped by them.

Behind the scenes is the Demon Buddha, the blackened Azure Emperor, what is it for me, Xu Yue?

Temporarily put down the expedition team that was searching for traces of black blood in Jiuyou, and began to approach the ‘truth’ step by step.

Xu Yue then set his sights on the reincarnations again.

After many verifications, these reincarnations are now plasticine that can be freely molded in front of them.

Mengnan, who is all portrayed as greedy, is nothing.

The admiration and yearning that Master Xiao Luo appeared was just his own willingness, and had nothing to do with his own will.

This time their battle allowed most of the elites of the entire beautiful country to enter here, and now more than half of them survive.

It just happens to be integrated, saving trouble.

But now, these only need to be done casually, there is no need to specifically target anything at all.

If it weren’t for their special status, with their current status, even a power that a legend doesn’t even have the qualifications to become a chess piece...


"The fairy world! This is the fairy world!"

Relying on Xu Yue's seal of the sky, he finally succeeded in capturing the real world beacon, and then relied on the assistance of Master Xiao Luo, the heavenly immortal, and the help of the immortals such as Yu Ji and Zuo Ci.

Finally successfully built the Feixiantai, and then ascended the world, merged into the real world!

With more and more restoration of the ancient atmosphere, there are more and more small worlds that are constantly being merged into the real world, which is not a place to be surprised.

It is not surprising that there are more islands above the endless sea.

Because of the relationship of the universal knowledge ball, the reincarnations have a fast understanding of the real world.

Those blasting and shocking messages followed one after another.

Originally they thought that the world of the Three Kingdoms, which is very vast and deep, is not a problem here at all!

Dashang used people to rule the sky and canonize the gods.

Legend has it that the battle of mighty powers, the battle of the great supernatural powers of good fortune.

It's really dizzying.

However, Xu Yue is now distinguished, and no one directly chants his real name. Most of them are honored by the contemporary emperor, majesty, and sage.

The reincarnations do not yet know his identity.

And because of the extraordinary level of Master Xiao Luo, now, including several foreign forces, everyone has at least surrendered to Master Xiao Luo on the surface, and they dare not resist half.

Even the original competitor, Hoover, is relying on this to save his life.

It's a pity that Master Xiao Luo's own system fits better here, and he has completely digested his own strength and truly understands and truly masters.

Others, even if they saw Master Xiao Luo being powerful and began to come to learn temporarily, it didn't make much difference.

There is still no second person to break through the Law Bodies.

In terms of pure combat power, Grand Master is the limit.

If it is placed in the early stage, the compulsion is still very high. If it is placed in the present, if it does not involve any immortal things, it still maintains a very high status in the ordinary and can sit on the side.

But it is limited to this.

That is to say, there is Master Xiao Luo, who is the **** of support. After they soared and merged into the real world, no one nearby hit them to pay attention. They already had enough strength to protect their territory.

"I thought I ascended as a god, even in the world of immortals, I should be able to have a pivotal position, but now it seems that I still took it for granted."

Master Xiao Luo returned from the banquet with emotion on his face.

In fact, the force level of the Law Bodies is still very high today, ranking among the immortal class, among the immortals.

If you want to join any forces, you can get courtesy immediately, and there is no one to provoke you if you want to relax.

For the description of the fairy world, Yu Ji still has some ancient books.

Master Xiao Luo didn't underestimate himself before he soared, and he still had considerable confidence in himself.

After ascending to the sky, apart from the understanding of the Cosmos Sphere, he also learned the legend, good fortune, and the description of the other side.

Just to go to a banquet on Sanxiao Island next door, Master Xiao Luo immediately felt tremendous pressure.

Although Fairy Hunyuan seemed to be also a heavenly immortal, his strength was much stronger than that of himself.

Spiritually, Master Xiao Luo felt that as long as he looked at Fairy Hunyuan, he felt that his cultivation was shaved.

The top celestial beings already have such powers, what about the legendary power that claims to have qualitatively changed between the same celestial beings?

How terrifying is the great supernatural power above the legend!

Sure enough, the more you know, the more humble you can feel.

Before soaring, I was thinking about going to the emperor and making great contributions to reap the benefits.

But for now, even if you really go to the past, you may not be able to get reused.

But the good news is that the practice in this world is actually extremely open.

Even if he has reached the level of a fairy, he will not be confused about the future.

His Majesty the Emperor and the university officials have an extremely complete path in the Ten Thousand Realms General Education Ball.

For Master Xiao Luo, who has already understood the essence of reincarnation and has digested his own strength and started to improve himself, this is the most precious treasure.

Only one's own power is truly one's own!

Unlike others, you have to go home empty-handed when you enter Baoshan.

"Even with my current strength, after reaching the upper realm and completing the transformation, I am afraid that it will be immediately comparable to the seniors such as the Sakura Sakura Axe!"

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the endless sea outside, Master Xiao Luo's face was also full of pride.

What he didn't notice was that on his own site, some generals and military divisions had very strange expressions on their faces.

"Fuck! How did we come here?"

"I just said that the projected world is weird, but I didn't expect it to be here in the legend..."

"It's no wonder that there are no general restrictions, and we can't affect our feelings at all."

"Suddenly coming out like this, won't you be involved in any trouble?"

"Is Lao Jun wanting to use our help?"

"No, I really want to help. It's not about shaping the Three Kingdoms world, shaping the Warring States period or the Qin Dynasty even more..."


Nothing, nothing, take a bath and sleep...

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